
  • Film

Time Out says

Husband Karl is none too good in bed, so Monika's GP advocates masturbation. Friend suggests, 'You'd better get a lover. After all, you can't keep masturbating all your life,' and there's the GP waiting to transport her to full awareness to the accompaniment of a wavering trumpet solo. Not that much to indicate that Climax was the first sex film to be directed by a woman. Vom Bruck makes a few jokes at the expense of an expectant male audience, but fights a losing battle against the banality of the acting and a script which comes up with such remarks as 'Any man who makes love to you once would never let you get away,' and so tries to compensate by handling the whole thing with a certain Teutonic relentlessness.

Release Details

  • Duration:89 mins

Cast and crew

  • Director:Roswitha vom Bruck
  • Screenwriter:Denise de Boer, Roswitha vom Bruck
  • Cast:
    • Renate Carol
    • Frank Glaubrecht
    • Ingo Baerow
    • Bert Hochschwarzer
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