Time Out editors

Time Out editors

Articles (2434)

The 71 best cafés in Sydney right now

The 71 best cafés in Sydney right now

Summer 2025 update: Whether you’re craving a rainbow brekkie plate after an early-morning ocean swim, a matcha during your walk, or a spot to relax on Sunday with hot coffee and buttery scrambled eggs, there’s a café here for you. Sydneysiders are café people. We're constantly on the hunt for the city's best coffee and we love nothing more than donning our finest sport-luxe activewear and catching up with mates on a weekend morning over eggs, fritters and crusty artisan sourdough. So, whether it's a reward for tackling one of Sydney's most beautiful walks, an indulgent hangover fix after a night at one of the city's best bars, or a workday coffee stop, these are the best Sydney cafés, according to our in-the-know Time Out Sydney writers, including Food & Drink Editor Avril Treasure. We'll have one B&E roll, please.  Stay in the loop: sign up for our free Time Out Sydney newsletter for more news, food & drink inspo and activity ideas, straight to your inbox. Is it lunch time? Check out our guide to Sydney's best restaurants right now.
Things to do in Sydney on January 26

Things to do in Sydney on January 26

In Australia, January 26 has very different meanings for different people. For First Nations people, the day marks the beginning of colonisation and is sometimes called Invasion Day or Survival Day. For recent migrants, January 26 is the day of many citizenship ceremonies across the country. However you choose to spend it, we've picked out the main events taking place on the public holiday in 2025.In terms of time off work, it's worth noting that this year January 26 falls on a Sunday – meaning the public holiday will take place on Monday, January 27.Want to plan your year ahead? These are all the public holidays in NSW in 2025.Stay in the loop: sign up for our free Time Out Sydney newsletter for more news, straight to your inbox. Want to escape the city? These are the best camping sites near Sydney, these are the best places to camp by the beach in NSW, and these are the best day hikes close to the city.
The 30 best bars in Australia

The 30 best bars in Australia

There’s always time for a tipple when you’re travelling around Australia. Our thirsty country is swimming in stellar watering holes that are loved by locals and tourists alike. We’ve even got a handful of contenders on the World’s 50 Best Bars list to back us up. Whether you’re looking for a fancy spot for cleverly crafted cocktails or a natural wine bar with superb snacks, our local Australian editors and drink writers have curated this list of all the best bars in Australia right now. Start drinking your way through it! 🍽️ The best restaurants in Australia🍷 Australia's best wineries☕️ Where to find the best coffee in Australia
The 20 best burgers in Sydney

The 20 best burgers in Sydney

A burger is a simple premise, but doing them well is truly a dark art. Do you go with the classic sesame seed or the more gastronomic potato, milk or brioche buns? Do you prefer American cheese, blue or cheddar? How about caramelised onions, pickled or raw? Lettuce and tomato, or cheese and pickles? Is your protein power chicken, fish, beef, or mushroom? And we haven’t even gotten to the question of fries yet.  There are a thousand variations on a burger, but Time Out Sydney's local food writers, including Food & Drink Editor Avril Treasure, have tried all the top buns in town – and these are the best in Sydney. Stay in the loop: sign up for our free Time Out Sydney newsletter for more news, food & drink inspo and activity ideas, straight to your inbox. RECOMMENDED: These are Sydney's best pizza joints. Want more carbs? These are Sydney's best pasta spots.
The best Chinese restaurants in Sydney

The best Chinese restaurants in Sydney

From specialty Sichuan spots to hot Cantonese kitchens, Sydney has some seriously great Chinese restaurants. Time Out Sydney's local food writers, including Food & Drink Editor Avril Treasure, have eaten their way around town to bring you this curated and up-to-date list. So whether you want to go all out and explore regional cuisines, sit down for yum cha, grab some takeaway barbecue duck or hand-thrown noodles, you'll find your spot here. These are the best Chinese restaurants Sydney has to offer – we're hungry just thinking about them. Stay in the loop: sign up for our free Time Out Sydney newsletter for more news, food & drink inspo and activity ideas, straight to your inbox.  Recommended: Here are the tastiest cheap eats in Sydney right now Check out the best Italian joints in Sydney town
Las mejores ciudades del mundo en 2025

Las mejores ciudades del mundo en 2025

Los que no viven en ciudades te dirán que son lugares ajetreados, solitarios y caros. Y puede que algo de eso sea cierto, pero hay una razón por la que tanta gente elige vivir en las urbes: cuentan con espacios dedicados al arte y cultura de clase mundial, gastronomía y vida nocturna inmejorables, barrios vibrantes y una impresionante cantidad de cosas que hacer y ver. Simplemente, no hay mejor lugar donde estar. Cada año preguntamos a miles de habitantes de todo el planeta sobre la vida en sus ciudades. Este año, más de 18.500 residentes han compartido sus opiniones sobre todo tipo de temas, desde la comida, la vida nocturna y la cultura hasta la asequibilidad, la felicidad y el ambiente general de la ciudad. Ya que la vida urbana puede resultar a veces alienante y costosa, este año queríamos saber qué es exactamente lo que hace que una ciudad te haga sentir como en casa. Claro que la vida nocturna es estupenda, pero ¿es la ciudad segura y transitable? ¿Hay comida y arte de calidad a un precio razonable? ¿Es fácil hacer amigos, encontrar el amor y disfrutar de la naturaleza? La habitabilidad ha sido un factor clave en nuestra clasificación de este año. Pero una buena ciudad para vivir es, naturalmente, una gran ciudad para visitar. Así que, junto con los miles de respuestas que nos han dado los habitantes de las metrópolis de todo el mundo, hemos pedido a los expertos en ciudades de Time Out que voten sobre las ciudades que, en su opinión, son lugares especialmente inter
Les 50 meilleures villes du monde en 2025 selon Time Out

Les 50 meilleures villes du monde en 2025 selon Time Out

Trouver la ville la plus cool du monde chaque année, c’est notre passion chez Time Out ! En 2025, on a tout passé à la moulinette pour mieux comprendre ce qui rend une ville vraiment vivable. Est-ce qu’on peut marcher dans la rue sans flipper ? Est-ce que l’art et la bouffe sont accessibles sans braquer une banque ? Est-ce qu’on peut facilement se faire des potes, tomber amoureux, ou juste respirer un peu d’air frais ? Parce qu’une ville où il fait bon vivre, c’est aussi une ville où il fait bon voyager. En plus des votes de notre réseau d’experts, cette année, on a demandé à 18 500 citadins de nous filer leur avis sur leur chez-soi. Gastronomie, vie nocturne, culture, coût de la vie, baromètre du bonheur… On a tout mixé, trituré et recoupé, et voici le verdict : le top ultime des meilleures villes du monde en 2025, by Time Out (dont deux Françaises, Paris, 19e, et Marseille, 38e).
The best hotels in Bournemouth

The best hotels in Bournemouth

If you’re in the market for a classic British beach holiday, look no further than Bournemouth. Offering the dual charms of the Jurassic Coast and the New Forest, Bo’mo has been drawing holidaymakers to it for generations. We’ve rounded up the best hotels the area has to offer, including stylish boutique hotels and quaint B&Bs. Just don’t forget to pack the bucket and the spade. This article includes affiliate links. These links have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, click here.
The 10 best hotels in York

The 10 best hotels in York

What Bath is to the south of England, York is to the north. Tourists flock to the beautiful historic town for many reasons: the awe-inspiring York Minster (Britain’s largest Gothic cathedral), the Jorvik Viking Centre, the medieval Shambles that look like something straight out of Harry Potter, and all the fascinating museums. York is also home to some brilliant pubs and restaurants if you're more interested in the gastronomic side of things, from fine dining establishments to a brooding watering hole where the Rolling Stones hung out in the 60s.  As it's common for people to need more than a day to explore this picture-perfect place, we've selected the best hotels in York for you to rest your head in between ambles across the cobblestone. From a luxury spa to an actual convent, here's where you could be staying on your next trip to the budget-friendly city of York.  Updated January 2025: With Valentine's Day literally round the corner we figured we'd drop a few hints in your direction like this quaint 4-star boutique in Hustwaite. RECOMMENDED: 🏠 The best Airbnbs in York📍The best things to do in York✨ How to spend a perfect day in York 🏨 The best hotels in York This guide was contributed to by English journalist, Rosemary Waugh. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. While we might not stay in every hotel featured below, we've based our list on top rev
Les millors ciutats del món el 2025

Les millors ciutats del món el 2025

Els qui no viuen en ciutats diran que són llocs atrafegats, solitaris i cars. I potser tenen part de raó, però hi ha altres raons per les quals tanta gent tria viure a les urbs: tenen espais dedicats a l’art i la cultura de classe mundial, gastronomia i vida nocturna immillorables, barris vibrants i una impressionant quantitat de coses a fer i veure. Simplement, no hi ha millor lloc on estar. Cada any preguntem a milers d’habitants de tot el planeta sobre la vida a les seves ciutats. Aquest any, més de 18.500 residents han compartit les seves opinions sobre tota mena de temes, des de menjar, vida nocturna i cultura fins a l'assequibilitat, la felicitat i l’ambient general de la ciutat. Ja que la vida urbana de vegades pot resultar a alienant i costosa, aquest any volíem saber què és exactament allò que fa que una ciutat et faci sentir com a casa. És clar que la vida nocturna és estupenda, però, la ciutat és segura i transitable? Hi ha menjar i art de qualitat a un preu raonable? És fàcil fer-hi amics, trobar-hi l’amor i gaudir-hi de la natura? L’habitabilitat ha estat un factor clau en la nostra classificació d’aquest any. Però una bona ciutat per viure és, naturalment, una gran ciutat per visitar. Així que, juntament amb els milers de respostes que ens han donat els habitants de les metròpolis de tot el món, hem demanat als experts en ciutats de Time Out que votessin sobre les ciutats que, a parer seu, són llocs especialment interessants per veure i estar el 2025. Què hem ob
The 50 best restaurants in Hong Kong

The 50 best restaurants in Hong Kong

December 2024: With a few weeks before 2024 wraps up, we revisited old favourites on this list to check out their new offerings. If festive meals with turkey and stuffing aren’t your thing, why not book a table at one of these restaurants during the holidays? With countless new restaurants joining Hong Kong’s dining scene, it’s no surprise that foodies in the city can easily get overwhelmed with options. Here at Time Out, we’ve taken the city’s gargantuan list of eateries and whittled them down to the 50 best venues that you need to try. Our rankings change depending on the latest and most creative offerings, so bookmark this page to keep updated and get some inspiration for where your next meal could be. Eaten somewhere on this list and loved it? Know of a restaurant that should be included? Tag us on Instagram and use the hashtag #TimeOutEatList. Stay in the Loop: Sign up for our free weekly newsletter to get the latest in Hong Kong’s city news, culture, and dining. RECOMMENDED: Get ready for the holidays with our ultimate guide to celebrating Christmas in Hong Kong!
The 50 best cities in the world in 2025

The 50 best cities in the world in 2025

People who don’t live in cities will tell you they’re busy, lonely and expensive places. But there’s a reason so many people choose to live in them: with world-class art and culture, unbeatable food and nightlife, buzzing neighbourhoods and a dizzying amount of stuff to do and see, there’s simply no better place to be.  Every year, we take the pulse of city living by quizzing thousands of locals across the planet about life in their hometowns. This year, more than 18,500 city-dwellers shared their insights on everything from food, nightlife and culture to affordability, happiness and the overall city vibe. When urban living can sometimes feel isolating and costly, this year we wanted to get a sense of what, exactly, makes a city feel like home. Sure, the nightlife is great, but is the city safe and walkable? Is good quality food and art available at a reasonable price? Is it easy to make friends, find love, and access nature?  Livability was a key factor in our ranking this year. But a great city to live in is, naturally, a great city to visit. So, along with the thousands of responses from locals around the world, we asked Time Out’s global network of city experts to vote on the places they think are particularly exciting right now. After crunching all that data, here we are: Time Out’s definitive ranking of the world’s best cities in 2025. Read on to see how your hometown fared… RECOMMENDED:🛍️ The coolest neighbourhoods in the world right now🌎 The best things to do in the

Listings and reviews (978)

Vintners Lanes

Vintners Lanes

There’s a lot to like about this relatively new boutique bowling spot just off Greenwich High Road. First things first, it looks great, with a Victorian industrial aesthetic from antique mirror paneling, vintage bowling pins and walls showing off the room’s original brickwork. It’s a long way from Hollywood Bowl, put it that way. It’s from the guys behind Davy’s Wine Bar group (Davy’s Wine Vaults are right next door, in fact), so you’re well-serviced when it comes to drinks, especially when it comes to what looks like a quality selection of wines leaning on the group’s expertise. The food menu is chock-full of crowd-pleasers: think wings, nachos, pizzas and great-looking buttermilk chicken burgers. Bowling comes courtesy of a high-tech setup, but remember this is a boutique bowling venue with just six lanes, so booking is recommended. (It’s very much worth it.)
Musei Capitolini

Musei Capitolini

What is it? Housed in the twin palaces of Palazzo Nuovo and Palazzo dei Conservatori, standing on opposite sides of Michelangelo’s Piazza del Campidoglio, the Capitoline Museums constitute the oldest public gallery in the world. Is it worth visiting? The collection was begun in 1471 when Pope Sixtus IV presented the Roman people with a group of classical sculptures. Sixtus’s successors continued to enrich the collection with examples of ancient art (mostly sculptures) and, at a later date, some important Renaissance and post-Renaissance paintings. The entire collection was finally opened to the public in 1734 by Pope Clement XII. Many statues remain frustratingly unlabelled, but there is a decent audioguide. Part of the ancient sculpture collection from the Musei Capitolini can be seen at the Centrale Montemartini too. Ticketing info Tickets cost €15.50 for adults and €12 for concessions. Residents of Rome and the metropolitan area get a slight discount, with prices dropping to €13 for adults and €11 for concessions. The last admission is one hour before closing time.
Fontana di Trevi

Fontana di Trevi

What is it? Tucked away in a tiny piazza and almost always surrounded by jostling crowds, the fountain’s stark travertine (cleaned in 2016 in a project sponsored by Fendi) gleams beneath powerful torrents of water and constant camera flashes. It’s a magnificent rococo extravaganza of rearing sea horses, conch-blowing tritons, craggy rocks and flimsy trees erupting in front of the wall of Palazzo Poli. Is it worth visiting? For recent generations, it was Anita Ekberg who made this fountain famous when she plunged in wearing a strapless black evening dress in Federico Fellini’s classic film La Dolce Vita. Don’t even think about trying it yourself – wading, washing and splashing in fountains are strictly against local by-laws. And unlike the Grand Tourists, you don’t want to drink from it either: channelled from the ancient acqua vergine spring – legend says the source was revealed to the troops of Agrippa by a virgin – the sparkling water of the fountain is full of chlorine (though there’s a chlorine-free spout hidden in a bird-bath-shaped affair at the back of the fountain to the right). Ticketing info Visiting the fountain is free, but get ready to share the experience with masses of other visitors. Time Out tip Nobody can quite remember when the custom of tossing coins into the waters began, but when in Rome, right? The fountain is drained every Monday morning, and the money goes to the Red Cross. Visit as early or as late as you can to have a chance of avoiding the crowds.
TarraWarra Museum of Art

TarraWarra Museum of Art

Attached to TarraWarra Estate is an intimage modern art gallery in TarraWarra Museum of Art.  Sure, it’s a bit of a drive – but the scenery (both inside the gallery and out) is nothing short of amazing. The not-for-profit gallery features work from the Australian modernists to the current day, and notables from the collection are John Brack and John Olsen. Built on a hill, the attached winery's stunning contemporary architecture houses a cellar door, and restaurant that sits among the estate's vineyard. When you're done looking at the beautiful art, head next door for a wine tasting, or even a long lunch. 
Jorge Bedoya

Jorge Bedoya

Jorge Bedoya lleva al Gran Teatro CaixaBank Príncipe Pío su espectáculo 'Las manos'. Un monólogo en el que recoge sus piezas de flamenco a través de un viaje con el público donde los protagonistas son el piano y la palabra. Nacido en Oviedo en 1986, Jorge Bedoya es pianista, compositor y actor. Ahora trae a Madrid este espectáculo que se apoya en tres pilares fundamentales: la percusión, el flamenco y el minimalismo,
Antoñito Molina

Antoñito Molina

La estrella del flamenco-pop andaluz Antoñito Molina recala en Madrid como parte de la gira La Aventura Tour. Molina se dio a conocer en el mundo de la música con el dúo El tren de los sueños, con quién grabó un total de seis discos. En 2017, Molina optó por seguir su carrera en solitario, con el que ha lanzado 'Déjame que te cuente', 'La ley de mi naturaleza' y 'La Aventura', que vio la luz en 2023. Ahora, el gaditano lleva su música por primera vez al gran escenario del WiZink Center. 
Paula Mattheus

Paula Mattheus

La joven cantautora vizcaína Paula Mattheus pertenece a la nueva ola de jóvenes artistas autodidactas que vienen pisando fuerte. Ahora acude al Teatro Circo Price para ofrecer dos conciertos muy esperados, en los que presentará su nuevo disco, 'Ya No Me Joden La Fiesta'. En la gira, Mattheus también ofrecerá un repaso por las canciones que ya se han convertido en un éxito, como 'Valientes de sofá', 'Tocado y hundido', 'Me pasaste tú' o 'Vale la pena', que no paran de sumar reproducciones en las plataformas de streaming.
Alberto & García

Alberto & García

Alberto & García es un septeto asturiano con raíz en el folclore latinoamericano, el pop-rock clásico, la electrónica y los textos en castellano. Una singular banda formada tanto como por amigos como por familiares y que cuenta con una paleta sonora de lo más diversa. Actualmente, y tras tres discos muy célebrados, la banda ha llevado a cabo una extensa gira para presentar las canciones que conforman su nuevo disco, 'La herida'. Ahora, esa gira concluye donde empezó: en la emblemática sala Sol.
Wyndham Grand Phuket Kalim Bay

Wyndham Grand Phuket Kalim Bay

Wyndham Grand Phuket Kalim Bay has been awarded “Honeymoon Resort of the Year” at the Travel Trade Excellence Awards 2024, presented by Travel Daily Media (TDM). This year’s nominees were selected by a distinguished panel of travel and hospitality experts, who praised Wyndham Grand Phuket Kalim Bay’s dedicated commitment to providing guests personalised service, attention to detail and exclusive amenities to couples. The award ceremony took place at the InterContinental Bangkok and celebrated the top-tier performers in Thailand’s travel, airline and hospitality industries. The TDM Travel Trade Excellence Awards are a prestigious recognition in the travel industry. The awards honour outstanding companies and individuals who continuously raise the bar in hospitality and travel services.  “This award reflects the passion and dedication of our team, who work tirelessly to make each honeymoon experience special. We continue to develop unique offerings and activities for newlyweds to ensure their memories of their special occasion last for life,” said Dominic Egger, Director of Operations Thailand and General Manager of Wyndham Grand Phuket Kalim Bay. Nestled into the headland and overlooking Kalim Bay, the resort offers couples an exclusive escape with luxurious private villas and sweeping views of the Andaman Sea. The resort’s dedicated team specialises in creating remarkable romantic experiences including “Dine Under the Stars,” a floating meal guests can enjoy in their private
Tokyo Vibration: The 444HZ Sound Journey with Kenta Hayashi at The Slate Phuket

Tokyo Vibration: The 444HZ Sound Journey with Kenta Hayashi at The Slate Phuket

Get ready for the fourth BOLD event of 2024 at The Slate Phuket. Tokyo Vibration: The 444HZ Sound Journey with Kenta Hayashi takes place on December 19. This is your chance to experience the Japanese singer-songwriter and loop pedal ninja in action. Kenta Hayashi is known for delivering one-of-a-kind live performances where he intertwines layered, psychedelic soundscapes into pulsating melodies. On December 19, Kenta will be joined by Dragon Sound, a duo who use original bamboo instruments to blend sacred geometry with electric frequencies for a modern sound. They will be joined by a Goddess Dancer, whose graceful movements capture the energy of Kenta’s music and the force of Dragon Sound’s bamboo instruments. Guests can expect a visual dimension that flows seamlessly with the rhythmic sounds creating an exquisite journey of sight and sound.  “I am always inspired by my travels and love bringing new artists to Phuket to satisfy our guests’ desire for experiential travel,” says The Slate’s owner Krystal Prakaikaew Na-Ranong. “Hayashi’s live show is described as a spiritual meeting and tuning, which opens the hearts of the audiences and takes them on a musical adventure and this is exactly what we try to do with each BOLD event.” The event will take place in the otherworldly setting of the Colosseum under the stars and features an array of specially themed drinks and food, including the exclusive Electric Geisha cocktail, an interactive sake tasting station, and a selection of


Discover 10 years of epic clubbing experiences at Illuzion Phuket and dance to the smooth tunes of Timmy Trumpet. Ranked the 5th best DJ in the world, Timmy Trumpet is a multi-platinum-selling DJ, producer and live instrumentalist. He delivers some of the most explosive performances in the music scene, and this is your only chance to experience his musical magic in Phuket. With over 20 years in the music industry, Timmy Trumpet has worked with artists like Armin van Buuren, Hardwell, and Steve Aoki. Dec 15. Illuzion Phuket. 9pm-4am. 
4 Hands Dinner Mizu x Sizzle

4 Hands Dinner Mizu x Sizzle

Experience the art of Japanese elegance & steakhouse fire curated by Chef Lakhan and Chef Gautam at Sizzle Rooftop Restaurant, located at Avista Hideaway - McGallery. This unique four-hands dinner promises a night of culinary magic blending refined Japanese dishes and succulent premium steaks for unforgettable cuisine and bold flavors. Enjoy iconic rooftop sunsets and the warm atmosphere of Sizzle Rooftop Restaurant during this exclusive dining event. Dec 14-15. Sizzle Rooftop Restaurant. 6pm-11pm.

News (903)

映画祭「Festa Incognita」が10月開催、世界中の奇妙な作品を上映

映画祭「Festa Incognita」が10月開催、世界中の奇妙な作品を上映

世界中の奇妙な作品を集めた映画祭「Festa Incognita」が、2025年10月に「ユナイテッド・シネマ豊洲」で初開催される。主催は日本未公開の映画を紹介するZINE「Incognita」シリーズを手がけ、映画評論サークル「コーンビーム」の代表も務めるシメギウムだ。 上映が決定しているのはルーマニア、ナイジェリア、モロッコの3作品。シメギウムは「『Incognita』シリーズの制作中に気になった、日本人にはあまりなじみのない国の映画を上映する」と話す。 画像提供:シメギウム「Be My Cat: A Film for Anne」(ルーマニア、2015年) 『Be My Cat: A Film for Anne』(ルーマニア、2015年)は、アン・ハサウェイの熱心なファンである監督が、彼女に認めてもらい自らの作品に出てほしいと映画を制作するファウンド・フッテージホラー。ファウンド・フッテージとは、他の作家が制作した映像(フッテージ)を作品の全体または一部に用いる手法を指す。 画像提供:シメギウムBe My Cat: A Film for Anne シメギウムに、参加者に感じてほしいことを尋ねると「本作は、ストレートに不快感です」と回答。「身の丈に合わない野望に向けて努力する主人公は、本作がファウンドフッテージなこともあって主観的に映るでしょう。しかし、彼の技術と才能のなさが我々視聴者を一歩引いた客観視へと引きはがしてくる。その視点で彼の奇行を観て、ドン引きしてほしいと思っています」と語る。 画像提供:シメギウム「Mami Wata」(ナイジェリア、2023年) 『Mami Wata』(ナイジェリア、2023年)は、現代社会と隔絶された西アフリカ海岸の村イユが舞台となる。水の女神「マミ・ワタ」を信仰する原住民族と技術革新の葛藤にフォーカスを当てたフォークスリラー(民俗的な怪異をモチーフにしたホラー映画)だ。同作は、第96回アカデミー賞国際長編映画賞(旧外国語映画賞)のナイジェリア代表作品にも選出された。 画像提供:シメギウムMami Wata 「同作からは映画の新ジャンルを感じていただければと思っています。日本の時代劇やアメリカの西部劇、インドのダンス映画など国固有の映画ジャンルは意外と多くありません。本作はナイジェリア映画いわゆる『ノリウッド』でしか作られない唯一無二の作風を感じさせます。モノクロの画面に映るハイコントラストな民族衣装と化粧、土着信仰をベースにしたストーリー、あらゆる点で今後のノリウッドを語るのに欠かせない作品であることを実感します」(シメギウム) 画像提供:シメギウム「The Sky Trembles and the Earth Is Afraid and the Two Eyes Are Not Brothers」(モロッコ、2015年) 『The Sky Trembles and the Earth Is Afraid and the Two Eyes Are Not Brothers』(モロッコ、2015年)は、映画撮影ためモロッコを訪れるオリバー・ラクセ監督に密着するドキュメンタリー。……のはずが現実と映画、劇中劇が入れ替わり続けるという新感覚アヴァンギャルドホラーである。 画像提供:シメギウムThe Sky Trembles and the Earth is Afraid and the Two Eyes Are Not Brothers 「同作で感じてほしいのは混乱です。あまり詳しく話
London’s best art, theatre, food, film and music in 2024, according to Time Out’s experts

London’s best art, theatre, food, film and music in 2024, according to Time Out’s experts

So, 2024. Quite the year, eh? And among its admirable sporting achievements, sizeable political shifts, extreme weather events and constant stream of fascinating stuff (from the partial solar eclipse to once-in-a-decade Northern Lights events), the past year was packed with cultural highlights too. As always, we here at Time Out kept on top of everything culturally great about 2024. Over the past year London was host to show-stopping gastronomy, awesome theatrical productions and mighty exhibitions, as well as non-London-specific highlights in music, film and TV. Whether you’re looking to catch up on 2024’s highlights while you still can or are simply in a reminiscent mood, here’s a round-up of London’s best bits from the past 12 months.   RECOMMENDED:⭐️ 15 of the best Time Out London covers of 2024.📖 The best Time Out features and long-reads of 2024. The best restaurants, pubs and dishes Topping our list of the city’s best individual dishes was the Scotched ’nduja olives at Sesta in London Fields: ‘tubby, deep-fried nuggets of spicy sausage served like a scotch egg’ which our food and drink editor Leonie Cooper called ‘heroically tasty’. You can find all eight of the best things we ate in the city here. Sesta also took home the gong in our ranking of the best new restaurants in London (find that list here), while our overall best restaurants list (featuring older estabs too) was topped by Clapton’s Mambow. We named Dalston’s Army and Navy the city’s best pub in 2024.   Pho


2024年12月2日、「タイムアウトマーケットバーレーン」がマナマの中心部に正式にオープンした。 バーレーンの最高の料理と文化体験をキュレーションし、一つ屋根の下に集めたこの食と文化のマーケットは、個性的なデザインが施された3000平方メートルもの空間で展開。11のキッチンのほかデザートカウンター、コーヒーハブ、エンターテインメントステージ、さらにルーフトップスペースも有する。 このオープンを記念して「メディア関係者向け内覧会」と「プライベートグランドオープニング」の2つの特別イベントが開催。バーレーンの観光大臣であるファーティマ・ビント・ジャアファル・アル・サイラフィーも臨席したオープニングイベントには音楽ライブを含めたバーレーンの「ベスト」が集結し、タイムアウトマーケットが提供する真の味を体験できる機会となった。 タイムアウトマーケットバーレーンで楽しめるのは、厳選された14組が作り上げる味だ。受賞歴のあるシェフや新進気鋭のレストラン経営者、多くの人に愛されている名店が、中東料理や日本料理、南米料理、レバノン料理からカジュアルなピザやハンバーガーまで、バーレーンの文化的影響を反映した多様なメニューを提供する。 このマーケットは毎日朝食、ランチ、夕食はもちろん、その間の時間も休みなくオープン。活気に満ちたユニークなデザイン空間で、誰でも好きな時間にバーレーンの食文化を楽しめる。 さらに、同地のフードシーンのハブとしての役割を果たすだけはなく、カルチャープログラムを通して、地元のエンターテインメントや才能も紹介。DJ、バンド、ミュージシャンを招いたエキサイティングなイベントのほか、ワークショップ、アート展、土曜日の家族のためのアクティビティ体験会なども開催していく。 タイムアウトマーケットバーレーンのジェネラルマネジャーであるイアン・ラッセルは、次のように述べている。 「タイムアウトマーケットはバーレーンの豊かで多様な料理と文化の織り成す風景を、地元の最高の才能を通してたたえるものです。市民にとっても観光客にとっても新たな目的地となるであろうこのユニークな場所に、お客さまをお迎えできることに興奮しています」 「街の最高のシェフやレストラン経営者のキュレーションに力を入れることで、バーレーンの真の味をお届けすると同時に、ホスピタリティー業界における地元の起業家に力を与えることができるのです。個性豊かな料理と文化的理念の提供機会を拡大し、世界の料理地図にバーレーンを位置づけるお手伝いをすることで、国の観光推進を支援できることを誇りに思います」 タイムアウトマーケバーレーンの出店リストは以下の通りだ。 Villa Mamas by Roaya Saleh 豊かな味わいのモダン中東料理By Mirai 日本にインスパイアされた絶品料理が自慢Circa  本格的だが、モダンなアレンジを加えた南米料理を提供Fatto  素朴で心が温まる人気のイタリア料理店Goodness  一日中楽しめる朝食と焼き菓子Ô Liban  モダンなアプローチのレバノン料理Banu  バーレーンの優れたイラン料理店が手がける本格的なペルシャの味Florencia Ice Cream  手作りのジェラートとソルベSOUL  新鮮な素材を使った自家製本格バーガーEathai  華やかな風味と本格的な香りが魅力のタイ料理Doña by Margarita Mexicana  本場のメキシコの味Zen by China Garden 広東・四川・北京料理の専門料理Kāju  香り豊かなイ


暑い日が続き、いよいよ8月も終盤。今週末は、夜市に繰り出して特別な夏の夜を過ごそう。本記事では、2024年8月24日(土)・25日(日)に都内で開催される夜のマーケットイベントを紹介。表参道で日曜の一夜限定で現れるクラフトビール片手に焼き菓子やパンが楽しめるナイトマーケットや、「東京ミッドタウン八重洲」で恒例となった野外ライブやアートに浸れる夜市、下北沢で自分だけの個性的な雑貨に出合えるマーケットイベントは盆踊り祭りとともに楽しんでほしい。 画像提供:東京ミッドタウン八重洲 八重洲夜市 野外音楽ライブやこだわりの食が楽しめる、カルチャーとアートを堪能できる納涼イベント「八重洲夜市」が開催される。 期間中は、人との出会いも楽しめる「角打ち」スタイルの飲食エリアが登場。「サーモンアンドトラウト(Salmon & Trout)」でシェフを務めた中村拓登による「鹿肉の串焼き」などが楽しめる「中むら食堂」や、夏にぴったりのかき氷が楽しめる「かしや」などの厳選された店が出店する。 「茶割 学芸大学」による期間限定の「茶割 BAR TRUCK」の出店など、酒にもこだわったラインアップとなっている。 また、質の高い無料ライブも必見だ。「東京2020パラリンピック」開会式の楽曲を手がけたSeihoや、今月8日にコラボレーション曲をリリースしたKOPYと鎮座DOPENESSによるユニットライブなど、計17組のアーティストがラインアップ。豪華なパフォーマンスが無料で見られる貴重な機会なので、ぜひ足を運んでほしい。 さらに、イラストレーターのカワグチタクヤによる熊本の伝統的なうちわのコラボレーション作品販売や、参加自由なフリースタイル陶芸など、幅広いアートに出合える。 同時企画として、夏を演出するデジタルアートが登場したり、着物のレンタル・着付けサービスもあるので、夏の夜にどっぷりと浸れるだろう。一日では足りない盛りだくさんの夏の夜市。ぜひこの機会に足を運んでみては。 ※8月23・24・30・31日、9月6・7日 時間はコンテンツにより異なる/東京ミッドタウン八重洲/入場は無料   画像提供:アノバデザイン 表参道ベイカーズナイトマーケット 表参道の路地裏にある緑豊かなオープンエアが涼しい「ビーフラット コミューン(B-Flat COMMUNE)」で、パンと焼き菓子が楽しめる一夜限りのナイトマーケットが開催される。 生地にこだわったかわいらしいクマのパンが印象的な「オリミネベーカーズ」や、アーモンドパルプを練り込んだグルテンフリーの焼き菓子を提供する「リリアマンド(Riz Lie Amande)」など、9組が出店予定だ。 さらに会場に常設するフードカートから、スパイスのきいた「ラムショルダー串焼き」など絶品のモンゴル料理や、グリル野菜がおいしいビーガンラーメンなど、食べ応えのある料理をパンとともに楽しめる。 ナイトマーケットということで、もちろん酒も欠かせない。森下・清澄白河のブルワリー&パブ「ビア ビスタ ブルワリー (BEER VISTA BREWERY)」に加え、会場常設の「コカゲビールスタンド(KOKAGE Beer Stand)」や「ビアブレイン(BEER BRAIN)」の個性的なクラフトビールは、迷うのも楽しい。 酒に合うパンも並ぶので、自分だけの組み合わせを見つけてみては。 夏の暑さをおいしく乗り切ろう。 ※25日 17〜21時/ビーフラット コミューン/入場は無料 画像提供:小田急電鉄株式会社 下北沢ナイトマーケット 小田急線の地下化に伴い生
Kyoto now has a museum dedicated to the city’s fabled geisha culture

Kyoto now has a museum dedicated to the city’s fabled geisha culture

No area of Kyoto is more closely linked with geisha than the historic former capital’s Gion. In this district indelibly infused with the graceful and vibrant culture of the geisha, where apprentice maiko can still be glimpsed on the streets, the new Gion Kagai Art Museum offers an unrivalled deep dive into their enchanting world. 画像提供: 祇園 花街芸術資料館 Gion Kagai Art Museum is located in the Gion Kobu quarter, which is said to be the largest geisha district in Kyoto. The refined classical building, which sits fronted by the calm waters of a pond, is set within an equally elegant garden complete with a traditional stone bridge.  画像提供:祇園 花街芸術資料館 Inside, a permanent display of objects that have been used by both geisha and maiko tangibly conveys the beauty and allure of their aesthetic. Among these exhibits are hand-painted kimono, obi woven in Kyoto’s Nishijin neighbourhood (which is renowned for its textiles) and makeup tools.  画像提供:祇園 花街芸術資料館 The sight of these kimono, spread out to fully reveal their intricate designs, will undoubtedly inspire a wish to see the same style of dress given form as part of a geisha performance. The museum is able to deliver on this desire, with a geisha (or maiko) giving a solo performance of the city’s traditional Kyomai dance five times each day. At certain times, it's also possible to take a commemorative photo with either a geisha or maiko (¥2,000 per group of up to five people, with a limit of 20 groups per session). There can surely be no


東京湾に面した「葛西臨海公園」と園内にある「葛西臨海水族園」は、1989年のオープン以来、多くの人々に愛されている。都内で学生時代を過ごした人なら、遠足で訪れたことがあるかもしれない。開園から35年を迎える2024年、両施設の魅力を伝えるべくアートイベント「海とつながる。アートをめぐる。― Harmony with Nature ―」が、東京都の主催により2024年8月2日から18日(日)まで開催している。 Photo: Kisa Toyoshimaガラスドーム 霧の海に浮かぶ名建築  「海とつながる」をテーマに掲げる葛西臨海水族園では、象徴的なガラスドームがミストに包まれ、海との一体感を感じさせる幻想的な空間を演出。風が穏やかな日に訪れると、ミストが建物にとどまり、高さ約20メートルのガラスドームが東京湾の上に浮かんでいるかのような光景が見られる。 風が吹いていても、ミストは体に触れるとひんやりと心地よく、涼をとることができる。また、子どもたちにとっては最高の遊び道具になるだろう。 さらに、8月11日(日)から14日(水)までは開園時間を3時間延長し、夜間イベント「Night of Wonder ~夜の不思議の水族園~」を開催する。水槽の照明を消して、魚たちと一緒に夜を迎えるという貴重な体験ができるので、ぜひチェックしてほしい。 Photo: Kisa Toyoshima蜷川実花 with EiM 『Garden of Sky(空の庭園)』 自然とアートの融合 葛西臨海公園では「アートをめぐる」をテーマに、有名アーティストたちの作品を展示。展望広場レストハウス「クリスタルビュー」では、蜷川実花 with EiMの作品が会場を鮮やかに彩る。 一つ一つ手作業で作ったという800個のパーツとクリスタルから成る『Garden of Sky(空の庭園)』は、ガラス張りの建物いっぱいに降り注ぐ光を反射してキラキラと輝く。写真家ならではの鋭い時間感覚が、その光のはかなさに現れている。 Photo: Kisa Toyoshima落合陽一『リキッドユニバース:向日葵の環世界のコペルニクス的転回』 Photo: Kisa Toyoshima河瀨直美による作品『隠されたもう一人の私。ひまわり畑での問いかけ』の1つ 「ダイヤと花の大観覧車」がある芝生広場に移動すると、一面にヒマワリ畑が広がっている。この夏らしい空間で展示を行うのが、落合陽一、河瀨直美、平子雄一の3人だ。4万本ものヒマワリが植わっている畑に反応するかのように、三者三様のアプローチで自然というテーマに取り組んだ作品が楽しめる。 葛西臨海公園まで足を延ばしたなら、建築もチェックしておきたい。クリスタルビューと葛西臨海水族園の設計は、「豊田市美術館」や「ギンザシックス(GINZA SIX)」を手がけた谷口吉生によるものだ。 Photo: Kisa Toyoshimaクリスタルビュー 自然環境と調和し、室内と屋外の境界を曖昧にするデザインが特徴の谷口の建築。透明感が高く、空に溶け込むような点で、両施設にも顕著に現れている。老朽化に伴い、水族園は2028年3月にリニューアルオープンを控えている。しかし、多くの人から愛されてきたガラスドームは保存される予定となっている。 複数の有名アーティストが参加しているため注目度は高いが、展示作品は多くない。そのため、葛西臨海公園の散歩や水族園などほかのイベントと併せて楽しむのをおすすめしたい。 また、日陰となる場所が少ないため、熱中症対策は万全
Take a ride to Europe’s highest railway station

Take a ride to Europe’s highest railway station

Fancy escaping into the clouds for a bit? Try a journey to the Jungfraujoch, a rail station sitting 3,454 metres above sea level (making it Europe’s highest, no less) and one that also happens to run to a UNESCO World Heritage Site – the stunning Jungfrau-Aletsch region of the Swiss Alps. As you might gather from all those credentials, this is a truly special journey that everyone should make at least once. You can find out more about this unique area at the official Jungfrau Railways website, but below we’ve given you some inspiration to get things underway. To get you started on this incredible trip, a multimedia tour greets visitors when arriving at the station, explaining how the pioneering Jungfrau Railway became a reality, step-by-step. It’s the perfect introduction to understanding this wonderful system, and also to ready you for the breathtaking Alpine scenery that’s coming up. This includes countless towering peaks – some measuring over 4,000 metres – and year-round coatings of snow. Image: © jungfrau.ch Undoubtedly one of the finest places to soak it all up is the Sphinx Terrace: a viewing platform attached to an international research station, offering superb vistas out across those snow-capped peaks, as well as a prime view of the Aletsch Glacier – the largest in the Alps. How to get to this acclaimed vantage point? A smooth and speedy lift that glides up 108 metres in just 25 seconds.  But remember that not all of the memorable sights are outdoors. Look careful
5 Fun facts about Swiss wine

5 Fun facts about Swiss wine

Until recently, Switzerland was something of a ‘hidden gem’ when it came to wine. While many of its neighbours have built up a reputation for wines over the centuries (we’re looking at you, France, Italy, Germany and Austria), Switzerland’s efforts were far more low-key, but that didn’t stop it from producing some excellent wines – something which is now being widely recognised. To toast the country’s vinicultural riches, here are some facts to give you a crash-course in Swiss wine. And if that whets your appetite for a quality tipple, start investigating Grape Escapes right now – Grape Escapes has opened up 60 accommodations in wine-producing hotspots around Switzerland, from retired wine barrels to ancient castles to cosy lodgings in the middle of the vines themselves. Learn more about Grape Escapes by clicking here. And now back to those facts. 1. Only 1% of Swiss wine is exported Image: Unsplash     You know how we mentioned that Swiss wine was a bit of a secret until recently? A big part of the reason why is because so little of it is exported. The Swiss – very wisely – like to keep their many superb wines to themselves, you see, meaning that relatively few people living outside of Switzerland have had a chance to really get to grips with it. So, for wine-lovers, a trip to Switzerland remains a very appealing prospect. 2. Switzerland produced almost 100 million litres of wine in 2022 Despite so little Swiss wine being imported, a fairly staggering 99 million litres of
22 ways to not be a knob in Sydney

22 ways to not be a knob in Sydney

1. Don't complain about how getting to North Sydney or Parramatta is too hard and can’t your mates just meet you in the city? There's a train for that and it's quite easy. 2. Stop moving in next door to live music venues and complaining about the noise. 3. Get to the front of the line at the Gelato Messina HQ, Malibu sandwich shop or Oti' pizza ready to order, no one likes a flavour waffler.  4. Pushing your way onto a train, tram or bus without waiting for people to disembark should be a punishable offence. 5. Save your car horn for its purpose, not because the car in front of you can't hear you going "tsk" with your mouth. 6. If you want to stand still on the escalator, stand to the left and give way to the right (and no standing side-by-side with a mate). You're forgiven if you're here from overseas, where it's the other way around. 7. Jog in the bike lane at Centennial Park by all means, but prepare to share, don't barge. 8. Attending a yoga class and leaving your phone on vibrate is pretty up there, especially if you let your Instagram stories play through so you can view them while you downward dog, ya dog.  9. If you're going to walk three-abreast, slowly, in the city, at lunchtime or right after work, expect some huffing and puffing behind you and move out of the way for the speed walkers. 10. Don't boast about how you'd never head north over the Bridge, despite the fact you'd willingly spend over an hour in traffic getting to Watsons Bay. 11. Swim fast if you're
Escape to a spa that’s fit for James Bond

Escape to a spa that’s fit for James Bond

James Bond doesn’t get much time for spas, but if he did, he’d need a seriously relaxing one – a spa that’s calming enough to make him forget about saving the world for a few hours. Bürgenstock Resort Lake Lucerne houses such a spa. If you want proof of just how Bond-worthy Bürgenstock Resort is, consider that the resort featured in perhaps the most iconic Bond film ever made – 1964’s ‘Goldfinger’, featuring scenes around the venue’s lavish, outdoor Hollywood pool. If you want to recreate some of that glamour during your visit, rest assured that there’s a poolside bar, in case the urge for a martini arises – shaken, not stirred, naturally. While Bond and co. certainly enjoyed their time at the hotel and spa back then (some of the cast and crew also stayed at the resort while filming), these days things have gotten even more impressive. Take the Alpine Spa infinity pool, for example. Here, you can even bathe in the sky. Or at least that’s what it feels like, thanks to the stunning, high-altitude views and the pool’s edge melting into the cliffside. Those views coupled with toasty, 35-degree water will make the world seem a lot better. Further aquatic wonders can be found in the Bürgenstock Alpine Spa. Here, you’ll be able to soak up the effects of 20 pools, plunge pools and steam rooms, waking yourself up with a refreshingly chilly 10-degree dip, before treating yourself to seriously soothing 60-degree water. Don’t miss the chance to float – seemingly weightless – in a saline
Estos son los talleres y las catas que puedes hacer gratis en el Time Out Fest 2024

Estos son los talleres y las catas que puedes hacer gratis en el Time Out Fest 2024

Además de los 16 platos preparados por los chefs estrella barceloneses, la cuarta edición del Time Out Fest, que tendrá lugar el fin de semana del 25 y 26 de mayo, contará con las sesiones de DJ de primera línea, actividades infantiles, catas y numerosos talleres. ¡Os explicamos qué podréis saborear y aprender a elaborar durante los dos días del festival! Todos los talleres y catas son gratuitos, pero para aseguraros la plaza, os tendréis que apuntar en la aplicación 3cket el mismo día de la actividad. Igualmente, se podrá hacer cola por si hay gente que no se presenta, pero si os interesa mucho (normal, porque son chulísimos), mejor registraos con antelación. Venid con el paladar preparado, porque tanto el sábado como el domingo podréis participar en una cata de cervezas. Es una oportunidad de disfrutar de una experiencia guiada y ver cómo cambia el sabor y sensaciones de cada birra Las variedades que podréis maridar son Estrella Damm, Voll-Damm, Malquerida, Complot, Inedit, y Bock Damm. También hay catas de vino de Celler del Pescador, de ratafía, de jamón y de avellanas de Reus, así como talleres de cócteles sin alcohol, que ofrece Fever Tree. Por su parte, Veganashi, que ofrece una alternativa vegana y sin azúcar del sushi tradicional, impartirá diversos talleres de una hora en los que podréis descubrir cómo elaborar makis, nigiris y gunkans sin proteína animal. Cake TherapyTaller de cupcakes Más planes: los amigos de Wine Gogh os darán la oportunidad de sacar vuestro l
Aquests són els tallers i tastos que pots fer gratis al Time Out Fest 2024

Aquests són els tallers i tastos que pots fer gratis al Time Out Fest 2024

A més dels 16 plats preparats pels xefs estrella barcelonins, la quarta edició del Time Out Fest, que tindrà lloc el cap de setmana del 25 i 26 de maig, comptarà amb sessions de DJ que punxaran en directe, activitats infantils, tastos i nombrosos tallers. Us expliquem què podreu assaborir i aprendre a elaborar durant els dos dies del festival! Tots els tallers i tasts són gratuïts, però per assegurar-vos la plaça, us haureu d'apuntar a l'aplicació 3cket el mateix dia de l'activitat. Igualment, es podrà fer cua per si hi ha gent que no es presenta, però si us interessa molt (normal, perquè són xulíssims), millor registrar-vos amb antelació. Veniu amb el paladar a punt, perquè tant el dissabte com el diumenge podreu participar en un tast de cerveses. És una oportunitat de gaudir d'una experiència guiada i veure com canvia el sabor i les sensacions de cada birra. Les varietats que podreu maridar són Estrella Damm, Voll-Damm, Malquerida, Complot, Inedit, i Bock Damm. També hi ha tastos de vi de Celler del Pescador, de ratafia, de pernil i d'avellanes de Reus, així com tallers de còctels sense alcohol, que ofereix Fever Tree. Per la seva banda, Veganashi, que ofereix una alternativa vegana i sense sucre del sushi tradicional, impartirà diversos tallers d'una hora en què podreu descobrir com elaborar makis, nigiris i gunkans sense proteïna animal. Més plans: els amics de Wine Gogh us donaran l'oportunitat de treure el vostre jo artístic i que pinteu un quadre mentre feu una copa de