Pink Dot

No stranger to the LGBTQ+ community, this pretty-in-pink non-profit movement rallies everyone – gay or straight – to support the freedom to love. “With openness and acceptance, we hope to bring LGBTQ+ Singaporeans closer to their family and friends,” the organisers of Pink Dot tell us.
Make an impact
Groups like Pink Dot are raising awareness on issues of inequality and discrimination faced by the LGBTQ+ community by amplifying their voices, all to push for real change to take place. Sometimes it takes a bold move to get the message across.
“The very first ‘night dot’ (and the many that followed after it) – when Hong Lim Park was lit up in a sea of pink lights – remains an impactful image that is a testament of support from Singaporeans and Permanent Residents who care about the LGBTQ+ community and its issues," the organisers share. "As we grow through the years, we are constantly learning and evolving to try and represent the myriad of voices that form the fabric of Singapore’s LGBTQ+ community, connecting organisations who want to get involved with supporting LGBTQ+ causes with the relevant parties, and helping individuals to get in touch with the various LGBTQ+ community groups in Singapore that can offer support.”
Let that pink in
This Pride Month, Pink Dot goes digital on June 27. “We hope everyone will light up their homes in pink, tune in to our livestream, and celebrate the amazing individuals that we are. Know that you are valid. Know that you are loved. In these trying times, hope and help are never far away and all you need to do is to reach out.”
For more information on Pink Dot, visit