1. Bolivia

Average Feb temp: 13C/57F
Bolivia may not have a traditional coastline, but it does have Lake Titicaca (or part of it, anyway – the border between Peru and Bolivia runs right through the middle). It’s the largest freshwater lake in South America and the highest navigable body of water in the world, and it’s home to Isla del Sol, an island with over 80 ruins, most of which date back to the Incas. When I visited, I took a boat from the small town of Copacabana, and explored the rocky, hilly, island on foot (it’s worth noting that no motorised vehicles are allowed on the island).
Why go now? Copacabana, my base for the trip, is the site of the twice-annual Festival of the Virgen de la Candelaria, which takes place on February 2 and August 5 each year. A blend of Andean and Catholic traditions, the celebration sees the town fill with revellers who perform traditional Aymara dances, eat, and drink beer. If you’re joining in, be warned: Copacabana sits at 3,840m above sea-level, and a hangover on top of altitude sickness is a lethal combination.