Prachi Joshi

Prachi Joshi

Articles (1)

13 best Mumbai events

13 best Mumbai events

Mumbai, the financial capital of India, is a city of merchants, bankers and Bollywood dreamers. Art and culture have always played second fiddle to commerce but, over the past few years, a cultural calendar of sorts has been taking shape. In typical Indian fashion, ad hoc events abound but only a few have stuck around and turned into annual affairs, like the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival and the Mumbai Film Festival. As in the rest of India, religion plays an important role in the city’s daily life, so expect for a fair share of the best events in Mumbai to revolve around religious holidays. The common theme? Unbridled revelry played out in the streets, which means you don’t have to go too far to be in the midst of the action. Whether you’re looking for art, food, drinks, literature, theatre or just some dancing in the street, Mumbai has an event for you.