Winnie Stubbs is an English-born writer who fell in love with Sydney when she first visited at the age of four. Back then, it was playgrounds and rainbow-flavoured Paddle Pops that piqued her interest, but her tastes have since evolved. Now, you’re likely to find her at the back of a yoga class or two Martinis deep at one of Sydney’s best vermouth-slinging bars.
After working in travel media in London and Sri Lanka, Winnie moved to Sydney to study in 2018. While studying, she began freelance writing for Broadsheet, and took on a role as editor of a sustainable lifestyle website in 2020. Her fascination with beautiful spaces led to a focus on eco luxe hotels, and she has since gone on to contribute lifestyle and travel stories to publications including Gourmet Traveller, Lux Nomade, We Are Explorers and Pandaemonium.
In her role as Lifestyle Writer at Time Out Sydney, Winnie covers almost anything that’s going on around the city and beyond – with a focus on music (everything from classical to pop), travel and wellness. Drop her an email via