Time Out contributors

Time Out contributors

Articles (719)

Les 50 millors pel·lícules de la història del cine

Les 50 millors pel·lícules de la història del cine

Tothom té les seves preferides, per això, qualsevol debat sobre quines són les millors pel·lícules de tots els temps es pot allargar hores (o, en el nostre cas, tota la vida). Hi pot haver alguna llista que les agrupi a totes? És difícil, però hem intentat incorporar-hi des de les revolucions més clàssiques de la història del cinema fins a les més modernes, tots els gèneres, països, èpoques i per a tots els gustos... tot fent equilibris entre la racionalitat i el sentimentalisme. El repte ha sigut enormement complicat, però no ens hem pogut resistir a elaborar una bona llista, la nostra llista. Feu-nos saber fins a quin punt ens hem equivocat. Ah, al final en comptareu 53, considereu-les 'bonus tracks', algunes de ben recents. NO T'HO PERDIS: Les 29 pel·lícules més esperades del 2023
The 15 best hotels in Los Angeles for a relaxing sun-soaked stay

The 15 best hotels in Los Angeles for a relaxing sun-soaked stay

Fancy being in close proximity to L.A.’s best beaches and the must-see Los Angeles attractions? These hotels in Los Angeles are the perfect place. A trip full of exploring and having fun in one of the best cities in the U.S. means you've got to have an equally great place to rest your head for the night.  A budget-friendly hotel is a great option for those looking for cheaper alternatives (hello, extra spending money!) but a place as gorgeous and exciting as Los Angeles deserves to be experienced as decadently and comfortably as possible. These accommodations manage to check those marks and more – and have earnt a spot in our list of the very best hotels in Los Angeles. It's time to pack your bags, guys. RECOMMENDED:🏨 Check out the most unique Airbnbs in Los Angeles💰 Discover the most luxurious Airbnb rentals in Los Angeles❤️ The most romantic hotels in Los Angeles This guide was written by LA-based writer Michael Juliano. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. While we might not stay in every hotel featured below, we've based our list on top reviews and amenities to find you the best stays. This article includes affiliate links. These links have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines.
The 12 best Airbnbs in Croatia

The 12 best Airbnbs in Croatia

As a country of phenomenal natural beauty mixed with rich culture, it's no surprise that Croatia has risen in popularity in recent years. And it's extremely good value for money; cheaper than your typical European weekend hotspots. To ensure you get the true, authentic Croatian experience on your trip, however, booking an Airbnb is a must.  From 19th-century lighthouses to luxurious beachside villas, the country is home to some of Europe’s most stunning rentals, plenty of which are near incredible things to do in Croatia. So below, we’ve rounded up our favourites of the best Croatian Airbnbs. Updated March 2025: If you thought these cabin Airbnbs near Montreal couldn't get any better, think again. There are two new additions to the list that we're positive will blow you away – especially if you love beachside condos and gorgeous villas. RECOMMENDED: The best Airbnbs in Dubrovnik Who makes the cut? While we might not stay in and review every Airbnb featured, we've based our list on our expert knowledge of the destination covered, editorial reviews, user reviews, amenities and in-depth research to find you the best stays. This article includes affiliate links. These links have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines.
The 50 best cities in the world in 2025

The 50 best cities in the world in 2025

People who don’t live in cities will tell you they’re busy, lonely and expensive places. But there’s a reason so many people choose to live in them: with world-class art and culture, unbeatable food and nightlife, buzzing neighbourhoods and a dizzying amount of stuff to do and see, there’s simply no better place to be.  Every year, we take the pulse of city living by quizzing thousands of locals across the planet about life in their hometowns. This year, more than 18,500 city-dwellers shared their insights on everything from food, nightlife and culture to affordability, happiness and the overall city vibe. When urban living can sometimes feel isolating and costly, this year we wanted to get a sense of what, exactly, makes a city feel like home. Sure, the nightlife is great, but is the city safe and walkable? Is good quality food and art available at a reasonable price? Is it easy to make friends, find love, and access nature?  Livability was a key factor in our ranking this year. But a great city to live in is, naturally, a great city to visit. So, along with the thousands of responses from locals around the world, we asked Time Out’s global network of city experts to vote on the places they think are particularly exciting right now. After crunching all that data, here we are: Time Out’s definitive ranking of the world’s best cities in 2025. Read on to see how your hometown fared… RECOMMENDED:🛍️ The coolest neighbourhoods in the world right now🌎 The best things to do in the
The 40 best nights out in London for a proper party

The 40 best nights out in London for a proper party

We know that London nightlife is more than just clubbing (but it does do clubs quite well, too). It’s also pub quizzes, night-time running groups, retro bowling alleys and drag shows. It’s sticky-floored bars, late-night cinema screenings and some really good kebab shops. The problem is, we’re just spoiled for choice.  If you’re itching for a 12-hour gabber stomper, you’ll probably find it. If you’re more into karaoke and cocktails, you’ll find that too. Or if you just fancy a late-night walk and a really, really, good bagel, you’ll find it in London.  Don’t know where to head? We’ve done the hard work for you, and have put together the top nights out in London right now: from properly decent club nights to after-hours oddities. So whether you want to try something completely new or just feel like re-visiting the classics, these 40 best nights out in London offer something for everyone.  RECOMMENDED: 🥳 The best festivals in London📌 The best things to do in London this weekend⭐ How The Dolphin pub became legendary🎵 The best clubs in London🎉 The top club nights in the UK
Les 33 meilleures choses à faire avec des enfants à Montréal

Les 33 meilleures choses à faire avec des enfants à Montréal

Montréal est un terrain de jeu pour les enfants de tous âges—particulièrement pendant l'hiver. La ville regorge d'attractions pour les jeunes enfants (et les jeunes de cœur), ainsi que d'excellents endroits pour manger à petit prix en famille. Chaque arrondissement a ses propres divertissements pour les familles, avec de nombreux endroits facilement accessibles en métro (les enfants de cinq ans et moins voyagent gratuitement !).  RECOMMANDÉ :39 meilleures choses à faire à Montreal maintenantLes 31 meilleurs musées de Montréal
The best cooking classes in Los Angeles

The best cooking classes in Los Angeles

Want to learn how to chop, sauté and bake like the Julia Child’s of the world? Lucky for you, the best cooking classes in Los Angeles can help you improve your skills in the kitchen—and thoroughly impress your next dinner guest. Whether in-person or virtual, these diverse lessons can teach you how to master everything from the basics (knife skills, searing meat) to more advanced dishes that give the best restaurants in Los Angeles a run for their money. Case in point: A 6-hour course on the intricacies of crafting the perfect Neapolitan pizza. Need we say more? From baking sweet treats to preparing sophisticated pro-approved dishes, you'll hone all the skills you need for tasty meals to come. It's the gift that keeps on giving (and a great flex if you're having people over).  These days, you can find just about any how-to on the Internet, but we've narrowed down the best cooking classes in the city from culinary schools and restaurants that know good food, and offer quite a bit more insight than that trending TikTok. Even if you’ve never put on an apron before, you’ll be chopping, braising, roasting and baking like a pro after finishing one of these courses. Learn how to replicate your favorite dishes from L.A.’s best Italian restaurants, seafood restaurants and vegetarian restaurants at home. Plus if you're looking for date night ideas, getting messy in the kitchen and tasting delicious food along the way is a memorable way to break the ice. Food is the way to the heart, rig
The best kid-friendly restaurants in NYC

The best kid-friendly restaurants in NYC

New York City is famous for its incredible dining scene, home to some of the best restaurants in the world. But if you think top-tier dining and kids don’t mix, think again. While there are plenty of gimmicky spots that focus more on entertainment than cuisine, many restaurants manage to strike the perfect balance between being fun for kids and serving genuinely great food. These kid-friendly restaurants in NYC ensure that both parents and little ones have an enjoyable experience. At these spots, kids will be excited to dig in, and parents won’t have to settle for bland, uninspired meals. Expect high-quality dishes, a welcoming atmosphere and menus that cater to even the pickiest eaters. Whether you're craving pizza, tacos, burgers or a more adventurous dining experience, there are countless places across the city that accommodate families without sacrificing taste. Some restaurants offer playful themes, interactive dining experiences or spacious outdoor seating, making them ideal for kids to explore while parents relax. So gather the family and get ready to enjoy a delicious meal in one of the most vibrant food cities in the world.
33 best things to do in Montreal with kids

33 best things to do in Montreal with kids

Montreal is a playground for kids of all ages—especially during the winter. The city is full of attractions for young kids (and the young at heart), stellar free museums and excellent places to eat that are easy on the budget. Every borough has its own family-forward fun—not to mention the highest bungee jump in Canada—with easy access via public transportation (5 year-olds and under ride for free!).  RECOMMENDED: Full guide to the best free things to do in Montreal27 best Montreal attractions for tourists and locals10 best free museums in Montreal you need to check out
The 51 best things to do in Dubrovnik

The 51 best things to do in Dubrovnik

Dubrovnik is a one-town tourist industry on its own, with endless things to do all year round. As stunning as the clear blue sea around it, the former centre of the independent Republic of Ragusa invites superlatives and attracts over a million visitors a year. Read on for our insider guide to the best things to do in Dubrovnik. RECOMMENDED: More great things to do in DubrovnikThe best Airbnbs in Dubrovnik The best Airbnbs in Croatia Done something on this list and loved it? Share it with the hashtag #TimeOutDoList and tag @TimeOutEverywhere. You can also find out more about how Time Out selects the very best things to do all over the world, or take a look at our list of the 50 best things to do in the world right now.
Les 14 rutes en tren més espectaculars d'Europa ara mateix

Les 14 rutes en tren més espectaculars d'Europa ara mateix

Des de glaceres i fiords fins a deserts i planícies, Europa acull alguns dels paisatges naturals més impressionants del món. Per tant, té tot el sentit que les millors rutes ferroviàries panoràmiques del continent –dissenyades específicament per mostrar aquests paisatges– siguin també entre les millors del planeta. Les rutes en tren més escèniques d’Europa també són autèntiques peregrinacions a llocs d’increïbles fites d’enginyeria. Aquests trens escalen muntanyes espaterrants, travessen túnels gegantins i recorren distàncies immenses. No només et quedaràs amb la mandíbula desencaixada per les vistes, sinó que també et preguntaràs com és possible viure aquesta experiència des de la comoditat d’un vagó. I abans que diguis res, no, les rutes ferroviàries panoràmiques no són només per als apassionats dels trens. Ni de bon tros. També són una de les maneres més còmodes i increïblement romàntiques de viatjar. A més de ser molt més sostenibles que els cotxes i els avions, el viatge en tren es converteix en una experiència en si mateixa, especialment quan es tracta de rutes panoràmiques. Així que, sense més preàmbuls, aquí tens les nostres 14 millors rutes ferroviàries d’Europa en aquest moment. NO T'HO PERDIS: 19 escapades per fer en tren des de Barcelona
Las 14 rutas en tren más espectaculares de Europa ahora mismo

Las 14 rutas en tren más espectaculares de Europa ahora mismo

Desde glaciares y fiordos hasta desiertos y llanuras, Europa alberga algunos de los paisajes naturales más impresionantes del mundo. Por lo tanto, tiene todo el sentido que las mejores rutas ferroviarias panorámicas del continente –diseñadas específicamente para mostrar estos paisajes– sean también de las mejores del planeta. Las rutas en tren más escénicas de Europa también son auténticas peregrinaciones a lugares con increíbles hitos de ingeniería. Estos trenes escalan montañas imponentes, atraviesan túneles gigantescos y recorren distancias inmensas. No solo te quedarás con la mandíbula desencajada por las vistas, sino que también te preguntarás cómo es posible vivir esta experiencia desde la comodidad de un vagón. Y antes de que digas nada, no, las rutas ferroviarias panorámicas no son solo para los apasionados de los trenes. Ni mucho menos. También son una de las formas más cómodas e increíblemente románticas de viajar. Además de ser mucho más sostenibles que los coches y los aviones, el viaje en tren se convierte en una experiencia en sí misma, especialmente cuando se trata de rutas panorámicas. Así que, sin más preámbulos, aquí tienes nuestras 14 mejores rutas ferroviarias de Europa en este momento. NO TE LO PIERDAS: 19 escapadas para hacer en tren desde Barcelona

Listings and reviews (259)

Jingle Ball

Jingle Ball

KIIS FM’s annual holiday behemoth’s lineup reads like a roll call of the station’s playlist: SZA, Kane Brown, Shaboozey, Tate McRae, Benson Boone, T-Pain, NCT Dream, Meghan Trainor, Paris Hilton and Madison Beer will all take over the new Intuit Dome this holiday season. The best seats will cost you a boatload, so look out for news of a potential free pre-show with some of the artists on the lineup.
Venice Family Clinic Art Walk + Auction

Venice Family Clinic Art Walk + Auction

The Venice Artwalk returns for its 45th year to benefit the Venice Family Clinic with an auction and a free opportunity to glimpse the Venice and wider L.A. art scene. From May 10 to 19, pop into 910 Abbot Kinney to see pieces from Ed Ruscha, Larry Bell, Ed Moses, Alison Saar, Kenny Scharf, Patrisse Cullors, Sayre Gomez and more.


2 out of 5 stars
Free from the robot clutches of the Transformers franchise and his last, direct-to-Netflix thriller 6 Underground, Michael Bay returns where he belongs: a car chase in Los Angeles surrounded by muscled, sweaty men.  War veteran Will Sharp (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II), in dire need of cash to pay for his wife’s unspecified surgery, asks his career criminal adoptive brother Danny (Jake Gyllenhaal) for help as a last recourse. Abdul-Mateen II is the more grounded of the two while Gyllenhaal is giving us crazy-eyes. What’s supposed to be an easy job gets really messy, really quickly, and the two brothers find themselves in a LA-wide police chase with an injured cop in the back of the ambulance they’ve hijacked. If he dies, their sentences will be much more severe. The steely EMT Cam (Eliza Gonzalez) rounds off this unhinged scenario, a relatively sane counterweight to the odd-couple brothers as she tries to keep the cop alive.  Ambulance is a remake of a 2005 Danish film of the same name, but pimped up à la Bay. Something is always happening, very loudly, and everyone is concerned with looking very cool while it happens. Most of the action happens inside the titular ambulance, and credit to Bay for making it feel as cramped and frenetic as the story demands through sweaty close-ups and lunatic banter. His camera goes from trembling close-ups to swooping helicopter shots of his beloved LA at dizzying speed. Something is always happening, very loudly, and everyone is concerned with loo
Grand Central Market Holiday Marketplace

Grand Central Market Holiday Marketplace

If you’re making a list and checking it twice, consider this annual shopping event for unique kitchen, pantry and tabletop finds, plus all sorts of foodie goodies. Hosts a bazaar most days in the downstairs basement event space, and on select evenings you’ll find visits from Santa (Dec 3, 10, 17, 24) or concerts (Dec 16, 23).
Levitt Pavilion Los Angeles concerts

Levitt Pavilion Los Angeles concerts

You know it’s summer in L.A. when the live outdoor music starts swelling all over the city, including at MacArthur Park’s Levitt Pavilion. The Westlake concert series returns this summer with free shows almost every Saturday. Expect a genre-spanning mix of local acts that range from cumbia to ska to EDM.
SESH Comedy BYOB Summer Pop-Up

SESH Comedy BYOB Summer Pop-Up

Throughout the summer, Lower East Side hidden gem Sesh Comedy is hosting a BYOB summer pop-up. Each ticket comes with an alcoholic drink of choice, while BYOB is still encouraged. Each night hosts two shows that run for 75 minutes each, and features comedians from Comedy Central, HBO, Colbert, Netflix, Amazon, and more. Lineups change weekly, so be sure to check out @seshcomedy on Instagram for weekly show details!
Young NYC Artists Showcase

Young NYC Artists Showcase

Hudson River Park is currently displaying a new public art exhibition, displaying works by graduates from NYC SALT, an arts nonprofit photography program that gives students the opportunity to develop both their artistic and career skills in the field. The exhibition focuses on the diverse and dynamic communities throughout the city that the SALT alumni call home, and features 22 works displayed on 7-by-9 foot panels along the park.
Weekly Buckaroos Comedy Show

Weekly Buckaroos Comedy Show

Looking for some hilarious free fun this summer? Every Tuesday night at Pete’s Candy Store in Williamsburg, the “The Biggest Little Venue in NYC”, comedy fans can gather for a free show at 7pm! The lineups change weekly and can be found on the show’s Instagram and Facebook pages. For the safety of both the performers and the audience, proof of full vaccination is required for attendance. A full-service bar will be available with drinks and snacks for purchase throughout the show. 
O Traidor

O Traidor

4 out of 5 stars
Em maedos da década de 
80, Tommaso Buscetta, um importante membro da Cosa Nostra, a máfia da Sicília, tornou-se num dos primeiros arrependidos da história desta organização, fornecendo informações ao juiz anti-máfia Giovanni Falcone. Alguns anos mais tarde, a sua delação levaria à prisão de Totò Riina, o líder
 da Cosa Nostra, desferindo um sério golpe na organização, e conduziria até o antigo primeiro-ministro Giulio Andreotti à barra do tribunal (seria ilibado). Há em Itália uma longa tradição de “filmes de máfia”
(e de séries e telefilmes), sejam mais policiais e de acção, sejam mais documentais ou políticos. O Traidor, de Marco Bellochio, que conta a história de Buscetta, essencialmente a partir da altura em que passou a colaborar com as autoridades, é uma contribuição maior para este acervo. Bellochio apresenta-nos um Buscetta membro da Cosa Nostra “à antiga”. Isto é, antes que o tráfico de droga tenha substituído o de tabaco como a mais lucrativa actividade da organização, levando o monstruoso Riina
ao poder, desencadeando uma guerra no meio do crime siciliano e fazendo tábua rasa dos valores que a orientavam (nunca matar mulheres ou crianças, por exemplo). A certa altura, Buscetta 
(o magnificamente sóbrio Pierfrancesco Favino, que já vimos em Romanzo Criminale ou em Suburra), diz a Falcone ser um desses “homens de honra” dos tempos pré-tráfico de droga 
e massacres indiscriminados. Ao que este responde estar farto do “mito da máfia nobre e honrada”. Bellochio não min
Wings for Life World Run - Croatia

Wings for Life World Run - Croatia

Editor's note: the event is cancelled until further notice. The Wings for Life World Run is a charity running competition that's been held on the first weekend of May since 2014. Zadar is the only Wings for Life World Run race whose route extends along the sea, taking in the beautiful Adriatic coastline as well as much of the pretty city of Zadar. It is the third-largest in the world by the number of participants. In terms of the population of Croatia, it is the largest race of its kind in the country, as well as the race with the highest number of student entrants. In 2019, there were 9000 participants from more than 25 countries.RECOMMENDED: More great sports events in Croatia where you can join in
Pod Zidom Rooms

Pod Zidom Rooms

5 out of 5 stars
Situated just seconds away from Trg Ban Jelačić, Zagreb's central square, a stay at Pod Zidom Rooms places you truly in the heart of the city. An accommodation offer by the same team who run the Michelin-recommended Pod Zidom Bistro & Wine Bar which lies beneath, though these four, well-appointed rooms have no reception of their own, checking in downstairs couldn't be easier. The building's shared and unremarkable concrete stairwell gives way to an exquisitely-designed central corridor which grants access to each room. Three overlook the calm and largely pedestrian street outside and two have balconies. The uber-tasteful design runs throughout, from the beautiful modern bathrooms to the sleek bedrooms which each come with a king-size bed, perfectly positioned flat-screen TV (with complimentary Netflix), generous minibar and coffee and tea service, free broadband WiFi and a portable router so you can take the connection everywhere you go, comfortable work desk and central heating/air conditioning. Breakfast is taken downstairs at one of the most talked-about restaurants in the country. Indeed, aside from business travellers and couples on a city break, the rooms are frequently booked by gastronauts drawn to Zagreb because of the international reputation held by Pod Zidom's modern Croatian cuisine. The restaurant also has one of the best wine lists in the country.
Boston Harbor Hotel

Boston Harbor Hotel

This luxurious, waterside hotel is regally perched at Rowes Wharf, with easy access to the Boston Harborwalk, many waterside restaurants, and various boat cruises (which the concierge is happy to set up). One of BHH’s unique charms is that it hosts so many events right on site, from weekly alfresco movie viewings in the summer to outdoor fires and cocoa in the winter—plus the Boston Wine Festival, held every year from January through March.

News (703)

Montreal’s best new restaurants: Juliette Plaza

Montreal’s best new restaurants: Juliette Plaza

What we love about Montreal's food scene—and one of the reasons why it’s so famous—is because of its intimate, multicultural nature. Sometimes nostalgic and always serious, it’s impossible not to feel the warmth of Quebecers—that sense of hospitality and generosity. It breaks down barriers and upholds tradition. In the words of Chef David McMillan, "Quebec’s clientele is the best in the world," adding that diners are also curious, open-minded, and bon vivants—a dream for any chef. And if there is a chef duo that exemplifies this niche in an exceptional way, continuously making Montreal shine on the international stage with their flagship restaurant, Montreal Plaza, it’s Charles-Antoine Crête and Cheryl Johnson. In February, a new member of their culinary family was born next door to their famous eaterie: welcome, Juliette Plaza. Juliette Plaza ticks most of the boxes mentioned in the first paragraphs of this review. Guests should expect very personal dishes from the Crête-Johnson duo, plates where you could imagine what Juliette Crête (Charles-Antoine's mother) might have served during family gatherings (with a sprinkle of madness and a zest for life). Upon arrival, you’ll be welcomed into a cleverly arranged small dining room that can accommodate up to 30 people. When it comes to the decor, the playful nostalgia will make you smile: Asterix comics on the wall, Smurf figurines, and an upside-down boat hanging from the ceiling. Photograph: Tommy Dion The menu unfolds in four
Line-up confirmed for Jazz in the Vineyard festival in Međimurje

Line-up confirmed for Jazz in the Vineyard festival in Međimurje

Yaremi Kordos & Evolution Cuban Jazz and young Croatian pianist Borna Pehar are the headline acts at Jazz in the Vineyard in Međimurje, which takes place August 23-25. Given the prime Saturday night slot, the Havana singer has already performed with the big names from Buena Vista Social Club and will be appearing here with top double bass player Roland Abreu and Polish tenor saxophonist Taras Bakovskyi. Their Latin jazz party starts at 8.30pm on August 24. The stand-out act for Sunday’s programme, the Borna Pehar 4tet is led by the namesake Croatian musician whose debut album, Timezone, mainly features his own original compositions. Their show starts at 6pm, followed at 8pm by singer Tamara Mózes and keyboard player Zsolt Kaltenecker, who describe their style as chamber artpop. Bruno Mesarić Before then, the up-and-coming musicians from Slovenia’s respected Škola Jazz Ravne take the stage at 3.30pm. The opening night on Friday will be headlined by Poland’s TANTYFREAKY, whose new album, Theory of Love, showcases the psychosoul and electro jungle of this fourpiece. Now in its fourth year, Jazz in the Vineyard takes place at the top of Mađerka hill, cascading vineyards around it and a breathtaking view that takes in Austria, Hungary and Slovenia. In addition to the concerts, musicians will be sharing their knowledge at several masterclasses, while visitors can view the exhibition, Portraits – Music in the Picture, in co-operation with a festival from Slovenia, Jazz Ravne. In b
Indulge your senses at Dubrovnik’s Banje Beach Restaurant

Indulge your senses at Dubrovnik’s Banje Beach Restaurant

A seaside oasis with the most enchanting view in all of Dubrovnik right from its terrace, the Banje Beach Restaurant offers a world-class dining experience in a chic and elegant Mediterranean atmosphere. Right alongside the Ploče Gate that leads into the Old Town, Banje Beach is perfectly located after a hard day’s sightseeing, an urban getaway only five minutes’ walk from the historic landmarks around Dubrovnik. This is where you can lay your towel on the sand, enjoy a dip in the clear waters of the Adriatic, and stretch out and work on that tan. Overlooking this idyllic scene, the Banje Beach Restaurant provides diners with dishes showcasing Mediterranean flavours with a hint of essential Dalmatian tradition. Here, local seasonal produce is brought to the fore. Banje Beach Restaurant This is best illustrated by the Lunch Menu, with its oysters from Pelješac, its seafood risotto, its octopus salad and its spaghetti vongole. To sample the best that Dalmatia has to offer, order the Dalmatian platter for two, a majestic spread of octopus, prosciutto, cheese, anchovies and olives. Mussels take the starring role in mussels buzara, their flavour brought out by the white-wine sauce. Carnivores can indulge in the meat platter for two, sirloin steak as the centrepiece. Lamb chops, the meat marinated in Dalmatian herbs, would also be a delicious choice. The kids can tuck into a mini burger or fish & chips and for dessert, be tempted to pancakes, ice cream or a banana split. There’s
Croatian artists paint giant Easter eggs for Germany

Croatian artists paint giant Easter eggs for Germany

Easter is a time of great tradition in Croatia, and nowhere more so than in Podravina, the area around Koprivnica near the Hungarian border. There, four masters of naïve art have long been painting huge eggs, to be sent around the world. The art project Pisanice od srca, ‘Writings from the Heart’, has been a part of the holiday season for the last 15 years. This year, two of their creations will be heading to the Volkswagen headquarters in Wolfsburg, Germany, where they will be put on display for business clients and visitors to the museum. Each Easter egg bears the motif of the city it goes to, woven into the layers of colours and shapes created by each painter. “We need three to four days for the Easter egg to be finished, painted and dried,” explains one of the quartet, Zlatko Štrfiček. The other eggs he and his team have created will centrepiece the main square in Koprivnica, Zrinski trg, until April 8. Paula Bosančić
New speedway documentary puts Croatia in focus

New speedway documentary puts Croatia in focus

Croatia’s unique track of Donji Kraljevec is the subject of the first show in a major docu-series on speedway being released this week. Twist the Throttle allows fans to get up close and personal to the riders, tracks and stories that make this sport so popular. And no story can be as personal as Donji Kraljevec, outside Goričan, a roar away from the Hungarian border. The hallowed track, constructed from the ground up by top Yugoslav rider Zvonimir Pavlic, has a long history associated with the motorsport.  Three-time Speedway World Champion, Tai Woffinden, for example, has been racing at Croatia’s first track at Goričan since his early twenties, his opponents including the son of the family who own the 305-metre loop. They built racer Jurica Pavlic a track in his backyard, every racing kid’s dream, catapulting him to success as 2007 Individual European Champion. Jurica went on to ride in the Polish Ekstraliga, the world’s pre-eminent speedway league.  The first part of Twist the Throttle, released on Wednesday, March 20, shows how Croatia is woven into the story of speedway racing. The series culminates with episode five, with “55,000 people in Poland where the sport is the biggest,” according to one rider. FIM Speedway, Goričan Reopened in 2022, Donji Kraljevec has again become the home of Croatian speedway, with fans flying into Zagreb and making their way to the unique track at Goričan. This year’s meet takes place on April 27, Round One of the 30th anniversar
Top 5 reasons why we love visiting Split

Top 5 reasons why we love visiting Split

A perfect combination of modernity and tradition, Croatia’s second-largest city Split is a perfect spot to experience the Dalmatian way of living. There are many reasons why we fell in love with the vibrant city of Split. From the beautiful architecture that dates back to Roman times to panoramic views from Marjan Hill, Split has it all. Moreover, it’s a great base for memorable day trips to nearby towns and islands. Here are our top five reasons why we love visiting Split. We’re sure you will love it, too! Lucija Vukusic 1.Split’s historical charm Split is a town with a rich history. Just a stroll around the Old Town will reveal a great number of treasures. The Riva promenade is a must-visit and the best starting point for your exploration. From there, you can witness the grandeur of Diocletian’s Palace, the summer residence of Roman Emperor Diocletian. Zhivko DimitrovDiocletian's Palace & Peristil Visit the Peristil, the historic square where you will see the Cathedral of St Dominus, an ancient Egyptian sphinx and maybe even meet some Roman soldiers. Wander the Old Town’s labyrinthine alleys, see all the famous statues and marvel at the amazing ancient architecture. All these attractions are within walking distance of each other and they are to be explored by foot. You’ll only need one afternoon for Old Town sightseeing. VIP Holiday BookerAppetisers in a Split restaurant 2.Gourmet dining in Split Its coastal location and Mediterranean climate influence the culinary de
Estas son las 30 mejores calles del mundo

Estas son las 30 mejores calles del mundo

Visitar las principales atracciones turísticas de una ciudad está muy bien, pero solo cuando nos desviamos por un callejón perdido o tropezamos por una avenida arbolada podemos conocer el verdadero carácter de cada ciudad. Las calles son el corazón de la vida urbana; es donde las comunidades se reúnen, donde los pequeños comercios se convierten en protagonistas y donde los ciudadanos salen, pasan el rato y se divierten. Dicho esto, ¿cuáles son las mejores calles del mundo que vale la pena conocer y pasear por ellas? Para encontrar la respuesta, nuestro equipo global de editores y colaboradores aportó (e hizoun estudio) de la calle más bonita de su ciudad y, de ahí, creamos un ranking definitivo de las mejores avenidas, vías, callejuelas y bulevares del planeta. En primer lugar encontramos High Street, en Melbourne, Australia. Esta vía atraviesa los ultramodernos suburbios de Northcote, Thornbury y Prestons, y lo que la hace destacar son sus empresas locales y únicas. Desde Casa Nata, donde vienen auténticos pasteles portugueses, hasta Northside Wines, donde se puede degustar el vino local, pasando también por tiendas vintage y un cine independiente, esta calle está llena de vida. En segunda posición está una de las calles más antiguas de Hong Kong: el Hollywood Road, una bulliciosa vía que data de 1844 y que, según la leyenda, recibió ese nombre por los arbustos de acebo que antiguamente la bordeaban. Actualmente, ha cambiado, pero en esta calle hay de todo: el templo Man Mo,
Aquestes són els 30 millors carrers del món del 2024

Aquestes són els 30 millors carrers del món del 2024

Visitar les principals atraccions turístiques està molt bé, però només quan ens desviem per un carreró perdut o ensopeguem per una avinguda arbrada podem conèixer el veritable caràcter de cada ciutat. Els carrers són el cor de la vida urbana; són on les comunitats es reuneixen, on els petits comerços es converteixen en protagonistes i on els ciutadans surten, passen l’estona i es diverteixen. Dit això, quins són els millors carrers del món que val la pena conèixer i passejar-hi? Per trobar la resposta, el nostre equip global d’editors i col·laboradors va aportar (i fer un estudi) del carrer més vibrant de la seva ciutat i, d’aquí, vam crear un rànquing definitiu de les millors avingudes, vies, carrerons i bulevards del planeta. En el primer lloc trobem High Street, a Melbourne, Austràlia. Aquesta via travessa els ultramoderns suburbis de Northcote, Thornbury i Prestons, i el que la fa destacar són les empreses locals i úniques que acull. Des de Casa Nata, on venen autèntics pastissos portuguesos, fins a Northside Wines, on es pot tastar el vi local, passant també per botigues vintage i un cinema independent, aquest carrer està ple de vida.  En segona posició hi ha un dels carrers més antics de Hong Kong: el Hollywood Road, una bulliciosa via que data del 1844 i que, segons la llegenda, va rebre aquest nom pels arbusts de grèvol que antigament la vorejaven. Actualment, ha canviat, però en aquest carrer hi ha de tot: el temple Man Mo, centres culturals, restaurants, bars i molt
Sailing in Croatia: A beginner’s guide

Sailing in Croatia: A beginner’s guide

To explore Croatia by sea is to reveal its true secrets. Croatia has it all – the range of sailing options, the spectacular scenery, the unspoiled bays, the myriad islands and, most importantly, clear, calm and clean waters around them. Europe’s finest sailing playground is affordable, relatively safe (at sea and on shore) and contains a diversity of destinations for all kinds of visitors. Novice sailors can charter a boat with a qualified skipper, potter around the islands, and find out as much, or as little, about sailing as they'd like. Those who are serious about learning to sail, or improving their skills, can take a course at one of the sailing schools. Sailors of varying abilities, wanting the security and bonhomie of a group, can join a flotilla holiday. If your party includes someone with a skipper’s ticket there’s a multitude of charter options, with yachts and motorboats, while high rollers can take a fully crewed luxury yacht, classic or contemporary, and cruise the party hotspots. © Nature Park TelaščicaTelaščica on Kornati Where to go It’s surprising how much you can see in a week. The diverse appeal of Croatia’s 2,000 islands, islets and reefs, together with the varied mainland ports and anchorages, will leave you wanting to come back for more. In the north, the Istrian peninsula and Kvarner Bay have a high concentration of marinas and a more cosmopolitan feel than Dalmatia, due to the pervasive Italian influence. If gastronomy and culture are important, this
Secret treasures of Croatia: Joža Putnik’s travelogue

Secret treasures of Croatia: Joža Putnik’s travelogue

A recent arrival at the Croatian History Museum in Zagreb, a unique travelogue from a century ago records the adventures of Josip Franjo Mikulec from Zagorje. Nicknamed Joža Putnik, this agricultural worker decided to travel the world and meet as many interesting people as possible. His impecunious odyssey took him nearly 30 years, during which time he met personalities such as Mussolini, Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, whose signatures feature inside. Neva Zganec/PIXSELL His scrapbook never left his side. By the end, it weighed 25kg and filled 1,244 pages. After Joža’s death in Genoa in 1933, the book passed into the hands of the Mikulec family, from the village of Krušljev Selo near Oroslavje. They later sought for it to be bought for posterity by the Croatian State. Recently, the Croatian History Museum managed to raise the funds to purchase it. Staff now hope to digitise it so that the public may peruse its fascinating pages. The story is further complicated by the fact that Joža travelled the world twice, selling his first journal and diary in America. These are now in the hands of a private collector, and there are moves afoot to negotiate a price and bring both back home to Croatia to complete Joža’s legacy. In Oroslavje, meanwhile, local mayor Viktor Šimunić is launching an initiative to open a promenade in Joža’s name and memory. Paula Bosančić/PIXSELL
Historic palace in Slavonia to reopen after €13 million revamp

Historic palace in Slavonia to reopen after €13 million revamp

The historic seat of the noble Pejačević family, set between Osijek and Kutjevo in Našice, Slavonia, will soon reopen its doors after its major conversion to a five-floor museum and wine bar. Pejačević Palace was built in 1812 for the dynasty that produced two Croatian bans or viceroys, and Croatia’s first female composer, Dora Pejačević, whose mortal remains lie in the crypt of the family chapel here following her death after giving birth in 1923. The grand property is still referred to the Big Palace to distinguish it from the little one, also belonging to the Pejačević family in the same grounds. After World War II, it passed into state hands but the interior remained richly furnished, its art collection intact. Davor Javorovic/PIXSELL In 2015, the City of Našice settled legalties with the heirs of the Pejačević family to became the property owners, and initiated the procedure for its protection and restoration. Receiving financing of more than €11 million from the EU Regional Development Fund, the City was able to raise the €13.3 million necessary to carry out the conversion of the palace to a museum. A permanent exhibition will focus on the Pejačević heritage, particularly the life and work of Dora, and the property will also serve as the headquarters for various cultural institutions. Activities can take place on all five floors, from a large multifunctional hall of 100-seat capacity, to the basement earmarked as a wine bar. Paula Bosančić/PIXSELL
Mystery of shipwreck resurfaces thanks to new aerial photos

Mystery of shipwreck resurfaces thanks to new aerial photos

A new series of aerial photographs taken by PIXSELL’s S Šime Zelić has revived the mystery of a ship that sank near the lighthouse at Veli Rat exactly 40 years ago. The Italian cargo ship Michelle, which was carrying fertiliser, ran aground in a storm in May 1983 just off the north-western cape of Dugi Otok, a two-hour ferry journey from Zadar. According to testimony from the lighthouse keeper at the time, the savvy sailors took advantage of the conditions and deliberately diverted the ship into the shallows to claim insurance money for the ageing vessel. If they did, it was a rash move, for local residents of Veli Rat had to come to the rescue of the ailing crew. Sime Zelic/PIXSELL While the Italians unloaded the cargo from the stranded ship and left it at the mercy of the sea, the event proved a turning point. After the Michelle disaster, a law was passed to force ship owners to retrieve their own wrecks from the sea. Nevertheless, the Michelle stayed where she was, exposed for four decades to the waves and the weather. The hull remains surprisingly well preserved, the portholes of the lower deck still visible, as well as the mast – as photos show from recent aerial footage. Only one question still hangs over from 1983: who will come and take away Michelle – and who will pay for it?