Will has lived in London for half a decade and still feels like a tourist. He spends his days being the Editor of gapyear.com and looking forward to a time when Boris Bikes are replaced with jetpacks. Follow him on Twitter @willjackjones.

Will Jones

Will Jones

Articles (7)

The 14 best places to visit in February 2025

The 14 best places to visit in February 2025

While the gluttony of December and the high hopes of January are fading, February can be a pretty drab month, but it’s actually a brilliant time to travel – dismiss getting away at this time of year, and you’d really be missing out.  From mountain-top festivals in South America to scenes of beautiful rare wildlife on the coasts of South Africa, there are plenty of destinations which really shine in February, and we’re here to point you in the right direction – here’s our roundup of the very best places to travel at this time of year. RECOMMENDED:🌟The best places in the world for stargazing🏂The best affordable ski resorts in Europe🎨The best cities in the world for culture At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines.
The 14 best places to visit in March 2025

The 14 best places to visit in March 2025

March is the era of new beginnings, so what better time of year could there be to explore a destination you haven’t yet discovered? Trees all over the world are blossoming, plenty of northern hemisphere destinations are defrosting and the days are getting longer – it’s ideal for travel.  Head to Tunisia for some Sahara quadbiking, or to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. Haggle your way through the souks of Marrakech, or bask in the springtime sun of the glorious beaches of Mexico. If those all sound like good ideas to you, then hold on to your horses, because there’s plenty more where that came from. Here’s our list of the very best holiday destinations to visit in March. RECOMMENDED:🌟The best places in the world for stargazing🌃The best city breaks in Europe🎨The best cities in the world for culture🌊The best places to visit in April At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines.
The 14 best places to visit in April 2025

The 14 best places to visit in April 2025

A bad time of year to travel actually doesn’t exist, but out of all of them, April is pretty blooming great (get it?). Across the planet, the seasons are shifting, whether it’s the eruption of spring in the northern hemisphere or the slow shift to the warm glow of autumn in the south, and it means April all over the world is blessed with variety.  From shimmering cities like Porto, Stockholm, Vancouver and Washington DC which are finally warming up to the scorching, sun-bathing weather of Belize, Hawaii and Thailand, we’ve got plenty of ideas about where’s best to travel in April: have a browse of our list below. RECOMMENDED:✨The coolest neighbourhoods in the world right now🎨The best cities in the world for culture🌌The best places to travel in May🌤️The best places in the world to travel alone At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines.
The best places to visit in January 2025

The best places to visit in January 2025

Lots of us dread the inevitable roll-around of what is arguably the worst month of the year (if you reside in the northern hemisphere, that is). And sure, the dark evenings and cold weather can be really hard work, but the post-holiday slump in activity also makes January a brilliant time to get away.  Think about it: whether you’re after somewhere where the weather is hot and the drinks are cheap (Vietnam, Malaysia, Zanzibar), or you’re looking to absorb the beauty of winter – because admit it, the season can be glorious – in a destination that knows how to do it properly (Iceland, Shetland, Yellowstone), January has got plenty to offer us. So, from South American beaches to European mountain ranges, here are favourite places to travel in January. RECOMMENDED: ✨The world’s best places to spend New Year’s Eve❄️The best places to visit in February🌤️The best winter destinations in Europe At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines. 
Os melhores destinos para viajar em Março de 2020

Os melhores destinos para viajar em Março de 2020

A Primavera chegou (bom, pelo menos já a vemos emergir, trémula, das profundezas sombrias de Fevereiro) – tempo de celebrar a vida nova e os novos horizontes. “Mas onde?” Há todo um mundo pronto a explorar, desde os souks marroquinos, às selvas cheias de orangotangos em Bornéu, às fascinantes mesquitas de Istambul e às majestosas fortalezas de Jaipur. Felizmente para si, todas estas ideias magníficas constam da lista de recomendações que aqui lhe apresentamos – e há muito mais. Calce as botas de viajante neste mês de Março e parta à aventura! Recomendado: Dez escapadinhas por Portugal
Os melhores destinos para viajar em Fevereiro de 2020

Os melhores destinos para viajar em Fevereiro de 2020

Fevereiro é uma altura em que sair da cidade se torna, mais do que uma boa opção, necessário. Se houvesse mês do ano que, se pudesse, lhe daria um calduço na nuca para acordar, certamente seria este. Por esta altura, a escandalosa gula do mês de Dezembro já passou de vergonha profunda a nostalgia, e o optimismo alucinante que acompanha habitualmente as resoluções dos primeiros dias de Janeiro já amadureceu, dando lugar a uma relutante aceitação de futilidade. Além disso, o tempo está uma desgraça. Mas não tem de ser assim. Pobre leitor, precisa de férias. Ou uma escapadinha, o que lhe queira chamar. Uma pausa. Nós ajudamo-lo. Continue a ler que temos sugestões. Entre viajar de carro pela África do Sul, ver uma majestosa cascata na Venezuela e visitar os parques nacionais do Nepal e da Etiópia, aqui encontra os melhores lugares para viajar em Fevereiro. Nem tudo está perdido.  Recomendado: Escapadinhas no interior de Portugal 
Os melhores destinos para viajar em Janeiro de 2020

Os melhores destinos para viajar em Janeiro de 2020

Ano novo, vida nova! Dezembro acabou e Janeiro vai de vento em popa. É hora de sair do sofá e encarar de frente as resoluções que fizemos na noite de passagem de ano. Se viajar foi uma delas, então estamos aqui para ajudar. Nós percebemos – Dezembro deu muito trabalho. Entre jantares de Natal, listas de presentes e chegar ao fim das festas, o nosso nível de stress entrou em estado crítico. Está na hora de relaxar com um horizonte azul pela frente.  Nesta lista vai encontrar toda a inspiração que precisa para planear a próxima viagem – e como quanto mais rápido, melhor, estes são os melhores destinos para viajar em Janeiro e começar o ano da melhor forma. Desde a solaranega África à invernosa Escócia, não vão faltar razões para marcar essa viagem. Recomendado: Escapadinhas no interior de Portugal 

News (1)

Five ways to win at rush hour in London

Five ways to win at rush hour in London

To live and work in this great city, compromises must be made – like dealing twice a day with the spirit-sapping, soul-sucking commute. Whoever coined the phrase 'rush hour' must have been referring to the rush of happiness you feel once it’s over. Your tube station gobs you out into the street and personal space becomes a thing again. No matter. Take note of these five ways to make the experience a little less awful – and perhaps even enjoyable.   Showtime #londonstyle #tube #londontube #showtime #underground #londonunderground #polefreeze A photo posted by staciewrath (@staciewrath) on Sep 17, 2015 at 5:21pm PDT  1. Break etiquette Start small: try standing on the wrong side of the escalator for three seconds. The next day, try four seconds, and so on. Make fleeting eye contact with another human. Maybe smile. If you’re feeling dangerously reckless, strike up a conversation. Your fellow commuters will pull faces like they’ve undergone sudden invasive examinations but who cares: you’ll forever be known as a maverick. People will remember you, perhaps even change carriages to avoid you. Soon you’ll have enough space to do circuit training.   A photo posted by @london_bike_and_beer_group on Sep 28, 2015 at 2:02am PDT  2. Cycle Seriously, just try it. Even if you need to travel ten miles. It's always easier than you think it will be and is usually quicker than public transport. A lot of London is flat, so if you plan your route carefully you can probably do the journey