Núria Juanico

Núria Juanico

Articles (13)

21 coses per fer a Girona

21 coses per fer a Girona

Excursions, cicles de cine, activitats familiars, obres de teatre o esports d’aventura... i per la nit, els millors bars i restaurants. Hi ha moltes coses per fer i veure a Girona durant tot l’any. Heu fet totes aquestes coses ja? No us preocupeu, a pocs quilòmetres de Girona trobareu pobles amb molta història i encant que us robaran el cor. I fins i tot, si des de Girona voleu explorar la màgia de la Costa Brava, no us oblideu d'explorar els seu llocs més bonics. NO T'HO PERDIS: 20 racons desconeguts de la Costa Brava
23 coses per fer a Girona

23 coses per fer a Girona

Excursions, cicles de cine, activitats familiars, obres de teatre o esports d’aventura... i per la nit, els millors còctels i festes. Hi ha moltes coses per fer i veure a Girona durant tot l’any. Quantes n'heu fet?   
Un cap de setmana a Girona

Un cap de setmana a Girona

Teniu convidats a casa? No cal que els hi feu una llista de llocs per visitar i coses a fer. Bé, potser sí, però aquesta guia potser us facilita una mica la feina. 
Què fer a Girona per menys de 5 euros

Què fer a Girona per menys de 5 euros

Unes bones braves, una dosi del millor cinema clàssic o un pícnic en un espai immillorable. Aquí teniu un munt d'activitats que podeu fer a Girona sense gastar un cèntim o, com a molt, cinc euros. A gaudir! 
25 great things to do in Girona

25 great things to do in Girona

Excursions, cinema, family activities, plays, and sports... and at night, the best cocktails and parties. Throughout the entire year, there are loads of things to do in Girona. 
17 things to do in Girona for less than €5

17 things to do in Girona for less than €5

Give your wallet a break and take note of what to do around Girona without spending a pretty penny. Whether its snacking on some local eats, watching a performance, or taking a moment to view all that nature has to offer, we're sure these picks will not disappoint. 
The best tapas in Girona

The best tapas in Girona

Girona has more than its fair share of tapas bars where you can try different dishes without ending up bored of the same old 'patates braves'. Omelettes, Iberian ham, croquettes and Catalan cannelloni are just a tiny sample of the tapas that you shouldn't miss in the city.
The ideal weekend in Girona

The ideal weekend in Girona

If you're visiting Girona for the weekend, here are a few suggestions for shopping, eating and dancing the night away.
Girona, terra de rodatges

Girona, terra de rodatges

Girona és, des de fa anys, un imant per a les productores cinematogràfiques. Una de les últimes a escollir la ciutat ha estat l'HBO, que ha triat Girona perquè es converteixi en alguns dels escenaris de la sisena temporada de la sèrie Joc de trons. El rodatge de la ficció va tenir lloc el setembre passat i va revolucionar el Barri Vell de la ciutat, on turistes i veïns van intentar treure el nas entre les grans cortines que ocultaven el set per descobrir pistes del futur de la sèrie. Repassem alguns dels espais que van trepitjar els membres de la dinastia Lannister, els descendents de Ned Stark i altres estrelles de la ficció.
Les millors tapes de Girona

Les millors tapes de Girona

A Girona ens agrada més entaular-nos, però també s’hi pot fer més d’una ruta de tapes sense que calgui menjar sempre el mateix i acabar fart de les patates braves. Truites, pernil ibèric, croquetes i canelons formen part de la llista de tapes que no us podeu perdre a Girona.
Girona, a screen-friendly city

Girona, a screen-friendly city

In the past few years, Girona has become a magnet for TV and film producers. One of the most recent media companies to fall under the spell of the city was HBO, which chose Girona to become one of the settings for the sixth season of the series ‘Game of Thrones’. The filming of the epically popular show took place in September 2015, revolutionising the city’s Barri Vell, where tourists and locals alike tried to get a peek behind the huge curtains put up to hide the set and avoid leaks about the future development of the programme. Join us on a tour of the spaces that witnessed members of the Lannister dynasty, descendants of Ned Stark and other ‘Thrones’ stars, as well as other Girona spots that have welcomed film crews.

Listings and reviews (38)



3 out of 5 stars
El director Neeraj Ghaywan va dir a Canes quan va presentar la pel·lícula que amb 'Masaan' volia demostrar que l'Índia és molt més que Bollywood i misèria. Per fer això decideix contar dues històries d’amor tràgic ambientades a la ciutat de Benarés. Una ciutat on conviuen a la vora del riu Ganges els telèfons mòbils i els crematoris de cadàvers a l'aire lliure. Internet amb els tabús d’una societat codificada i plena de tradicions. La corrupció policial i la solidaritat entre la gent. Amb un estil naturalista i documental, Ghaywan ens apropa a una Índia molt lluny de la postal turística. Una Índia que viu les contradiccions d’un país en plena transformació, i ho fa sense perdre de vista les petites i doloroses històries.


If you need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up and want something a bit different, L'Exquisit is the place to head. This Barri Vell spot will have you salivating just looking at the menu - and it's so varied, you'll find it really hard to actually choose. All shapes and sizes of muffins, cake pops, various sandwiches and white chocolate brownies is just a sample of what you can try at L'Exquisit. And their pancakes are probably the best in Girona. 


Res millor per agafar forces a mitja tard que un berenat dolç i, sobretot, original. L’Exquisit reuneix totes dues condicions. Aquest local del Barri Vell us farà venir salivera amb una carta tan variada que us costarà prendre una decisió. Muffins de totes les formes i els colors, piruletes de galeta, entrepans diversos i brownies amb xocolata blanca són algunes de les propostes que es poden tastar a l’Exquisit.Els seus pancakes són, probablement, els millors de Girona


Enter Txalaka and it's like taking a trip to the Basque Country. If you want to taste everything they've got sitting on the bar, you should go with space in your stomach, or make plans to return another day, because the great variety of tapas and 'pintxos' (tapas served on small slices of bread) is almost infinite. Their Iberian ham tapas will more than satisfy lovers of that cured meat, and they also have croquettes that you have to try no matter what. If you're not a meat eater, don't worry – at Txalaka, you'll also find tapas with all kinds of cheese, while if fish is your thing, there are others with salmon, octopus, anchovies and prawns.
El Pati de la Veïna

El Pati de la Veïna

Don't let the paper towels fool you. The bohemian, alternative surrounds at El Pati de la Veïna convert it into the perfect place to enjoy a good supper without crowds or having to rush. They serve one of Girona's best potato omelettes, and you can accompany it with tapas of Iberian ham, cheese, bread with tomato and magnificent squid croquettes. The range of tapas isn't that big, but they're all made with local ingredients and have prices that are affordable whatever your budget.
Bubbles Gastrobar

Bubbles Gastrobar

Its menu is full of tapas, but they have little to do with the traditional concept of those tasty bites to eat. The designer, innovative cuisine at Bubbles transforms the idea of tapas into a series of gastronomic surprises that you shouldn't miss. With spectacular presentation, this bar stands out for creations such as semi-raw tuna with honey, and poached egg with chickpea foam and foie. But if the creativity feels excessive to you, never fear – they also have more familiar tapas such as nachos with cheese and guacamole, and grilled squid. 
Tasca Galega Esconxuro

Tasca Galega Esconxuro

If there was an award for the best Galician tavern in Girona, it would unquestionably be won by Esconxuro. Among its tapas, the majority of which feature fish, you should try the Galician octopus and the cod 'kokotxes' (the fleshy, gelatinous part of the fish just below the jaw), and not forgetting the oysters, which will fill your mouth with the taste of the sea. If you're more of a carnivore, don't worry, they've got ample dishes for you as well: the 'pim-pam' is a veal fillet cooked in the Galician style, and if you order the broken fried eggs ('ous trencats') with spicy pork ('zorza'), you won't be able to resist soaking up the juices left on the plate with bread.
La Kxalada

La Kxalada

It's called La Kxalada (pronounced kesh-a-la-dah, which in Catalan is written 'queixalada', meaning 'a mouthful') but if you go in, you'll definitely be eating more than a mouthful. Located in Plaça Independència, you'll find tapas there that you won't find anywhere else. The cannelloni ('canelons' in Catalan) of grandma Aurora are one of the star dishes, but the spicy 'bombes' (large breaded and fried potato balls with a pork or beef filling) and foie 'micuit' are also definitely worth ordering. In any case, get a beer to go with the tapas, and you'll enjoy a more than satisfying dinner.
Ham Session

Ham Session

We have to admit it – the cured ham at Ham Session drives us wild. Any excuse is valid for going to try their wide range of Iberian ham and other cured meats, or, if you prefer,  their abundant cheese platter, which is bound to make you salivate. The place functions as an open buffet, which means you can go back for more as often as you want – and you'll want to a lot. Before you finish, make sure you try the Jabugo and Guijuelo ham, and the foie gras.
La Pedra

La Pedra

There can't be many Girona locals who don't know La Pedra, one of the most iconic places in the Barri Vell. Despite that, we're still going to recommend it, in particular because they do the best croquettes in Girona. You can try varieties including spinach, meat and wild mushrooms, among others, and they're all delicious. Their 'patates braves' are also a great excuse for sitting out on the terrace and sharing an evening of conversation with friends or taking part in the numerous activities that the bar organises.
La Kxalada

La Kxalada

Es diu La Kxalada (que es pronuncia queixalada), però entrar-hi significa rendir-se a més d’una i més de dues mossegades de les seves tapes. En aquest local de la plaça Independència hi trobareu tapes que no es poden tastar enlloc més. Els canelons de l’àvia Aurora són una de les seves propostes estrella, però les bombes picants i el micuit de foie els hi fan una bona competència. En qualsevol dels casos, demaneu la seva cervesa de bodega per acompanyar les tapes i us quedarà un sopar rodó.
Tasca Galega Esconxuro

Tasca Galega Esconxuro

Si hi ha un local que s’emporta la medalla de tasca gallega de la ciutat, aquesta és Esconxuro. D’entre les seves tapes, la majoria de peix, val la pena demanar-se el pop a la gallega i les kokotxes de bacallà o bé les ostres, que us ompliran la boca de brisa marina. Si sou més de muntanya, tampoc us quedareu amb gana: amb el “pim-pam”, un filet de vedella cuinat a la gallega, i amb els ous trencats amb zorza no podreu evitar sucar pa al plat.