Zoe Biehl

Zoe Biehl

News (1)

No Pants No Problem: comedian Eric André lets it all hang out at Gesher Theater

No Pants No Problem: comedian Eric André lets it all hang out at Gesher Theater

Eric André recently graced the Holy Land with his depraved presence, performing two back-to-back sold out shows at Gesher Theatre in Jaffa.   The madman is best known for creating the “worst talk show in the world” (his words), The Eric Andre Show. André plays a completely incompetent and deranged talk show host that has increasingly spiraled out of control over the seasons to the point where he no longer bathes, brushes his air, or trims his fingernails. Poor, unsuspecting guests ranging from Flavor Flav to Howie Mandel are subject to a wide array of torture tactics as they are interviewed, never knowing what the lunatic will do next. Will live snakes fly out of his coffee mug? Will he puke on his desk and then slurp it back up?   Many might be thinking, “What is the point, Eric?”   To which André would respond:   “What is the point of anything? What is it all about? What does it mean? Existence is meaningless...or are we all connected? Or are we really here? Is this a dream that we’re gonna wake up from? Who is Donald Trump? Does he really exist? Is he Barbara Bush with a mask on? Could be.” At least, that was his response when Larry King asked him.   André also takes to the streets of New York to shock and awe random strangers. He’s like Sacha Baron Cohen on crystal meth—and it’s fascinating to see how quickly the social structure breaks down when one person starts violating norms to the extreme.     André takes satire to the very edge and beyond, throwing his comedy off o