1. Photograph: Martha Williams
    Photograph: Martha Williams |

    Hot dog at the Four Seasons

  2. Vienna Beef Hot Dog at Jim's Original

  3. The hot dog at The Wieners Circle is charred and topped with the traditional condiments.

  4. Mayor Daley dog at Chicago's Dog House

  5. Photograph: Maddie Blecha
    Photograph: Maddie Blecha |

    Hot Dog and Fries at Budacki's Drive In

  6. Denver Dog at Zebra's Gourmet Hot Dogs.

  7. Photograph: Martha Williams
    Photograph: Martha Williams |

    Foie Dog at The Grid

  8. Hot dog at Red Hot Ranch

  9. Vegetarian dog and Kim and Carlo's

  10. Publican Quality Meats

  11. Dogzilla at Byron's

  12. Hot dog at 35th Street Red Hots

  13. Vienna Beef Factory Store hot dog

  14. Hot Doug's Cheddar Jack-Stuffed Atomic Bomb Pork Sausage

  15. Cheddar dog at U.B. Dogs

  16. Hot dog at Flub A Dub Chub's

  17. Photograph: Martha Williams
    Photograph: Martha Williams |

    Green Chilies Mac & Cheese Dog at The Haute & the Dog

  18. The Momona at Chubby Wieners

  19. Photograph: Erin Delahanty
    Photograph: Erin Delahanty |

    Foot long Chicago dog at Murphy's Red Hots.

  20. Hot Dog at Gene & Jude's

  21. Dippin' Dog at Wiener and Still Champion

  22. Photograph: Martha Williams
    Photograph: Martha Williams |

    Char Dog w/ Fries at Phil's Last Stand

  23. Chicago style char dog at Gold Coast Dogs

  24. House Made Mini Hot Dogs at Old Town Social

  25. Jumbo Chicago dog at Portillo's.

  26. Hot dog at Mustard's Last Stand

  27. Hot with everything at Max's Take Out

  28. Photograph: Erin Delahanty
    Photograph: Erin Delahanty |

    Brunch Hot Dog at Franks 'N' Dawgs

  29. Susie's Drive-Thru

  30. Classic Superdawg at Superdawg

  31. Huey's Hotdogs

Chicago hot dogs: Reviews of 31 Chicago dogs during July

In celebration of National Hot Dog Month, we reveal a new review of a Chicago hot dog every day in July.

In a city that loves its hot dogs perhaps even more than it loves its pizza, declaring the best opens up a mustard-hued floodgate of criticism. But we know of no better way to honor that 31-day holiday, National Hot Dog Month, than eating and reviewing a new hot dog every day in July. Some are from humble hot dog stands, some from restaurants in fancy hotels (only in Chicago, right?), but all get a thorough critique from our no-nonsense writers. Disagree with our assessments? Let us have it in the comments section. Just like a Vienna beef dog, we have strong outer shells.

RECOMMENDED: Guide to Chicago hot dogs

Budacki's Drive In

Budacki's Drive In

American classics are served at this drive-in that's not a drive-in.
The Grid

The Grid

A decadent dog, served underground.
Kim and Carlo's

Kim and Carlo's

Can a veggie dog compete with its all-beef counterparts?


There's no reason to put shredded lettuce on a hot dog.
U.B. Dogs

U.B. Dogs

See that cheese? It's delicious.
Murphy's Red Hots

Murphy's Red Hots

Skip the cucumbers and you'll have a solid Chicago-style dog..
Gold Coast Dogs

Gold Coast Dogs

This char dog has all the makings of a great hot dog.


A solid representation of the form.
Max's Take Out

Max's Take Out

The toppings on this dog are thick cut and generous.
Huey's Hotdogs

Huey's Hotdogs

This might be the cheapest meal in Andersonville.
Redhot Ranch

Redhot Ranch

Depression dogs at Depression prices.
Hot Doug's

Hot Doug's

Is this dog worth standing in line for?
Flub a Dub Chub's

Flub a Dub Chub's

Ask for ketchup here, and you'll get on the Wall of Shame.
Chubby Wieners

Chubby Wieners

The bun can't stand up to this delicious mess.
Gene & Jude's

Gene & Jude's

Not much has changed since its recent reopening, and that's a good thing.
Old Town Social

Old Town Social

What does Chicago's reigning sausage king have to offer?


Kitschy gimmickry aside, this is a great dog.