PSA Skin

With mermaid-hued exteriors that give the products a certain je ne sais quoi, it’s hard to resist PSA Skin. More than its devilishly good looks, PSA Skin is the brainchild of Singaporean skin expert Nicolas Travis, who’s also the brains behind Allies of Skin. The vegan and cruelty-free brand prides itself on smart, innovative formulas, powered up with active ingredients that show impressive results. It’s the perfect addition to your spot-busting skincare routine.
It doesn’t matter what skin type, colour, and condition you have either – the proudly LGBTQ+ owned and operated skincare brand is here to celebrate every unique identity, regardless of race, gender, and sexual identity. PSA Skin lets you know that “As a skincare brand, we know how important it is to be comfortable in your own skin — so we’ve got you covered outside and within.”