Time Out Hong Kong

Time Out Hong Kong

Articles (1147)



放假又係時候與閨蜜大歎下午茶打卡,香港不少酒店及下午茶餐廳都推出一系列人氣下午茶。我們為你精選抵食又高質的下午茶2024,別錯過酒店聖誕限定下午茶優惠及自助餐,讓你可以最抵價錢,與摯愛於假期大歎各種打卡甜品,high 住 tea 一同歡度聖誕假期。
The best Indian restaurants in Hong Kong

The best Indian restaurants in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a giant melting pot of cultures, so it’s no surprise that the city’s dining scene provides a spectacular range of international cuisines. Aside from Asian cuisine like Japanese and Korean, Indian food also has a large representation in the city that leaves foodies spoiled for choice. Keep reading to see our top picks of Indian restaurants in Hong Kong – you might even find your next favourite spot below!RECOMMENDED: Want some local fare instead? Book a table at one of the best Cantonese restaurants in Hong Kong. 
The best gyms and fitness centres in Hong Kong

The best gyms and fitness centres in Hong Kong

Never did you really think that you'd miss the gym. At least we didn't. After a much too long temporary closure, the fitness centres are finally reopening their doors, and we really can't deny that we're ready for a piece of the action. After months of laying dormant, it's time to get our blood pumping again (and let's face it, swimwear season is also just around the corner). There are plenty of options and training styles to choose from in Hong Kong – from studios to personal training to gym classes and group training to multi-discipline clubs and multi-branch studios – it's time to get your sweat on at the best gyms in Hong Kong.  RECOMMENDED: Looking for some outdoor activity? Try the best Hong Kong hiking trails
The 100 best Hong Kong movies

The 100 best Hong Kong movies

Hong Kong was once the Hollywood of the East. At its peak around the early 90s, our local movie industry was the first in the world – in terms of per capita production and as the second-largest exporter of films – second only to the US.The influence of Hong Kong cinema can still be seen far and wide. Even 50 years after his death, Bruce Lee remains a global icon and his martial arts movies are classics. The groundbreaking action of The Matrix would never have come about if not for John Woo films and the action choreography of Yuen Woo-ping. Quentin Tarantino ripped off Ringo Lam’s City on Fire for his 1992 debut Reservoir Dogs. Moonlight owes much to the style of Wong Kar-wai films and the auteur was also acknowledged by Soffia Coppola as an influence when she collected the Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for Lost in Translation.So with such a massive cultural legacy, what are the best Hong Kong movies of all time? Some of our choices are forgotten classics, some are cult hits, while others define art born of this city. Read on for a definitive ranking of the best films made in Hong Kong dating as far back as the 1930s. RECOMMENDED: 😂 Classic Stephen Chow movies to watch🥋 The 20 best martial arts movies of all time🖥️ Best Hong Kong movies available on streaming services
The 13 best hiking trails in Hong Kong

The 13 best hiking trails in Hong Kong

Hong Kong is known for many things; its dynamic culinary scene, architectural mix of old and new, and of course, that iconic skyline. But that’s not all, as our concrete jungle is also wrapped in lush verdant hills with magnificent islands and dramatic rock formations – and the best way to take in all its mountainous glory is, yes that’s right, a hike. Here are just some of our favourite hikes in the city with tips and directions to help you on your way.  RECOMMENDED: Prefer things at a different pace? Go for a stroll in one of Hong Kong's best parks instead.


香港咖啡店不少隱藏在街頭巷尾,有賣個性的精品咖啡、有送靚景的戶外 cafe、也有專吸文青的打卡 cafe。一杯咖啡,蘊藏着不只是咖啡因,而是繁華生活的喘息空間。推介以下16家香港隱世咖啡店﹐讓你逃離鬧市,享受一刻寧靜。想知道香港還有什麼隱世好玩的地方,請留意香港隱世秘島一日遊和探索香港隱藏聖地。
The best Thai restaurants in Kowloon City

The best Thai restaurants in Kowloon City

If you haven’t heard the news already, Kowloon City was named one of the coolest neighbourhoods in the world in Time Out’s annual global ranking, and it’s not hard to see why. This residential area was once home to historic locations like the former Kai Tak Airport and Kowloon Walled City. And to many Hongkongers, the neighbourhood is known to be the city’s ‘Little Thailand’ thanks to the wealth of authentic Thai eateries there. So, if you’re ever in the mood for a piping hot bowl of tom yum goong or want to dig into fiery plates of pad kra pao, you’ll know where to go with our picks of the best Thai restaurants in Kowloon City. RECOMMENDED: Head to the best rooftop bars in Hong Kong to feast your eyes on an impeccable view of the city.
The 50 best bars in Hong Kong

The 50 best bars in Hong Kong

November 2024: There’s only one more month before 2024 wraps up, but Hong Kong’s bar scene is still buzzing with energy and unveiling new menus. Some new highlights include Argo’s cocktails made from hybrid combinations, Kinsman’s new menu inspired by Hong Kong’s indigenous communities, Courtroom’s creative and experimental creations, and more! Our city is known for having plenty of great restaurants that offer all kinds of cuisines at varying prices, and the same can be said for Hong Kong’s bar scene. From opulent rooftop bars where you can pop bottles of bubbly to grungy dive bars where you can expect to dance on the table at the end of the night, there’s something for everyone. Here at Time Out, we’ve taken the city’s bars and whittled them down to the 50 best drinking venues that you need to try.Our rankings change depending on the latest and most creative offerings, so bookmark this page to keep updated and get some inspiration for where your next tipple could be.RECOMMENDED: Feeling hungry? Check our rankings for the 50 best restaurants in Hong Kong.


The best Korean restaurants in Hong Kong

The best Korean restaurants in Hong Kong

Hong Kong's dining scene is bursting with various regional cuisines. Arguably, Korean food is one of the most popular amongst the city's diners; as it offers a wide range of dishes, from soothing ginseng chicken stew to tantalisingly spicy tteokbokki. So whether if you're in the mood to grab a quick kimbap, pick up some banchan for a potluck, or enjoy a barbeque feast in front of a hot charcoal grill, these Korean restaurants around town can cater to any cravings you've got.  RECOMMENDED: Stay up to date with the latest food and drink news in Hong Kong!
What's on: The latest foodie happenings to catch in the city

What's on: The latest foodie happenings to catch in the city

From new openings and hot events to product launches, Hong Kong's food scene is never short of exciting happenings. So, we've conveniently gathered this month's foodie happenings that you need to know to stay in the loop.  Bookmark this page for more updates! We'll keep dropping the freshest news as it comes in. RECOMMENDED: Need a drink? Check out the best happy hour deals in Hong Kong. 
香港麗晶酒店 x La Maison du Chocolat 打造朱古力控天堂

香港麗晶酒店 x La Maison du Chocolat 打造朱古力控天堂

今個秋天,香港麗晶酒店大堂酒廊將成為朱古力控的天堂。酒店與法國頂級朱古力品牌 La Maison du Chocolat 的主廚 Nicolas Cloiseau 攜手合作,推出精緻奢華的午後時光。獲封為法國最佳朱古力工藝師榮譽的 Nicolas 闊別香港十多年,這次特地來港跟香港麗晶酒店合作,向甜品控送上華麗的見面禮:朱古力主題下午茶及特別設計的朱古力定製蛋糕,這次亦是 La Maison du Chocolat 品牌首度推出下午茶餐點,絕對是不容錯過的限定體驗。 主廚 Nicolas 跟香港麗晶酒店大堂酒廊主廚 Rajiv Chowdhoory 及行政糕點總廚楊焯賢聯手,設計出一系列鹹甜滋味互相輝映的下午茶美點,以頂級朱古力配上精挑細選的食材,打造非凡味覺享受。下午茶第一道美點是椰菜花野生蘑菇提拉米蘇,屬 Rajiv 的作品,他以椰菜花和野生蘑菇取代傳統材料,造出別開生面的鹹味提拉米蘇,Rajiv 分享其創作理念時說:「我們跟 Nicolas合作炮製的下午茶以朱古力為主角,所以我選擇有朱古力成分的提拉米蘇做餐前小點,並加入創意把它重新演繹。」 Photograph: Courtesy Regent Hong Kong 除此之外,你更可品嚐四款手指三文治,分別為布里芝士合桃黑松露、帶子蘋果西芹配頂級鱘龍魚子醬、煙燻和牛配水瓜柳及班馬利芥末醬,以及蘇格蘭煙燻三文魚配牛油果。 Rajiv 表示,他沒選用當造食材做三文治的餡料,而是特別挑選最能跟 Nicolas 和楊焯賢的甜品相得益彰的食材,他續說:「我不想喧賓奪主,蓋過朱古力甜品的味道,因此特別揀選味道較清淡的食材。如此一來,客人便可以輪流品嚐甜點和鹹點,享受一頓有濃淡層次的下午茶。」 至於下午茶的主菜,則是三款招牌朱古力甜品:突出朱古力不同質感、層次豐富的朱古力泡芙、包含榛子餅乾的榛子檸檬卷,還有以軟綿朱古力做撻皮的黑加侖子栗子撻。Nicolas 和楊焯賢創作這些甜品時,不僅注重呈現朱古力的不同風味,更特意向 La Maison du Chocolat 致敬。Nicolas 透露:「選擇這個下午茶餐點的配搭食材時,我們採用了 La Maison du Chocolat 最受歡迎的味道組合,這樣既能向此經典朱古力品牌致意,又能融入個人特色。」兩位主廚反覆試驗食材比例,力求達至完美平衡的滋味。楊焯賢指出:「在研發階段,我們不斷調整甜點的酸度與口感,確保所有元素都能和諧搭配。我們亦與團隊不斷交流,探討甜品的改進空間。」 Photograph: Courtesy Regent Hong Kong 你可從多款香茗和咖啡中挑選下午茶飲品,為甜美享受畫龍點睛,亦可選配大堂酒廊的招牌朱古力特飲,或者 Chocolate Martini 雞尾酒,它以 Acan 朱古力利口酒、意大利特濃咖啡酒調製而成,口感絲滑。為紀念酒店與朱古力工藝大師的合作,除了下午茶之外,更特別推出由 La  Maison du Chocolat 精心製作的合桃雲呢拿法式蛋糕,於酒店的網上商店有售。此款糕餅藝術品以核桃軟餅乾做餅底,再添上一層層香滑的 Bahibé牛奶朱古力、雲呢拿果仁糖、68%黑朱古力慕絲,以及幼滑的核桃餡,教人一試傾心。 香港麗晶酒店與 La Maison du Chocolat 這次攜手合作,完美展現出朱古力千變萬化的特性。 Nicolas 總結道:「朱古力是可塑性極高的食材。除了可以做成不同質感外,還可透過選用特定的可可豆,展現各式香氣與風味,給予創作無限可能。」 由即日起至11月30日,各位朱古力控記得

Listings and reviews (215)

22 Ships

22 Ships

Beloved Spanish restaurant 22 Ships has relocated across Hong Kong Island and opened in an all-new location at PMQ in Central. Seating up to 60 guests in a rustic yet elegant setting, their new dining venue provides ample space for customers to enjoy their crowd-pleasing Spanish fare. Chef Antonio Oviedo has added 12 new creations to 22 Ships’ menu, ranging from light bites like oysters dressed in traditional vinaigrette or Spanish mackerel with red pepper sofrito, to showstoppers like carabineros XXL – a Spanish prawn-topped paella that’s perfect for sharing. Along with the revamped food offerings, 22 Ships has expanded its beverage program to showcase a diverse range of Spanish wines, as well as libations like sangria, beers, and vermouth-based cocktails.  
Dario Cecchini’s culinary events at Carna

Dario Cecchini’s culinary events at Carna

When you have the chance to be fed by a celebrity chef who has been touted as the best butcher in the world, well, you jump at the opportunity to be at the table. From September 26 to 29, the legendary Dario Cecchini – who The New York Times claims is the “world’s greatest butcher” and who has also been on Netflix’s Chef’s Table – will be back in Hong Kong for a series of gastronomic gatherings. Carna by Dario Cecchini at Mondrian Hong Kong, known for its nose-to-tail philosophy, is where the chef will showcase his passion for sustainable dining and his almost reverential treatment of meat through a commitment to honouring every part of the animals that go under his blade. Guests at this communal dinner will be taken on a journey through various cuts of meat from September 26 to 28, featuring specialties such as Chianti tartare and Bistecca Alla Fiorentina, free-flow wines and cocktails, and Cecchini’s signature tableside flair. The Dinners with Dario, Panzano-Style experience is available for $2,088 per head. The master himself will also show us how the sausage is made at a sausage-making masterclass on September 27 ($1,288 per head). After the cosy, hands-on class, guests will be treated to a family-style lunch with curated Italian wines for pairings.  For a more interesting twist to your usual boozy brunches, spend the weekend of September 28 and 29 at the Nose-to-Tail Brunch with Dario, where the chef highlights how no cut of meat goes to waste through dishes like beef ru
PDT (Please Don’t Tell)

PDT (Please Don’t Tell)

Updated August 21, 2024: PDT and MO Bar is expected to close in late October, find more details by reading reading our blog.Hidden at the back of MO Bar in the Landmark Mandarin Oriental, accessed through a mock phone booth, PDT has established itself as one of the best bars in the city – let alone one of the best hidden bars. As the Hong Kong outpost of the New York-based bar Please Don’t Tell, our city’s version serves signature creations from both bars. Flavourful ingredients such as ginger, goji berries, and honeycomb can be found in PDT’s original Hong Kong creations. Previous review – February 18, 2018: When it first arrived at the Landmark Mandarin Oriental two years ago, PDT and its pop-up showed local cocktail connoisseurs how good things could be. Visiting bar staff from the once ‘best bar in the world’ displayed exceptional technique and our very own Richard Ekkebus, culinary director of Michelin-starred Amber, prepared a menu of fantastic gourmet hotdogs to match the kind of comfort food offered in the original in New York. Here in 2018, the speakeasy occupies the exact same spot above MO Bar as before. Now, though, it’s been given license to make the space its own. Much is modelled on the original: the entrance is a mock phone booth, the walls are decorated with dressed up taxidermied animals, even the wooden panelling on the ceiling looks identical. Whether that says ‘true to its roots’ or ‘lack of originality’ is for individuals to decide. It’s a cosy space ei


When it comes to rooftop spaces in this city, the widely accepted rule is if you've got it, flaunt it. That’s what The Murray, Hong Kong does with Popinjays, the crowning gem of its F&B portfolio. Accessible by a private elevator, the penthouse venue has a bar on one side and the restaurant on the other. It's encased in floor-to-ceiling windows with a wraparound terrace spanning over 420sq m that looks out in all directions to surrounding high-rises. The space is a stunner, a cool blend of class and playfulness, with plenty of colourful artwork to embellish the walls. While most of the cocktails here do not come cheap, you'll quickly find that the prices are surprisingly reasonable for a five-star hotel.  Time Out Awards 2019Best Rooftop Bar 
The Drunken Pot (Tsim Sha Tsui)

The Drunken Pot (Tsim Sha Tsui)

Covering 6,200sq ft of space, this eatery in TST is one of the popular spots in the area for some serious hotpot action amidst rustic and artsy interiors that give off a contemporary fish market vibe. The menu goes beyond the usual broths and offers 18 soup bases with premium ingredients. Their signature dish, The Drunken Pot, is a definite must-try. It comes in a copper pot filled with five different soup bases, including sake. 
Le Soleil

Le Soleil

When yet another family-sized pho down Rat Alley just won’t do, you might want to head to The Royal Garden’s Le Soleil, in Tsim Sha Tsui. Since its chef shares the spotlight with swanky neighbours Inagiku and Sabatini, he has higher standards to live up to. The menu is also priced accordingly. But if you don’t mind spending a bit more on what is usually inexpensive food, here you’ll get more than just the traditional fare, in an unusual terrace-style setting. Nestled under a corrugated-iron arch, comfy sofas look out onto fountains, marble, and the hotel atrium’s greenery. Its mezzanine acoustics add to the illusion that Le Soleil is on a Mediterranean terrace. Or, with the fairy-lit hotel lifts zooming up and down nearby, the illusion that it’s on a cruise ship. Either way, there are some interesting flavours to sample. We started off with the Vietnamese cooler ($55), not quite sure what we were in for. When questioned about the drink’s contents, our waitress explained it was “like a Chinese sweet soup.” We dove in headfirst, finding a martini glass full of barley, longan, and seaweed. The overall result was full of obstacles to dodge while we sipped, but also refreshing, and a relief from the day’s real soleil. We also plumped for the salty plum lemonade ($70), salty being the operative word (it tasted like seawater). On our plates, the imperial rolls ($78) were crispy, their taste spot-on. The accompanying salad was fresh, thanks mainly to the mint, but the chicken was swe
Gaylord Indian Restaurant

Gaylord Indian Restaurant

Pamper your belly royally with Gaylord's new Mughlai menu, which features cuisine from ancient Indian aristocracy. These dishes are largely butter-based and filled with dried fruits, giving them a unique texture and richness. Their stuffed capsicum, a deep fried green pepper with mashed potatoes, corn, and peas, and their homemade cottage cheese in cashew nut and poppy seed gravy are fit for royalty. Most recently, the restaurant celebrated its 50th anniversary by collaborating with celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor to create a golden jubilee celebratory menu full of Gaylord’s classic favourites with chef Kapoor’s exquisite delicacies, such as Kerala-style crabs with curry leaf, bay prawns cooked in spiced coconut milk and truffle oil, and spinach roundels stuffed with cottage cheese in smoked pepper makhani.  
Liu's Chong Qing Hot Pot

Liu's Chong Qing Hot Pot

With over 500 locations worldwide, Liu's Chong Qing Hot Pot is a famous chain from Chongqing that specialises in Sichuan-style hotpot. While they have a small selection of hotpot broths to choose from, Liu's is best known for their signature mala spicy soup that's made with beef tallow and plenty of chillis. Aside from the usual hot pot add-ins like sliced meats, vegetables, or fishball varieties; this hotpot spot also offers delicacies like tripe, pig hearts, pig blood and intestines.
La Rambla by Catalunya

La Rambla by Catalunya

A spin-off of Catalunya, La Rambla is a wilder sibling, offering more avant-garde Catalan and Mediterranean cuisine that plays daringly – and deliciously – with a multitude of different flavours and textures. La Rambla's chef - Rafa Gil - was previously a finalist on Netflix's The Final Table, and he infuses Asian-inspired flavours into his classic Catalan dishes. The restaurant itself occupies a pleasant and modern space, with a 4200 square-foot deck outside on which diners can enjoy food and drinks whilst taking in arresting views across Victoria Harbour.   
Porterhouse Seafood & Steak

Porterhouse Seafood & Steak

Porterhouse Seafood & Steak boasts a wide-ranging menu which offers succulent steaks using quality meat from all over the world. For those not so meat-inclined, there is also a selection of seafood from octopus, prawns, lobsters, and many more. All of which comes with tasty sauces, as well as additional sides and pairings.
Alibi – Wine Dine Be Social

Alibi – Wine Dine Be Social

If you’re over on the dark side, you don’t need an alibi to pop into this Mong Kok hotel restaurant. The atmosphere is laid-back and the drinks and bites here are the perfect antidote after a day in the office. Start off with a cocktail, beer or glass of wine and then tuck into a seafood platter, a toastie sandwich or a lamb shoulder ragu tagliatelle, with churros for dessert. 
Dynasty Restaurant

Dynasty Restaurant

4 out of 5 stars
The Renaissance Hong Kong Harbour View Hotel’s Dynasty Restaurant is known as one of the city’s ‘tycoon canteens’ as it’s an eatery of choice for those in the (extensively) monied crowd. Despite the moniker, though, it’s one of the most solid Cantonese dining experiences you’ll find in town. And it’s just reopened after a six-month refurbishment. Replacing the gold-toned interiors is a subtly elegant dining room, where ebony wood panels and floors are matched with a palette of upholstery in silver-grey that’s accented by cool jade tones. It exudes elegance without too much drama. New masterchef Benson Fok has spent close to 20 years working at some of the best hotels in Singapore and Malaysia so, on our visit, we’re eager to see whether his food matches the elegance and richness of the new interiors. His new menu isn’t overly adventurous, but we’re pleased there’s no shark’s fin. We plump only for mains and it soon becomes apparent this chef’s talent lies in making extraordinary dishes that feature marinades and sauces. We dig into the claypot rice with minced beef and water chestnuts ($240) that demands a perfect balance between sweet and savoury. We enjoy the dish, with its mildly seasoned, tender minced beef that pairs perfectly with the rich, silky soy mixing sauce. Our other main, the pork belly Hangzhou-style ($198), is also a well-rendered comfort food that strikes a perfect sweet-savoury balance. Served simmering in another soy-based sauce – albeit sweeter than the c

News (325)

Savour exclusive dishes at over 50 restaurants in Hong Kong and Macau as Delicious USA returns

Savour exclusive dishes at over 50 restaurants in Hong Kong and Macau as Delicious USA returns

All-American food festival Delicious USA has returned for its sixth year running. Organised by the USDA Agricultural Trade Office, this annual gourmet food festival sees restaurants across Hong Kong and Macau spotlighting diverse food products such as meat, seafood, dairy, grains, fruits, and vegetables from all 50 states of the United States. Photograph: Courtesy Delicious USA/Kennis Kwok This year, Delicious USA has invited 43 restaurants in Hong Kong and eight in Macau to use high-quality and sustainable American produce to create time-limited dishes and menus. From November 11 to December 12, diners can sink their teeth into American classics like double cheeseburgers at Burger Joys or grilled striploin and roasted prime rib at Subtle Island. Photograph: Courtesy Delicious USA/Kennis Kwok The gourmet food festival also sees restaurants of various cuisines, such as Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Spanish, and more, using premium American ingredients to whip up international fare. Expect to enjoy tandoori salmon tikka or halibut truffle korma at Gaylord Indian Restaurant and Bar, teriyaki short ribs at Kyo Watami, various cocktails and indulgent pistachio Paris-Brest pastries at Arooma Cafe and Bar, and many more. Photograph: Courtesy Delicious USA Visit Delicious USA’s website for the complete list of participating restaurants and more details about the gourmet food festival.
Regent Hong Kong joins forces with La Maison du Chocolat to create chocolate-centric offerings

Regent Hong Kong joins forces with La Maison du Chocolat to create chocolate-centric offerings

This autumn, The Lobby Lounge at Regent Hong Kong has teamed up with chef Nicolas Cloiseau from La Maison du Chocolat, one of France’s premier chocolatiers and a recipient of the prestigious Meilleur Ouvrier de France award. Together, they are launching a chocolate-centric afternoon tea and an indulgent chocolate cake that will delight cocoa lovers. This collaboration not only marks chef Cloiseau’s first return to Hong Kong in over a decade but also represents La Maison du Chocolat’s first venture into afternoon tea, making this a truly exclusive experience not to be missed. Working together with The Lobby Lounge’s head chef Rajiv Chowdhoory and executive pastry chef Andy Yeung, chef Cloiseau has crafted an afternoon tea menu that features a harmonious blend of sweet and savoury, highlighting high-quality chocolate alongside complementary ingredients. The experience begins with chef Chowdhoory’s innovative savoury tiramisu, made with cauliflower and wild mushrooms, serving as a creative chocolate-inspired amuse-bouche. “Our collaborative afternoon tea with chef Nicolas focuses on chocolate, so I used tiramisu, which is also made with chocolate, as inspiration to create a starter,” he shares. Photograph: Courtesy Regent Hong Kong Additionally, guests can enjoy four kinds of finger sandwiches – brie with walnut and black truffle; scallop with apple and Perseus Caviar N5; Wagyu beef pastrami with capers and Pommery mustard; and Scottish smoked salmon with avocado. Rather than
Enjoy unlimited wine and delectable bites at The Repulse Bay’s Wine Rally

Enjoy unlimited wine and delectable bites at The Repulse Bay’s Wine Rally

Calling all oenophiles, the Repulse Bay is returning with its annual Wine Rally on November 6. For one evening only, the beachfront complex will transform its front lawn, sea view terrace, and marquee into an elaborate event space to showcase exquisite wines, sakes, and beers from over 70 global labels. Photograph: Courtesy The Repulse Bay/Chris Lusher   Attendees can enjoy unlimited tasting portions of premium wines like Castello di Neive Barbaresco, CJ Pask Gimblett Road Chardonnay, Louis Latour Côte De Beaune Villages, and plenty more. And if you like to mix things up, the event will also offer elite sakes such as Jikon Omaci Hiire Jumai Ginjyo, and craft beers like Young Master Brewery’s Pilsner on draught. Photograph: Courtesy The Repulse Bay/Chris Lusher Don’t forget to pair your wines with a wide variety of nibbles from the Wine Rally’s live food stations, including serrano ham with tomato crostini, pacific crab cake with spicy tomato marmalade, pork slider and cheeseburgers, and more. There’ll also be live jazz performances and DJ sets to keep the spirits high all night long! Secure your tickets for the Wine Rally and visit The Repulse Bay’s website for more information about the wine event.Recommended stories:T1 signal likely to be hoisted between Thursday and Friday, with possibility of T3Samsen has opened a new location in Central Torikizoku in Hong Kong: Opening date, location, and more Follow us on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Threads, or subscribe to o
Macau’s City of Dreams opens new premium steakhouse The Tasting Room – Prime Steak & Grill

Macau’s City of Dreams opens new premium steakhouse The Tasting Room – Prime Steak & Grill

The Tasting Room – Prime Steak & Grill is the latest dining addition to Macau-based luxury hotel Nüwa, located within the City of Dreams complex. Photograph: Courtesy Melco This premium steakhouse takes pride in its authentic Josper grill, reaching temperatures of up to 300 degrees Celsius, thus ensuring all produce retains its original juices and flavours while being cooked rapidly. The Tasting Room also exclusively uses competition-grade American red oak to fire their grills, adding an aromatic flavour onto their grilled items.   Photograph: Courtesy The Tasting Room – Prime Steak & Grill Meat lovers will not be disappointed with The Tasting Room’s steak options. The menu offers a curated range of 28-day dry-aged and wet-aged American Wagyu, black Angus grain-fed beef, and a selection of high quality American bison. Additionally, the steakhouse also offers other main courses for guests to choose from, which include lamb rack, roasted chicken, Boston lobster, as well as sea bass. Photograph: Courtesy The Tasting Room – Prime Steak & Grill Diners have the option to enjoy The Tasting Room’s steaks by ordering a la carte, or opt for the restaurant’s six-course menu set. The sharing set menu (MOP $2,888) highlights include a show-stopping 1.2kg thick-cut T-bone steak, beef tartare, sizzling lump crab cake, lobster bisque, and more. Photograph: Courtesy The Tasting Room The restaurant’s main dining room provides a comforting environment for guests to relax as they enjoy t
美斯退款懶人包:國際邁阿密 Tatler 門票退錢日期、步驟、連結

美斯退款懶人包:國際邁阿密 Tatler 門票退錢日期、步驟、連結

美斯缺陣香港賽卻在日本落場令一眾球迷大失所望,全港球迷高呼「回水」,美斯香港賽風波最終以向觀眾退回五成票價落幕。主辦方 Tatler Asia 公布美斯退款最新安排。即看國際邁阿密美斯退款日期及方法,留意 Tatler 門票退錢日期、步驟及連結,還有回顧美斯香港風波。 美斯退款日期是何時?Tatler 門票退錢步驟及連結是? Tatler Asia 公布美斯退款日期、步驟及連結。在 Tatler 門票官方票務平台 Klook 購票的粉絲,如果已購買2月4日美斯 Tatler 門票,將於3月18日收到 Klook 電郵通知。獲得美斯退款電郵的話,記得在4月12日11時59分前回覆,接受 Tatler 門票退錢安排,包括退回 Tatler 門票五成票價的條款及細則。美斯退款日期為截止日後30天內處理。另外,活動贊助商及合作夥伴向 Tatler Asia Limited 直接購買 Tatler 門票退錢步驟,將由客務經理交待有關美斯退款安排。Tatler 門票退錢步驟及連結可瀏覽官網。 美斯退款 Klook 門票價錢是多少? 想安排 Tatler 門票退錢,可以看看以下 Klook 每張門票的退款金額,如接受門票退款,也可以透過 Klook 賬戶中購買門票的憑證,確認並同意退款條款及細則。 美斯 Tatler 門票 每張門票美斯退款金額 $4,880 HK$2,440 $2,980 HK$1,490 $2,280 HK$1,140 $1,580 HK$790 $880 HK$440     美斯香港風波回顧  美斯缺陣 蘇亞雷斯只熱身無落場 球王美斯落場獻技,必然是萬眾矚目的重頭戲,可惜這場戲碼始終沒有上演。在國際邁阿密對港足表演賽正式開賽前,大會公布的正選及後備名單都沒有美斯在內,他的巴塞戰友蘇亞雷斯、佐迪艾巴及巴斯基斯則全部列於後備名單。最終佐迪艾巴及巴斯基斯後備入替,球王美斯全場沒有落場,蘇亞雷斯只熱身無上場,令一眾球迷期望落空。 國際邁阿密教練馬天奴在賽後記者會解釋兩人受傷,指美斯肌肉有炎症,蘇亞雷斯則早前在沙特比賽時膝部受傷。因美職聯月底開賽,他們需要聽從醫生團隊意見,不讓球員冒險。美斯在國際邁阿密對艾納斯表演賽中不被列入正選名單之中,更直至臨完場前七分鐘才後備入替,國際邁阿密賽果回天乏術,以0-6慘輸艾納斯。艾納斯球員 C 朗也同樣因受傷而沒有出場,但有在現場觀賽。  Photograph: Ann Chiu|2月3日美斯公開練習 美斯日本直播 回應缺陣香港表演賽原因  國際邁阿密在香港完賽後,美斯日本比賽時間為2月7日香港時間下午六時,對戰神戶勝利船,更在下半場約60分鐘後備入替,在香港表演賽沒有上場的蘇亞雷斯,同樣在日本表演賽有落場直至下半場73分鐘換出。球王美斯日本記者會回應香港表演賽缺陣,表示自己雖然沒有受傷,但早在沙特作賽時已感到肌肉不適,他形容事件為「不幸」,希望將來還有機會到香港落場獻技。大家又會否接受美斯訪日後的解釋? 美斯合約細節詳情?政府:主辦方欠球迷一個解釋 香港政府在國際邁阿密對港足表演賽落幕後,曾兩度發出聲明及於2月5日中午召開記招交代美斯缺陣風波,指主辦方欠球迷一個解釋,而活動由 M 品牌資助,有可能會因活動未符合合約條款而撤回約$1,600萬資助。文化體育及旅遊局局長楊潤雄指 M 品牌資助合約中,美斯合約列明主辦方必須確保除非因健康及安全等問題,美斯必須只少落場至少45分鐘,而主辦方 Tatler Asia 曾在賽前確保美斯會出場,但政府在表演賽在完
Flash Coffee 新加坡咖啡連鎖店「閃電」結業 香港 Flash 分店如常營業?

Flash Coffee 新加坡咖啡連鎖店「閃電」結業 香港 Flash 分店如常營業?

Flash Coffee 粉絲留意,全線新加坡 Flash Coffee 分店結業!新加坡 Flash Coffee 2020年起創立,短短一年間已擴展到泰國、印尼及台灣,開設過百間分店。令人意外的是,Flash Coffee 今年三月已全面退出台灣市場,Flash Coffee 香港有幾家分店相繼關閉。沒想到現在連新加坡全線分店 Flash Coffee 都結業,更爆出拖欠員工薪金的消息! Flash Coffee 新加坡分店結業,香港分店似乎暫時不受影響,像位於尖沙咀天星碼頭的 Flash Coffee 如常營業。新加坡 Flash Coffee 採用便捷的外賣經營模式,經典鮮奶咖啡只需$25起,價格相對親民,而且推出富創意的咖啡口味如香港限定奶醬多咖啡、紅豆冰咖啡、阿華田鮮奶咖啡等,深受歡迎。有關 Flash Coffee 香港分店的最新消息,可以留意我們的報導。如果想尋找親民價格的咖啡店,也不妨看看這家進駐銅鑼灣的上海連鎖咖啡店。 Photograph: CH
Premium French beer brand Kronenbourg 1664 releases a Champagne like all-new sparkling lager

Premium French beer brand Kronenbourg 1664 releases a Champagne like all-new sparkling lager

Since its establishment, Kronenbourg 1664’s beers have gained immense popularity as premium lagers in France, and have been enjoyed in numerous countries around the world. Recently, the French beer released a new addition to their beer portfolio with 1664 Brut. The new product is a lager with a premium taste that embodies the crisp, dry, and sparkling finish of traditional brut Champagnes, while being enhanced with floral and grape notes. This combination gives the beer a refreshing and balanced taste, aligning perfectly with Kronenbourg 1664’s philosophy  of ‘good taste with a twist’. Photograph: Courtesy Kronenbourg 1664 1664 Brut’s packaging features the brand’s classic colours of blue, red, and white, along with Champagne gold, to provide an elegant touch that reflects the brand’s aesthetic. Consumers can now find 1664 Brut packaged in 500ml cans at select Circle-K and 7-Eleven locations across Hong Kong, as well as Wellcome and Parknshop supermarkets.  In addition to retail stores, Kronenbourg 1664 has partnered with bars and restaurants in the city to serve the all-new sparkling lager. Hongkongers can now savour this refined beer in bottles or on tap at venues, including Ozone, Murray Lane, Pizzeria at Cotton Tree Terrace, Red Sugar, Latitude 22, and Club Bar. Recommended stories:Best places to watch the fireworks for free in Hong KongTong Chong Street Market's Beer Festival returns for another yearBest things to do to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival in Hong Kong Follo
Marriott Bonvoy presents new banquet concept ‘A Timeless Journey’

Marriott Bonvoy presents new banquet concept ‘A Timeless Journey’

Luxury dining has always been a part of the exquisite guest experiences within Marriott Bonvoy’s extraordinary portfolio, which includes renowned properties like The Ritz-Carlton, St. Regis, W Hotels, and more.  Photograph: Courtesy Marriott BonvoyDouble boiled fish maw, sea whelk, and mini kumquat This season, drawing inspiration from its award-winning restaurants in Greater China, Marriott Bonvoy has recently launched its new banquet concept, ‘A Timeless Journey’. Whether participating in grand-scale events or hosting intimate gatherings, guests can now indulge in new banquet menus and services tailored by the hotel group’s celebrity chefs and hospitality team. Photograph: Courtesy Marriott BonvoyCanton Shadow Theatre The new experience debuted at The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, featuring an innovative menu crafted by Michelin-starred modern Cantonese restaurant, Lai Heen, led by executive chef Aiden Huang. The offering pays tribute to the customs and traditions of Lingnan cuisine. Standout dishes include Shunde-style mixed fish skin with soy sauce and peanut, double-boiled fish maw with sea whelk and mini kumquat, and pan-fried Taishan half-dried oyster with Xinhui tangerine peel. Photograph: Courtesy Marriott BonvoyPan-fried Taishan half-dried oyster with Xinhui tangerine peel Expect the new banquet offerings at Marriott Bonvoy destinations across Greater China soon. For more information, visit marriottbonvoy.com Recommended stories:Asia's F&B sustainability pioneers a


武術家で俳優のブルース・リーが死去し、2023年7月20日で没後50年。「香港文化博物館」では2024年1月1日(月)までの間、彼を追悼するためのさまざまなプログラムを開催している。 中でも特筆すべきは「Bruce Lee: A Timeless Classic」と題されたポップアップ展示。出版物、記念切手、フィギュアなど、リーをフィーチャーしたポピュラーカルチャーの最高傑作が紹介されている。 2023年7月20日には「燃えよドラゴン」「ドラゴン危機一発」「精武門」などのリーの代表作が上映され、ファンにとって彼の最も象徴的な瞬間を再び楽しむ貴重な機会となった。さらに22日に行われた「少林寺2」の無料上映では、劇中でリーの妹役を演じた女優アリス・フォンとベテラン映画研究家のサム・ホーによるトークショーも開催された。 リーの生涯とレガシーをさらに深く洞察したければ、同じ香港文化博物館で2021年11月から5年間の会期で開催されている「A Man Beyond the Ordinary: Bruce Lee」も必見だ。この展示では、リーにまつわる品々や写真など約400点もの展示品が見られるほか、光にあふれ、感覚が刺激される大規模な没入型インスタレーションなどが楽しめる。 両展とも映画ファンや武術愛好家にとって、香港の伝説的な文化アイコンの一つに再び触れることができる貴重な機会となっているので、見逃さないようにしたい。 関連記事 『Bruce Lee: a Timeless Classic(原文)』 『1980年代の名作映画20選』 『人生で観ておくべき、日本映画ベスト50』 『クエンティン・タランティーノ映画、全作品ランキング』 『東京で行くべき飲茶と点心の専門店6選』 『7月から8月公開の観るべき映画』 東京の最新情報をタイムアウト東京のメールマガジンでチェックしよう。登録はこちら  
Taiwanese jelly-based bubble tea store Potion House opens in Wan Chai

Taiwanese jelly-based bubble tea store Potion House opens in Wan Chai

Potion House, located in the heart of Wan Chai, is the newest addition to Hong Kong’s bubble tea scene. Unlike other bubble tea stores, Potion House specialises in using ‘cha dong’ – jelly infused with milk, tea, or coffee – to intensify the flavour and add a satisfying chewy texture to their Taiwanese drinks. Photograph: Courtesy Potion House Currently, the store offers six signature jellies on their menu with flavours like peach-infused black tea, jasmine green tea, soybean milk, apricot kernel, grass, and coffee. Each of these jellies can be included as an add-in ingredient to Potion House’s drinks to create a unique beverage unlike any other. Photograph: Courtesy Potion House This bubble tea store offers a wide range of drinks that will appeal to all taste buds. Their signatures include milk tea made with high quality black tea leaves and paired with their peach-infused black tea jelly for a contrasting fruity flavour and the rich and creamy magnolia green tea topped with cream cheese foam. Other options on the menu include refreshing Jin Xuan alpine tea combined with dried candied apples and honey, or brown sugar coffee latte – a contemporary take on a Taiwanese classic that results in a caramel finish. Visit Potion House now at G/F, 20 Tai Wong Street East, Wan Chai.Recommended stories:The Londoner Macao celebrated its grand opening with David BeckhamThe giant inflatable rubber duck returns to Hong Kong after a decadeOwners of Bangkok’s award-winning restaurant Le
Celebrate the inclusive power of arts at Hong Kong Arts Festival’s ‘No Limits’

Celebrate the inclusive power of arts at Hong Kong Arts Festival’s ‘No Limits’

Because art is for everyone, celebrate the creative collaborations between talented international and Hong Kong artists of diverse abilities at the Hong Kong Arts Festival and The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust’s ‘No Limits’. From now until May 2023, catch various programmes, from film, music, dance, and theatre, via in-venue and online showcases.  Those who want to watch in-venue can catch the mesmerising performances of Gravity (and other attractions) by Un-Label Performing Arts Company ($100/person) at Black Box Theatre, Kwai Tsing Theatre and The Super Special Disability Roadshow by Birds of Paradise Theatre Company ($100/person) at Sheung Wan Civic Centre, on March 17 to 19 with post-performance meet-the-artist sessions. Musical performances by Connie Wong on A Wonderful Journey ($80-$150/person) is showing on March 18 at Auditorium, Tsuen Wan Town Hall, while Adrian Anantawan in concert with Nicholas McCarthy ($60-$100/person) is happening on March 30 at Concert Hall, Hong Kong City Hall.    Photograph: Bibi June SchwithalWithin Sight by Ellen Renton Exclusive complimentary online screenings of concerts, theatres, and films will also be available to the public. These programmes include musical performances of Adrian Anantawan and Leigh McAllister for Beyond Limits Education Concert featuring works by Beethoven, Schumann, and Molly Joyce; the multimedia-infused performance Within Sight by Ellen Renton; and films Imperfect by Regan Linton & Brian Malone and Back
Usher in a brand new year of good fortune at Shatin Racecourse

Usher in a brand new year of good fortune at Shatin Racecourse

Looking for an exciting way to start the new year? Look no further than the Lucky Start January 1 Race Meeting at Sha Tin Racecourse. This sensational event promises a day full of thrilling horse racing, live music performances, interactive games with prizes to be won and delicious food around the racecourse. Gather your closest friends to “capture your luck” that’ll last you throughout 2023, making it your luckiest year yet. Photograph: Courtesy Hong Kong Jockey Club Ring in the new year up on your feet as you groove to the live musical performances at the racecourse. You can also participate in a variety of games to win attractive prizes. Join in the fun of the Horseshoe Hunt Game, where you have to capture your luck by looking for lucky horseshoes around the racecourse. The first 1500 lucky individuals to collect the full set of horseshoes stand a chance to win a smartwatch. There are plenty of other opportunities to win – test your knowledge with the Racing Quiz to take home amazing prizes. Photograph: Courtesy Hong Kong Jockey Club Experience the thrill of being a jockey for a day through the immersive VR eSports facilities at Backstage. This state-of-the-art facility lets you try your hand at the various training stations and also tests all the essential skills needed to become an ace jockey. Photograph: Courtesy Hong Kong Jockey Club Alongside these fun-filled activities, the Sha Tin Racecourse has different signature restaurants and hotspots available for booki