Nedir? Burger konusunda çıtayı yükselten bir restoran.
Neden gitmeli? Flintstone burger denemek için.
Caddebostan’da açılan Tusa & Co. dünyadaki farklı gastronomi kültürlerini bir arada sunmayı ilke edinmiş bir mekan. Yemeği her tür sosyal etkileşimin ortak unsuru olarak görüyorlar, bu sebeple mekanı insanların bir arada olmalarını kutlayacak bir anlayışla kurgulamışlar. Dış kısımdaki masaları birbirine yakın yerleştirerek müşteriler arasında yakınlık kurmuşlar örneğin. Ayrıca güncel yeme-içme trendlerini yorumlayıp harmanlayarak kendi kimliklerini oluşturmuşlar. Menüdeki seçenekleri, bu ara çok revaçta olan sokak yemeği sunumlarını anımsatan bir tarzda sunuyorlar. Kadıköy’deki Mini Eatery’nin yönetici şefi olan Korhan Gülsoy buradaki mutfağın da başında. Hitap etmeyi arzuladıkları kitleyi bulabildikleri için seçmişler Caddebostan’ı. Alışılageldik malzemeleri farklı ülke mutfaklarına has tekniklerle hazırlıyorlar ve sofistike beklentileri olan müşterileri tatmin etmeyi amaçlıyorlar.
Kadıköy’deki kendi imalathanelerinde hazırladıkları ekmekleri kullanarak yaptıkları flintstone burger (59 TL) menünün yıldızı. Altı saat ağır ateşte pişmiş kaburga, kemiğiyle beraber yerleştiriliyor hamburger ekmekleri arasına. Chili cheese & fries (29,50 TL) de menünün bir diğer dikkat çeken seçeneği. Eritilmiş peynirli patates kızartmasının üstüne tandırda döş! Enfes bir lezzet. Japon usulü kızartılmış karnabahar tempura (29 TL) ile aşinası olduğunuz bu sebzeyi tüketmenin yaratıcı bir yol
Nedir? Meşhur pizza zincirinin Maslak 42’de açılan yeni şubesi.
Neden gitmeli? 40’ı aşkın nefis pizza çeşidi sunduğu için.
Pizza, yemekten asla sıkılmayacağımız bir lezzet. Eğer siz de bu vazgeçilmez lezzetin düşkünüyseniz The Upper Crust’a zaten aşinasınızdır. Boston ve çevresinde yayılmış bu gurme pizza zinciri, 2009’dan beridir de İstanbul’da. Yaklaşık iki yıldır Maslak Oto Sanayi’de bulunan şubeleri ise taşındı ve Maslak 42’de müşterilerini ağırlamaya başladı. Menülerinde herkesi tatmin edecek 40’ı aşkın pizza çeşidi bulunuyor; 25, 37 ya da 47 cm boyutlarında sipariş edebiliyorsunuz. Taş fırından çıkan pizzaların hamurunun nasıl olacağına da siz karar verebiliyorsunuz. Kepekli ya da karabuğdaydan yapılan glütensiz hamuru tercih edip öğününüzü hafifletebilirsiniz. Ayrıca peynir seçimleri sayesinde The Upper Crust’ın pizzaları sağlıklı yiyecek kategorisiyle flört ediyor. Mesela garden pesto (65 TL, 37 cm) sipariş ettiğinizde ince pizza hamurunun üzerindeki peynirin proteini bol, yağı az. Tabanı pesto sosla kaplanmış bu pizzadaki enginar kalbi parçaları yumuşacık, ağızda dağılıveriyor. Eğer Maslak civarında çalışıyorsanız, öğle saatlerinde formunu koruyan arkadaşlarınızla ayrı düşmenize gerek yok. The Upper Crust’ta salata çeşitleri bol; kuru erikli ve cevizli fit salata (29 TL) ile gönüller rahat. Maslak’taki yeni The Upper Crust şubesinin bir avantajı da hem çeşitli hem de hesaplı menüleri. Upper Menu 2 ile (29,50 TL) günün zeytinyağlısı ve günün salatasının yanında i
Nedir? Belçika menşeli bir burger zinciri.
Neden gitmeli? Özel reçeteli burger ekmekleri için.
Bro’s Burger, lezzetlerinin reçetesini Belçika’dan ithal eden bir burger restoranı. Akaretler şubesinde sokağa bakan dış kısım rağbet görüyor ancak size içerideki koltukların konforundan bahsetmemiz gerek. Duvarlara neon ışıklı süslemelerin yerleştirildiği bu bölümdeki kahverengi deri koltuklara yerleştiğinizde stres vücudunuzu terk ediyor. Aydınlatma güçlü ve etrafa enerjik bir hava hakim. Burger ekmekleri Avrupa fırınlarındaki vitrinlerde gördüğünüzde ağzınızı sulandıran çörekleri anımsatıyor. Belçika’daki tariflerle hazırlanan bu ekmeğin bol tereyağlı malzemesi kendini belli ediyor. Özellikle ekmeklerinin farklılığıyla öne çıkan burgerlerini 100 gram ya da 160 gram olarak sipariş edebiliyorsunuz. Biz klasik bir seçim yaptık ve mekanın isminin verildiği Le Bro’s Burger’i (100 gram, 31,50 TL) tattık. Cheddar peyniri, karamelize soğan ve kıvırcık gibi temel malzemelerle hazırlanan burgere Bro’s sos eşlik ediyor, tadı leziz. Mekan, ürünlerinde trüf kullanmayı seviyor. Trüflü mayonezli burgerleri L’olkarny (100 gram, 35,50 TL) ve trüf yağlı patateslerinin (17 TL) yanı sıra kesenin ağzını açmaya çekinmeyenler için trüf mantarlı patatesleri (300 TL) de var. Arkadaş grubu olarak gittiğinizde ise mozzarella sticks (12 TL) ve soğan halkası (12 TL) gibi atıştırmalıkları ortaya söyleyebilirsiniz. Ice tea green (17 TL) gibi ev yapımı soğuk çayları ise damağınızı serinletecek. San Sebasti
Nedir? Üst katı kulüp olan bir restoran.
Neden gitmeli? Güzel havalarda dış kısımdaki havadar atmosferin tadını çıkarmak için.
Nişantaşı, yeme-içme adreslerinin en çeşitli olduğu ve en hızlı değiştiği semtlerden biri. Semte birkaç haftadır ayak basmamışsanız, sokaklarda dolaşırken gözünüze yeni açılan yerlerin çarpması garanti. Muhitin en işlek caddelerinden biri olan Abdi İpekçi üzerinde yer alıyor Nişantaşı 22. Dışarıda bulunan tente altı kısmı, kışın geciktiği güzel havalı günlerde değerlendirmek mümkün. Etrafta oteller yer aldığı için burada yoğun bir turist trafiği bulunuyor. Geniş kesimden müşteriye hitap edebilmek amacıyla olsa gerek menüde çeşitliliğe önem verilmiş. Salata, başlangıç, pizza, makarna ve ana yemek çeşitleri bulabiliyorsunuz. Tempura tabağında (50 TL) karides, kızarmış kabak ve acılı mayonezle servis ediliyor. Kaburga pizzada (55 TL) cheddar peynirini cömertçe kullanmışlar ve közlenmiş biber kaburga etine yakışmış. Tercihiniz good chicken (60 TL) olursa tavuğunuza fesleğenli risoni ve enginarlı sos eşlik ediyor. Mekanı öğle ve akşam yemekleri için değerlendirenlerin yanı sıra arkadaşlarıyla sohbet ederken kahve içmek isteyenler de tercih edebilir. Americano (16 TL) ise bizi biraz hayal kırıklığına uğrattı, fiyatının hakkını vermesi için kahve çekirdeği tercihlerini gözden geçirmelerini temenni ederiz. Nişantaşı 22’nin sürprizi ise üst katında yer alan ve her gece on ikiden sonra hizmet vermeye başlayan Studio 54 isimli gece kulübü. Serkan Koca işlet
Nedir? İtalyan mutfağı tutkunlarının yeni gözdesi.
Neden gitmeli? Orijinaline sadık kalınmış nefis İtalyan lezzetleri için.
Esasen makine mühendisi olan Zülfikar Bekar, Ristorante Italia di Massimo Bottura ve Eataly gibi İtalyan mutfağı sunan mekanların arkasındaki isimlerden. Şimdi ise ortağı Cem Aktay ve Eataly’yi kurarken beraber çalıştığı şef Piero Bergese ile Karaköy’deki Un Pó’da misafirlerini ağırlıyor. Mekan İtalya’daki trattoria konseptinden ilham alıyor. Traktör anlamına gelen ‘trattore’ kelimesinden türeyen bu isim, eskiden traktör kullananların, çiftçilerin ve işçilerin yemek yediği mütevazı yerler için kullanılırmış. Zamanla samimi bir ortam yaratan küçük ölçekli restoranları anlatmak için kullanılmaya başlamış. Un Pó duvarları süsleyen el yapımı seramikleri ve modern ahşap sandalyeleriyle bu yakınlık hissini veren bir mekan. Galataport’un açılmasıyla yeni bir insan trafiğini ağırlayacak Karaköy’de İtalyan yemeklerinin hakkını veren bir adres olmuş. Pizzalar hazırlanırken önce hamur fırına veriliyor, malzemeler ise hamur tek başına biraz piştikten sonra ekleniyor. Böylece kullanılan peynir özelliklerini tamamen yitirmiyor ve üstü yanıkla kaplanmıyor. Divle obruk peyniri, lor, mozzarella ve Kars gravyerinin kullanıldığı quattro formaggi (42 TL) çok lezzetli. Kendi hazırladıkları makarnaları enfes. Ravioli del plin vitello piemonte’yi (49 TL) yerken şefin ustalığı anlaşılıyor. Dana eti ve sebzeli harç ile hazırlanmış ravioli’nin yüzeyi dilinizde ve damağınızda
What's it? An elegant restaurant serving Italian and French cuisine.Why should go? For Chef Ayhan Kara's great food.
Boél is a new Nişantaşı restaurant that opened at the location of L’Orient. Sarah Malouh and Taner Akkuş set up the upper floor with a fine dining concept, while the lower floor welcomes customers all day long. The most important feature of the place is its marvelous chef. Ayhan Kara, who we admire, is the secret to the success of today's important venues. His experience at Bronze Restaurant which serves French cuisine in Maçka and Paper Moon, the famous Italian restaurant in Etiler, has mastered the cuisine of the two countries. Boél’s kitchen is also entrusted to his skillful hands. Kara's mastery is evident from the use of spices. Instead of changing the taste of food, it reveals their tastes and deepens their tastes.
What's it? Street delicacies and appetizer bar.Why should go? To taste the rib wrap.
Umut Karakuş is a successful chef who is familiar with the enthusiasts of gastronomy. Karakuş from Le Cordon Bleu is pursuing a hyperactive career. He has conducted projects representing the Anatolian cuisine in London, served as a chef in important venues such as Aila and Bey Restaurant, and was named as the best chef at the 17th Time Out Istanbul Food & Drink Awards. Karakus is also training and cultivating young cooks.
It is located in a quiet street of Kadıköy which gets more and more crowded day by day. The middle-aged neighbors who come to buy appetizers and young people who are after the gastronomic experience… There is a bar in the center of the place. If you sit around the bar you can observe the staff.
What's it? A new restaurant in Maslak Oto Sanayi region.Why should go? To eat in an original atmosphere for a meal or coffee break.
Tamirhane Mutfak moved to Maslak from a design studio in Çukurcuma. Tamirhane Mutfak is located on the ground floor of their new offices. The brothers, Serpil, Cevdet and Cengiz Saraç, have transformed an old repair shop and created a restaurant. The most striking aspect of the kitchen is the design of the space. The floor is preserved as it was before. Everything from armchairs to chairs, from chandeliers to wall decorations is the product of Tamirhane Design, and the atmosphere is unique. Since the neighborhood is intertwined with the automobile industry, the industrial touches in Tamirhane match the character of the neighborhood. In their menus, they have included options that can appeal to customers who are not familiar with the neighborhood and who have different profiles. Although Chef Barış Çetin is the name behind the dishes, everyone in the management team has a lot of work on the menu.
What's it? A restaurant that serves Turkish cuisine.
Why go? For local dishes that make you feel at home.
Obviously the neighborhood of Reşitpaşa is now becoming synonymous with gastronomy. Your last excuse to com here is Sual. Suna Aydın, from Masterchef Turkey, is the owner of the restaurant and she is the most important factor in the popularity of the restaurant. In the venue, a new generation of Turkish cuisine and breakfast from different regions of Anatolia is being served. Some recipes are applied while remaining true to their originals, while others are being modernized. Presentations are natural as if you are eating your mother's meal. We recommend you to try the leek (12 TL), tandoori meat with red beans (36 TL).
Who lives in Emirgan should know Meri Bakery. Meri has opened its second restaurant in Emirgan, and the service starts at 8 am. The venue offers a daily changing menu at noon, and the place is ideal for coffee and breakfast. Meri’s desserts are delicious and you should taste them after the meal.
Also on Sundays, workshops that are focusing on watercolor painting techniques, calligraphy, origami art for children and different subjects are held in Meri. Let us also note that Meri is a pet-friendly place and has a peaceful backyard.
What is it? A Turkish restaurant situated in the historic Cağaloğlu Hamam.
Why go? For a traditional Turkish meal prepared with a twist.
The journey through the Cağaloğlu Hammam to reach this enchanting spot in itself is an experience. The walk through the Hamamm makes you loose the reality of time and space. Its grandeur casts its spell and you realize you are ready for your soul to be fed as well as your stomach. This venue also dispells common misconceptions regarding touristique establishments. Beyond the exotic and oriental domes you have the view of unobstructed view of Istanbul sky above. Evenings are particularly magical. The candle lit room tingles with the sound of Skandinavian jazz. Service is very courteous and the chef Durukan Özgen’s menu is a satisfying subtle reimagining of traditional Turkish dishes. We very much enjoyed the starter of stuffed onions (54 TL) and ‘mouldy’ haydariye (44 TL) particularly because yoghurt was replaced by mouldy cheese as was the tradition in Anatolia. But the star of the starters must be the beetroot and chuck dish (65 TL). The mixture of slow cooked chuck, thinly sliced beetroot and crumbled goat’s cheese is heavenly. As a main course Tiritli Kebab (164 TL) is a must have for carnivores. Tasting menu at 270 TL per person would enable one to basically have a run through almost all of the dishes on offer. Lokanta 1741 should be commended for successfully blending a historical setting with a contemporary approach to food and dinin
What is it? An enchanting garden-restaurant.
Why go? To have some excellent food surrounded by the most romantic setting.
Emily’s Garden replaces a great Cihangir favorite White Mill that has moved to Akaretler. It has naturally also inherited its much loved garden. Judging from the outside one could easily be fooled to think this a minimalist cafe. However nothing can be further from the truth. Once we ascended the stairs leading into the space a comfortable space with a long bar and tables alongside it welcomed us. The real pleasure is to be found if you venture out a little further and follow the stairs down to the back to the enchanted garden. The place comes alive particularly at night with the glow of lights that hang from the trees. The venue is managed by Oğulcan Engin. The fact that this is a considerate establishment that prefers a no music policy so as not to disturb the neighbours was much enjoyed by us as it enabled us conversate with ease. A rare treat these days. As a main course filetto porcini di manzo (75 TL) was a very satisfying plate. 220 gram veal tenderloin is accompanied by mashed potatos with truffle oil and grilled vegetables. Amongst the pastas casa nostra (58 TL) was our favourite. With its tranquil athmosphere this is an ideal venue for closing a busy day. It is equally charming for breakfast and brunch.
Didem Şenol’s Gram at the Istanbul Airport has just made life a lot easier for those of us who struggle to stay healthy on the go. Located at the airports international flights terminal, Gram maintains a healthy, simple and delicious menu by refraining from using additives like margarine, preservatives, glucose syrup and stabilisers while creating their recipes. Their granola and yoghurt bowl, steak skewers, roasted vegetable salad, date pana cotta and flourless chocolate almond cake are among our top picks.
What is it? A small sized chef restaurant.
Why go? To sample the food prepared by Chef Cem Ekşi.
We are extremely thrilled that Asmalimescit is once again found its mojo. Restaurants, cafes, bars and meyhanes are full and the streets are once again lively. One of the worthy additions to the neighbourhood is Chef Cem Ekşi’s Mabou. As well as shuttling between Germany and Turkey, Ekşi enjoyed a stint at Neolokal with Chef Maksut Aşkar. After getting married and becoming a father he decided to create a boutique restaurant where his aim is to treat his customers as he would his esteemed guests at home. Mabou houses a small bar and a kitchen just above it. Ekşi can view his guest from above and his guests below can hear him work above. This is an intimate place. The menu has two claims. First one is to offer a completely new palatal experience with the most mandane and customary ingredients. For example the humble tomato salad becomes something quite surprising in the hands of the chef when mixed with sumak onions, almonds and pesto (26 TL). Zuccini with ricotta (28 TL) is an other one of the favorites. Zuccinis are fried in sumak infused oil and the sauce contains basil as well as lemon oil. Cem Ekşi’s other claim however is to give regularly neglected, overlooked ingredients centre stage. For instance the lowly sea trout is used both for an exceptional starter and a main dish. The salted trout is served with carrot puree as a cold dish (34 TL). For its second outing the trou
What is it? A chic restaurant that dwells inside a historic water cistern.
Why go? To dine in an unforgettable setting.
Head over to the Historical Peninsula’s Soğukçeşme Sokak for a dining experience unlike any other. Situated inside a 1500 year-old cistern, Sarnıç Fine Dining Restaurant is a bucket-list worthy spot for tourists and city-residents alike. This historic structure of a restaurant, with its giant columns and mesmerizing domed ceiling, provides an extraordinary ambience. As for the food, the restaurants Ottoman inspired menu is an absolute treat. We reccomend ‘The love story of Hero and Leander’ (40 TL), a traditional vegetable patty dish with a kinoa twist, topped with walnut stuffed meatballs and tsatsiki. Go for the ‘Magnificent salmon trio’(68 TL) for a plate of smoked salmon, salmon tartar and a fillet of teriyaki. As a main course, we suggest ‘the Venetian in the harem’ (140 TL), a truffle-oil infused beef medallion dish served with oyster mushrooms and goat’s cheese. You’ll also get the chance to listen to some live music while enjoying your food at this unique restaurant.
What is it? A fireside restaurant in Karaköy
Why go? For its incredible views and delicious kebabs.
Rakofoli is on the Karaköy foot of Galata bridge near Perşembe market. Even before arriving at the restaurant the surronding area fills you with inspiration. Through its old hardware stores, fish mongers, boutique hotels and art institutions the visitor can trace Istanbul’s history as well as observe its comtemporary face. Rakofoli is also a testament to this duality. It is placed in an old Greek building and makes use of its entire 4 floors. With views over the Galata Bridge and the ancient peninsula Rakofoli’s most beautiful spot is its terrace. From the terrace it feels like as if there is no distance between you and Istanbul’s most glorious landmarks illuminated at night. The restaurateur Fuat Danışment brings 25 years of experience to his venue. He has a quiet charm which is also reflected in Rakofoli. This is a warm and carefree athmosphere where old meyhane songs play politely in the background. The clientele is varied. Young groups, couples enjoying a second spring and tourists in search of Istanbul’s best views. Everyone would feel at home here. Meyhane classics such as köpoğlu (an aubergine meze, 16 TL) and haydari (strained yoghurt with garlic, 16 TL) are well tasty as are the small lahmacuns (9 TL). We particularly enjoyed the ‘zırh kebabı’ as a main course (47 TL). If you plan to visit Rakofoli for lunch make sure you try their minced meat (38 TL) or cheese pides
Loco de Pera has renewed its menu with chef Aryen Mede. Fried Camembert, salmon paleo cake, minced ravioli starters, falafel and hummus are the new ones. Fresh pasta and main course options are also delicious. Loco de Pera Burger, veal ribs, steamed lagos, dry-aged veal chops will delight your appetite. Margherita and lamb cotto pizzas are one of our favorite ones.
What is it? A food bar that puts it own twist on the canadian delicacy
Why go? To taste poutine prepared in a variety of styles.
The original recipe of poutine, the famous Canadian dish is quite simple. Potato is fried, then topped with cheese curds and gravy. The Culinary Arts Academy (MSA) alumni Begüm Şahin and Buğra Adanır take it to another level at their modest Kadıköy joint. The dishes on Poutine’s menu are built on a foundation of french fries, but the topping ingridients for each plate correlate with a different cuisine. While poutine al a Turkey (34 TL) is topped with fried liver and şakşuka, the Peruvian version (36 TL) comes with sea bass ceviche. Although, you might not come across these plates on your next visit as the menus selection of poutine dishes are revised each month. Breakfast dishes also include Çılbır (26 TL) and Eggs Florentine (30 TL). End your meal with something sweet from their dessert selection that includes treats like Fried Oreo (22 TL) served with pastry cream and fried cookie (26 TL) topped with Nutella. The chef duo, who were previously a part of the plant based kitchen Bi Nevi Deli team, invite you to put your calorie counter aside for a day and treat yourself to their delicious courses.
What is it? An Emirgan cafe that serves a variety of toasted sandwiches.
Why go? For its friendly atmosphere.
Shake & Toast founder Semra Altınel had quite an exciting carreer. After working as a television presenter, recording an album, and even going onto sing to jingles, she began working as a manager at various venues around town. Altınel seems to have hit the jackpot with her latest venture. Shake & Toast, is an intimate and cosy Emirgan venue that has the feeling of a cosy local hang out. The proprietress Altınel knows how to take care of her clientele and make them at home. Before you know it you are mingling with the next table and sharing your most inner secrets. Such is the athmosphere. Toasts are delicious and reasonably priced. This is also an ideal venue for breakfast and lunch. Jambon dijon (21 TL), sucukiss (17 TL) and baby spinach (19 TL) are all served with green salad. Shakes like strawberry kiss (13 TL) and Oreo crush (14 TL) are very seductive. Expect to spend more time here than you initially anticipated.
What is it? An Italian in Vadistanbul
Why go? For its casual athmosphere
We recommend anyone who likes culinary explorations to venture out to Vadistanbul for Lo Zio. Where once existed Fat Finger is the new site of this Italian restaurant. Figen Demirbulak is the name behind this new venture. Fans may remember her from her previous successful venture, namely Loggia in Akaretler which she had created with Yeşim Aşçıoğlu.
Lo Zio’s Chef Enzo is a Napolitan who has been calling Istanbul home for the last 2 years. His energy is well reflected in the athmosphere of the venue. He believes that the dynamism in a restaurant is essential to its success. The action pours out of the open kitchen, the music is envigorating, service staff lively and attentive. Instead of flashy dishes the menu opts for well-loved Italian dishes. We found the lasagna exceptionally tasty (48 TL). The pizzas being served to neighbouring tables also looked very appetising. The memory of the pizzas undoubtedly will inspire an other trip back to Lo Zio. We opted to start with Rucola e Bresaola (52 TL) and to finish with tiramisu (27 TL). This Italian dessert is literally in every Istanbul menu and yet this one exceeded all expectations. We were also warmed by the way it was served: The waiter brings a big tray of Tiramisu and metes out your portion in front of your eyes. Cute!
What is it? A meyhane with a youthful energy.
Why go? To enjoy delicious meze on one of their 3-floors, all of which have their own specific feel.
Hane Kadıköy co-founder Berk Sayan’s previous accolades/endeavours include music journalism and co-founding Beşiktaş Gastropub Kosmos. According to his pasionate retelling of the restaurants journey, bringing Hane Kadıköy to life took a great deal of time and heart. What stands today is a 3-floored meyhane packed with charm. We were especially drawn to their outdoor-seating area which, enclosed by a handful of classic Kadıköy apartments, adds a certain homeyness and warmth to the venue. Because the volume of music is calmer at this bit of the restaurant, you won’t have to worry about growing weary of trying to converse during your meal. The second and third floors on the other hand are much better equipped for all the party-animals out there. As for the food? Their ingredients are supplied from different regions of Anatolia. Salted yoghurt and pomegranate molasses from Antakya, cheese from Ezine, butter and kavurma from Rize. The spicy Girit pâte (20 TL) under Hane’s meze selection is amongst our favourites. Sesame seeds give this dish a lovely touch. An Antakya speciality, cercerun (18 TL) is a staple of Hane; the salted yoghurt dish topped with roasted onions is fit to be re-ordered at any and every stage of your meal. Provided by Beyoğlu’s Tunç Balık, Lakerda (32 TL) is served with a side of sliced red onions. Although mu
What is it? A bone broth joint in Kalamış.
Why go? To experience healing with their light recipes.
Upon discovering the healing effects of bone broth through adopting an Ayurvedic diet, Simge Uzkurt Bodur decided to pass on her findings in the form of Suppla Broth Co. Run by Simge and her husband Alper Bodur in Fenerbahçe, the concept behind this bone broth joint is the only one of its kind in the country. Producing their broth in-house, the couple are careful to only use the bones of animals who have never been exposed to antibiotics. Their recipes are fun, interesting, and pleasantly slurpable. Containing collagen, amino acids, minerals, glucosamine, vitamins and healthy fats, Bone Broth can help tend to a number of bodily issues. Kickstart your healing process with one of their artisinal bone broth drinks. Served hot, Hızlan (16 TL) takes its name from the metabolism-boosting properties of turmeric. For those of you who would prefer a cold one instead, order Terapi (25) for refreshing hints of coconut milk, mulberry molasses and cocoa. As for the mains, we highly reccomend Gazpacho soup (24 TL) that comes with a bone marrow broth.
Some of you might remember Cihan Kıpçak from the fine-dining restaurant Gile, as well as from the gastro-pub Akali, which he opened with his older brother Çağlar. Now the duo has changed course for Galata, where they’ve opened their new bistro named Araka. Located behind the concept store selfestate, Araka serves a daily menu that Cihan Kıpçak defines as “light dishes with modern touches.” The bistro doesn’t yet have a bread oven, so for the time being, all of the breads are transported from Akali and paired with fillers like turkey ham, Emmental cheese and the Tunisian hot chili pepper paste harissa. The daily salads and sandwiches are all priced 18 TL. The arugula salad with red beets, goat cheese and a balsamic reduction and the cabbage salad with smoked ribs are sure to satisfy even those who usually turn up their noses at salads. The desserts are equally light, like the apricot jelly with mascarpone cheese and a chocolate base with only 5% added sugar.
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