How long will this last?
The government plans on reopening Singapore in three phases over several months.
Phase 1: Safe Reopening
From June 2, you can receive two visitors per day from your immediate family (children or grandparents). Some businesses are allowed to reopen with Safe Management measures in place and children can go back to school and student care centres.
Phase 2: Safe Transition
From June 19, most of our regular activities can resume with some restriction in place. This is the phase most of us are looking forward to – but it's likely that Phase 2 will be rolled out over a couple of months. Activities include small group gatherings, dining in at F&B services, opening retail outlets, gyms and fitness studios. Sports, recreation and outdoor facilities like the stadiums can also reopen.
Phase 3: Safe Nation
If the situation remains stable after the completion of Phase 2, Singapore will enter Phase 3 and stay here until an effective vaccine or treatment for Covid-19 is found. During Phase 3, medium-sized gatherings would have resumed, and cinemas, theatres, bars, pubs and nightclubs are allowed to reopen.
How quickly we transition to the different phases depends on the ongoing situation. If more clusters form as restrictions are eased, it is likely that measures will be tightened once more. We all have to play our part and stay home as much as possible. When you do go out, it's still mandatory to wear a mask and practise social distancing.
Here's everything you need to know about face masks in Singapore