1. West Highland Way

It might not be the longest walk on this list, but it certainly felt long enough when, at 15, my dad decided that walking the West Highland Way would be the perfect way to spend an October half-term holiday. And I hate to say it, but perhaps he was right. Suburban Glasgow might not be the most auspicious start, but the scenery soon becomes spectacular. Early on, the route hugs the bonnie banks of Loch Lomond, before taking you past some of Scotland’s most beautiful mountains, including Buachaille Etive Mòr. If you do it in autumn, like we did, you may be treated to the magnificent sight of stags rutting and bellowing in the morning light as you cross Rannoch Moor, one of my favourite wild places in Scotland. Plus, the midges (the tiny biting flies that ruin many a Scottish summer’s day) are generally much better that time of year. There’s great accommodation along the route, but thanks to the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003, you can also wild camp.