Sal is a 26-year-old professional who has visited 175 countries. A graduate of New York University and the United World College and a former consultant with McKinsey and Company, he has traveled extensively for school and work. With a degree in international development and Identity he is interested in learning about the ways that economies grow and people connect.

Sal Lavallo

Sal Lavallo

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How NYC’s public transportation system compares to others around the world

How NYC’s public transportation system compares to others around the world

Having been to 175 countries, I’ve seen all types of metro systems. From rickety old wagons to state-of-the-art levitating trains, from the dodgiest of stations to ones that can be confused for museums. So how does the MTA compare?  The best parts about the New York's subway is that it runs around the clock and gets you almost anywhere.  There are less than half a dozen other systems in the world that run non-stop (more run 24 hours on the weekends) and with over 470 stations the NYC subway beats the next closest city (Shanghai with 364) by more than 100 stations! Though we’ve all had the confusion of, "How do I get across the avenues?" we can’t deny that you’re never too far from a stop. Compare this with Dubai where the main lines goes East to West and you must walk half a mile between the Dubai Mall Station and the actual mall! Though, rationally, we approve of the MTA constantly trying to improve, it’s still always a bit anxiety-inducing to see the infamous printed warning signs: “Weekend [Service] Update.” Sure, the MTA app is consistently updated regarding delays, but that hardly compares with the Tokyo Metro which runs late so rarely that when it does, it gives out apology slips. Another area where the NYC subway falls behind is with screens displaying wait times. These may by slowly expanding to more stations, but they're already standard for much of the world. The lack of these in some stations is a big surprise to visiting foreigners! The component where the subway