The best jewellery shops in Paris
© Daria Artemenko
© Daria Artemenko

The best jewellery shops in Paris

For fans of all things shiny, we’ve selected the best places to bag yourself some bling in Paris


They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but we like to think understated Parisian chic is a better way to go. From simple pastel coloured jewellery at the reasonably priced boutique Médecine Douce, to quirky accessories at SoWeAre (which will eat into your wallet), and male-friendly pieces at Monsieur (because it shouldn’t just be a female domain), there’s a wealth of unconventional concept stores specialising in jewellery across the capital for all budgets. So for all you shiny-loving magpies, we’ve rounded up our pick of the best jewellery shops in Paris.

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Our pick of the best jewellery shops in Paris

  • Art
  • République
  • price 2 of 4
Médecine Douce
Médecine Douce
In the same genre as its neighbours Chez Prune, Maje, A.P.C. and Claude Pierlot, Medicine Douce doesn’t upset the neighbourhood’s balance of hip elegance. Inside, white and grey walls and a total absence of decoration put the spotlight on the jewellery, all designed by Marie Montaud, who launched her brand in 2000...
  • Shopping
  • Designer
  • Batignolles
  • price 2 of 4
L'Atelier Haut Perché
L'Atelier Haut Perché
A hipster paradise, this atelier is all minimalist décor, bare boards and white lighting, like a tiny artist’s studio. Though small, you can spend plenty of time trying everything on (rings, pins, brooches, headbands) and passing the time of day with Aliénor, the designer. Her jewellery and accessories range from classic to quirky...
  • Shopping
  • Bags and luggage
  • Batignolles
  • price 2 of 4
  • Recommended
French Touche
French Touche
Bags adorn the walls, trinkets sit atop small wooden shelves, and lamps are dotted around the room – French Touche is a shop where one could happily rummage for hours. Nestled in the heart of the 17th arrondissement for the past decade, this 'gallery of touching objects' is one of the first concept stores in the capital...
  • Shopping
  • Boutiques
  • Le Marais
  • price 2 of 4
Monsieur is actually a woman, Nadia Azoug, who concocts striking, unisex, Art Déco-inspired gold and silver bands and chains in a miniscule boutique on rue Charlot. Each piece is unique, inspired by whatever goes through Nadia’s mind at the time, and none of them break the bank, with simple pieces starting at around 80 euros...
  • Shopping
  • Designer
  • République
  • price 2 of 4
Atelier Couronnes
Atelier Couronnes
The magnificent, moulded interior and parquet flooring of the Atelier Couronnes concept store is the fruit of months of planning and renovation. Specialising in jewellery, leatherwear and other accessories, the Atelier sells not only the owners’ hand-made wares but also pieces from other cool emerging designers...
  • Shopping
  • Boutiques
  • Les Halles
  • price 3 of 4
Paulie and Me
Paulie and Me
Paulie and Me is a platform for up-and-coming designers and jewellers. Around 15 or so diverse collections of jewellery, leather, shoes and clothing are exhibited for periods of three to six months at a time, with often stunning items available for both men and women...
  • Shopping
  • Home decor
  • Paris et sa banlieue
  • price 2 of 4
Ina Luk
Ina Luk
If you’re in Montreuil, you can’t miss this bright and colourful design store near the metro station Croix de Chavaux, one-of-a-kind in the neighbourhood. The owner Christine opened the shop five years ago and filled it with trinkets, toys and other treats for both kids and adults...
  • Shopping
  • Bastille
  • price 3 of 4
SoWeAre is where the young and trendy come to stock up on pretty scarves, kooky mugs, and of course clothing. A cursory look around the displays will reveal some interesting brands: designer footwear by Patricia Blanchet (€270 for a pair of boots), Cosh 'ear necklaces' (€55), Nümph shirts (€60)...
  • Shopping
  • Jewellery
  • 1er arrondissement
  • price 3 of 4
White Bird
White Bird
Stéphanie Roger learned her craft at some big jewellery brands, but chose to set up her Marais boutique in a different style entirely. The simple space is laid out beneath white-painted beams, with wood and wicker furniture welcoming her pick of designers’ work from around the world. The pieces range from around €80 right up to €100,000...
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