  1. Mercado da Sopa
    Francisco Romão Pereira
  2. Mercado da Sopa
    Francisco Romão Pereira / Time Out | TOMQUIOSQUESEPRATOS_FRP, 19/07/2023

Mercado da Sopa

  • Restaurants

Time Out says

For the Portuguese soup is comfort food and is enjoyed whether it’s rainy or sunny, much like ice cream. And when the soups are created by Miguel Castro e Silva, one of the most renowned Portuguese chefs, it’s even better. Especially because in the soup menu of this new Time Out Market kiosk, there are options for all tastes and temperatures. The selection of soups crafted by the chef varies according to the seasons. On warm days, there are chilled soups like gaspacho or vichyssoise, but there are others that comfort the soul and stomach (as they are complete meals) such as the dogfish soup, rich seafood soup, tomato soup with tofu and spinach meatballs, or the classic vegetable cream soup. To complement an excellent soup, there’s also cottage and tomato toast.


Avenida 24 de Julho
Opening hours:
Todos os dias 10.00-00.00
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