Noah Barnett

Noah Barnett

Listings and reviews (1)

The War Below

The War Below

2 out of 5 stars
War films come in all shapes and sizes: unfortunately, despite its potentially thrilling and claustrophobic tale of subterranean gallantry – all based on real military history, to boot – The War Below is about as square as it gets. Set initially in 1915 as the British war effort ramps up, it follows a small group of keen coal miners who, thanks to their profession’s impact on their lungs, are deemed unfit to serve. Fast forward a few months and one ingenuous officer, Colonel ‘Hellfire Jack’ Norton-Griffiths (Mr Selfridge’s Tom Goodman-Hill), is busy concocting a plan to break the stalemate. Against the staid instincts of the military bigwigs, he wants to dig below the German lines and blow up the Hun’s most strategic points. The lads may be needed after all. The Battle of Messines awaits.The hyperbole which is placed on the significance of the task – that it will end the Great War once and for all – creates false emotional stakes. Other battles were involved and other men; in fact, a whole other film has recently been made about them, in the shape of Australia’s Beneath Hill 60. While the claustrophobic intensity of trench life is neatly depicted, with pindrop moments of silence offering a chilling prelude to the coming storm, sudden lurches forward disrupt the rhythm of the film. Oddly, the crucial digging phase of the story is skipped altogether. Not showing the tense, grinding, dangerous task of toiling in the mine shafts, strips the men’s courage of its basic context. The

News (28)

Disappear into the desert at this ‘invisible house’ in the middle of Joshua Tree

Disappear into the desert at this ‘invisible house’ in the middle of Joshua Tree

Love Joshua Tree? Now you can be one with the famous desert landscape (without having to camp), thanks to this 'invisible' Airbnb which blends right into the national park's gorgeous surroundings.  The 'Invisible House,' an uber-modern accommodation that boasts a fully mirrored exterior, is the brainchild of filmmaker Chris Hanley (best known as a producer behind American Psycho and The Virgin Suicides) and Tomas Osinski, a Frank Gehry collaborator. The design is inspired by the monolithic skyscrapers of New York, with a dash of Andy Warhol, the man who initially prompted Hanley and his wife to buy a plot of land and view it as uninterrupted art.   Photograph: Courtesy Airbnb   Built using the most advanced materials and technologies available, the sleek, 5,500-square-foot house is all electric and its carbon footprint is near zero. Inside, you'll find a 100-foot LED-rimmed pool, tons of floor-to-ceiling glass doors, and even all-glass shower stalls (if you don’t want to take your eyes off the view for even a moment). And if you're worried about exposure, know that the house is set on 90 acres of private land (including its own 4,000-foot mountain) so you won't have to worry about curious hikers while you bathe in nature. Of course, the house is also primed for stargazing with glass roofing and a cozy fire pit.   Photograph: Courtesy Airbnb   Invisible House includes three large and luxurious suites, which sleep six people total, and feature beds made of either pure mar
Esta iglesia se ha convertido en la piscina más hipnótica de Londres

Esta iglesia se ha convertido en la piscina más hipnótica de Londres

Has tenido una semana ajetreada. Te agobias con las entregas y te preguntas cómo te lo harás para llegar a todo. Solamente piensas en el fin de semana, cuando por fin podrás ir a tu sitio favorito a relajarte y purgarte de todo el estrés y los pecados acumulados durante la semana. ¿Estamos hablando de confesarse a la parroquia? ¿O de sudar en el gimnasio y en la sauna? Pues si nos referimos a esta iglesia londinense… quizás estamos hablando de ambas cosas a la vez. Abierto en 1892 como un hospital psiquiátrico, el complejo de Repton Park ofrece ahora una experiencia más serena a sus invitados: se ha transformado en un centro de salud y bienestar de la cadena de gimnasios británica Virgin Active. Ah, y su maravillosa capilla se ha convertido en la piscina más suntuosa de Londres. Donde antes estaba la nave lateral de la iglesia, ahora hay una piscina enorme, de 24 metros cuadrados, pero los detalles originales del edificio se han mantenido intactos, con arcos góticos y vidrieras en las ventanas. El espacio también se jacta de tener una sauna, jacuzzis, una sala de baños de vapor y un gimnasio. Ofrecen sesiones de 'spinning' mortales, clases grupales de pilates y yoga, y entrenamientos individuales personalizados. Sí, la 'virgin Mary' ha sido sustituida por Virgin Active, pero Repton Park conserva su estética dramática victoriana y todavía se puede notar una vaharada de santidad. Esto, o alguien se ha vuelto a dejar la puerta de la sauna abierta. La piscina realmente da un nuev
Aquesta església s’ha convertit en la piscina més hipnòtica de Londres

Aquesta església s’ha convertit en la piscina més hipnòtica de Londres

Has tingut una setmana atrafegada. T’atabales pensant en les entregues i en com t’ho faràs per arribar a tot, mentre treus el fetge per la boca. Només penses en el cap de setmana, quan per fi podràs anar al teu lloc preferit a relaxar-te i purgar-te de tot l’estrès i els pecats acumulats durant la setmana. Estem parlant de confessar-se a la parròquia? O de suar al gimnàs i a la sauna? Doncs si ens referim a aquesta església londinenca… potser estem parlant de les dues coses alhora.  Obert l’any 1892 com un hospital psiquiàtric, el complex de Repton Park ara ofereix una experiència més serena als seus convidats: s’ha transformat en un centre de salut i benestar de la cadena de gimnasos britànica Virgin Active. Ah, i la seva meravellosa capella s’ha convertit en la piscina més sumptuosa de Londres.  On abans hi havia la nau lateral de l’església, ara hi ha una piscina de 24 metres quadrats, però els detalls originals de l’edifici s’han mantingut intactes, amb arcs gòtics i vitralls a les finestres. L’espai també farda de tenir una sauna, jacuzzis, una sala de banys de vapor i un gimnàs. Hi ha sessions de ‘spinning’ mortals, classes grupals de pilates i ioga, i entrenaments individuals personalitzats.  Sí, la ‘virgin Mary’ ha estat substituïda per Virgin Active, però Repton Park conserva la seva estètica dramàtica victoriana i encara s’hi pot sentir una bafarada de santedat. Això, o algú s’ha tornat a deixar la porta de la sauna oberta. La piscina realment dona un nou significat


平日に物事がうまくいかなかったり、何かの締め切りなどに追われていたりすると、週末のことを考えてしまう人は多いだろう。数日乗り切ればリラックスした気分に包まれ、ストレスや罪悪感を浄化できる「天国」に行けるんだと。 その「天国」とは、人によって教会であったり、スポーツジムであったりすると思うが、ロンドンのレッドブリッジ区にはその両方が融合した「元教会を改装した美しいスポーツジム」が存在する。 それが位置するのは古い精神科病院(1892年創立)があった敷地に2000年代前半に完成した、Repton Parkというゲーテッドコミュニティーの一角。歴史的建造物を残しながら行われた再開発により、教会だった建物がRepton Park Gymとして生まれ変わったのだ。 内部を見ると、かつて翼廊だった場所は、今やロンドンで最も趣があると思われるスイミングプール(長さは24メートル)になっているが、ゴシック様式のアーチやステンドグラスといった、教会だった頃の構造や装飾の多くはそのまま。 またプールだけではなく、スチームルーム、ジャグジー、サウナ、トレーニングマシーンもあり、ピラティス、ヨガなどのグループレッスンのほか、インストラクターによるマンツーマンのレッスンも受けられる。 このジムを運営するのは、Virgin Active。​​今では、聖母マリア(Virgin Mary)はもう離れ、聖水はプールの水に変わってしまったが、ビクトリア朝時代の美しさと聖なる気配は十分に保たれているといえる。 原文はこちら 関連記事 『香港、現代的なスペースへ再生された歴史的建造物5選』 『ロンドンのオックスフォード・サーカス、一部が歩行者専用に』 『ロンドン唯一のラテンアメリカマーケット、存続が決定』 『シャンゼリゼ通り、大改修で緑豊かな場所に』 『ポストコロナ、東京の街づくりを見直す』 東京の最新情報をタイムアウト東京のメールマガジンでチェックしよう。登録はこちら
A campaign to save the oldest synagogue in the UK is underway

A campaign to save the oldest synagogue in the UK is underway

Following threats that Bevis Marks synagogue – the only non-Christian place of worship in the City of London – may have to close due to a new office development, hope has come in the shape of a campaign opposing the planned buildings.  Over 1,700 objections to the 48-storey block have been lodged with the City of London Corporation, with support for the campaign coming from across the world. Opponents to the new development say that it will overshadow the Grade I-listed building, which already has light levels that are ‘dangerously low’, is currently illuminated by 240 candles that take nearly an hour to light. These are accompanied by restricted electric lighting, which was added to the 320-year-old building in 1928. However, no further lighting can be added owing to the building’s listed status. Historian Sir Simon Schama said: ‘The breathtakingly beautiful synagogue has been light-filled for centuries; lit by memory, worship and the flow of our nation’s history. Its preservation should be as critical a matter as if, for instance, a Hawksmoor or Wren church were similarly threatened and darkened by commercial high-rise development.’ Bevis Marks was unscathed by both world wars and also survived two IRA bombings. Nowadays, it remains a proud heritage site welcoming weekday tours, weekly services and lectures whilst also proving a popular choice of venue for weddings and concerts. Concerns have also been raised by the congregation about the possibility of damaging the foun
Princess Diana honoured with blue plaque at her Earl’s Court flat

Princess Diana honoured with blue plaque at her Earl’s Court flat

Remember life before series four of Netflix’s semi-fictitious royal drama ‘The Crown’? We didn’t think and talk about the late Princess Diana that much back then. She was a fascinating historical figure, slowly receding into the mists of time. Cut to 2021 and, thanks to the afore-mentioned series, a tongue-in-cheek musical and a forthcoming film starring Kristen Stewart she’s very much re-captured the public’s imagination. Diana’s Earl’s Court flat, which she moved into in the late 1970s, made an appearance in ‘The Crown’, showing us the carefree period of Lady Di’s life when she moved to London to live with three friends, Carolyn Bartholomew, Sophie Kimball and Philippa Coaker. View this post on Instagram A post shared by cleffersons (@cleffersons) The three-bedroom Knightsbridge flat was bought for £50,000 and gifted to Diana by her parents on her 18th birthday, and was where she lived for two years prior to her engagement to Prince Charles in 1981. Estimates by Zoopla now value 60 Coleherne Court at around £2.41 million. As part of a wider campaign to commemorate more women - at present 86% of London's blue plaques are dedicated to men - English Heritage is honouring Diana with a plaque outside the flat which became 'the most famous address in Britain'. She is being recognised for raising awareness of important societal issues such as homelessness, HIV/AIDS and mental health.  Diana will join five other notable women, including social reformer Caroline
The converted church that’s now London’s most spellbinding swimming pool

The converted church that’s now London’s most spellbinding swimming pool

You’ve had a busy week. You’re stressing about deadlines and how you’re going to get into work when your car inevitably runs out of juice. You can’t wait until the weekend when you can go to your happy place to relax and cleanse yourself of stress and sin: of course we’re talking about church, or a health club, or – as far as Repton Park in Redbridge is concerned – both.  Opened in 1892 as a psychiatric hospital, Repton Park now offers a more serene experience to guests, having been converted into a wellbeing centre. Its stunning vaulted chapel has become London’s most atmospheric swimming bath. A 24m pool now occupies what was once the aisle, but otherwise much of the original interior has remained intact, with gothic arches and stained-glass windows. The site also boasts a health club containing a steam room, jacuzzis, a sauna and a gym. There are killer spinning sessions, group pilates and yoga, plus one-on-one classes with instructors.  The Virgin Mary may have been replaced by Virgin Active, but Repton Park has preserved its dramatic Victorian aesthetic and whiff of sanctity. That, or maybe someone’s left the steam room door open again. Its pool certainly gives new meaning to the idea of holy water. Repton Park, Manor Road, Woodford Green, IG8 8GN.  You can swim beneath the stars in this (heated) London outdoor pool. Lidos and outdoor swimming pools in London.
The V&A Museum of Childhood begins its £13m transformation

The V&A Museum of Childhood begins its £13m transformation

I can imagine getting your kid to a museum is an absolute hassle for most parents. Tantrums are thrown, the tears start flowing and by the time you’ve managed to drag them out of the house, you’ve got one hour until the place closes. Well, the V&A is here to offer a £13m solution filled with art, design and play: Young V&A. Starting in 2022, Young V&A has a programme of activities honouring the 150th anniversary of the museum, with a full reopening the following year. Kids, from toddlers up to 14-year-olds will have a new place to express their creativity and be inspired by a range of groundbreaking designs. The museum will feature an array of objects, from a skateboard owned by the young British Olympic medal-winning phenom Sky Brown, to the Hero-Arm, an advanced and empowering prosthetic for children and adults. The renovations will see the creation of three new galleries, Imagine, Play and Design. Imagine is an amphitheatre-style stage for budding actors, Play is a free-play construction area and Design is an open studio that will encourage the young ’uns to develop their creative skills in a collaborative environment. Young V&A is also working closely with local schools and organisations on a programme of workshops and tours of the current exhibitions. The workshops will also focus on the importance of sustainability and environmental responsibility, something the museum strives for, as seen in the repurposing of old V&A exhibitions in this new development. Since the mus
London’s tube union might go on strike

London’s tube union might go on strike

Close your eyes. Imagine a London, where there’s a global viral pandemic, a three-hour James Bond film that’s been in production for 300 years has finally been released, all the fuel has run out and fights are breaking out at petrol stations, and NOW there are rumours of a tube strike. Now open your eyes. This is not some dystopian future: this is London in the autumn of 2021. The Rail, Maritime and Transport (RMT) union, which represents rail and Underground workers, has expressed its disapproval at new adverts which are broaching the introduction of driverless trains on the Underground. The RMT are lambasting the government for the new promotional material, with general secretary of the union Mick Lynch threatening that they will fight this ‘assault on transport in London’ in any way possible, including ‘the use of industrial action’. The unions are already at odds with the government after Boris Johnson insisted that driverless trains were the future of transport in London, after bailing out TfL in May with a £1.6bn rescue package. The unions believe that driverless trains will lead to safety risks and job losses, and that there are more pressing issues with the transport network, such as ageing trains and the need for new signalling. This is a dispute that has been years in the making ever since Boris commented that ‘virtually anybody’ could drive a train, and it looks like it will continue hearedly for years to come; but please, for the love of God, please do not strike
A one-ton caravan has been hoisted onto a roof overlooking St Paul’s Cathedral

A one-ton caravan has been hoisted onto a roof overlooking St Paul’s Cathedral

Remember watching ‘We’re the Millers’ or ‘Paul’ or any other motorhome-based film and thinking that you’d love a caravan holiday? Well this isn’t that, or even close, but it does involve spending time in a caravan. Thanks to Bailey of Bristol, one of the UK’s largest manufacturers of the leisure vehicles, you can now have your camper experience but... on a rooftop. Perched on the roof terrace of One New Change, an office development, there is a 1,420kg state-of-the-art Bailey Unicorn V fitted with an ‘infinity’ window that overlooks the cathedral. It's rigged out with all the bells and whistles you could possibly want in a modern vehicle of any kind; it’s own wi-fi hotspot, digitally controlled central heating and a 153 litre fridge-freezer (think of all the beer…). The 24-foot motorhome has been hoisted on top of the building for an event this week, celebrating the outdoors, staycations, and obviously caravanning, while helping to change the perception of caravan holidays. Nick Howard, the managing director of the company behind this stunt, also explained that caravanning and staycations have had a massive renaissance as a result of the pandemic. The challenges of going abroad combined with the want of being able to control the hygiene levels of living space has prompted an upsurge in interest for caravans and motorhomes. Caravan manufacturers have seen a 15 percent increase in sales, whilst motorhome sales have risen by 30 percent.  The event is lasting the whole week with
15mph speed limit proposed for the City of London in 2022

15mph speed limit proposed for the City of London in 2022

After this weekend's heart-breaking F1 race this weekend, which saw Lando Norris skid out at the final hurdle, I’m sure the last thing you want to think about is fast cars. Well, fear not Londoners, The City of London Corporation is putting forward a plan to introduce a 15mph blanket speed limit throughout The Square Mile, aiming to have the new limit in place by the end of 2022. The change in speed restrictions are part of a wider strategy put forward to the Secretary of State for Transport which aims to prioritise pedestrians and a move away from motorised vehicles. This includes widening the pavements and an expansion of the cycle network from Aldgate to the Thames Embankment protected cycleway. The new plans are to be discussed at a transport committee meeting in October, with the document stating that the CoL Corporation is committed to eradicating serious injuries and deaths within the one mile radius by 2040. As any local will know, the traffic in Central London is an absolute ‘mare at the best of times, so this sluggish speed limit, all this ULEZ chatter and the congestion charge changing every bloody month, maybe it’s time to clean the rust off your old bike and get your legs spinning.  Maybe it’s time to start getting the Tube or the bus. Why is central London suddenly full of American sweetshops? Stoke Newington has become a mostly car-free area
The current fuel crisis means the tube is packed again

The current fuel crisis means the tube is packed again

The last few days have been trying. I’m not talking about the USA’s trouncing of Europe in the Ryder Cup. Or Adam Peaty’s snake hips on ‘Strictly Come Dancing’. Of course, I’m talking about the ongoing fuel crisis in the UK. Semi-apocalyptic scenes have been recorded around the country as hysterical drivers queuing up for hours have resorted to violence over the lack of fuel, while the army is on standby to deliver us that sweet, sweet gasoline if required. In all seriousness, many people’s lives and schedules have been completely disrupted by the fuel crisis, and now the numbers are reflecting the reality of this shit situation. Passenger data yesterday showed a 7 percent increase in travellers in London taking the tube, in addition to a 2 percent increase in bus trips last week. Rail passengers have also increased by 6 percent, topping off a week that has seen the highest passenger figures since the beginning of the pandemic. The seemingly neverending queues at those lucky few filling stations that do still have petrol is one reason why Londoners are tapping their Oyster cards at levels not seen for 18 months; others suspect it also has to do with a steady increase of commuters going back into the office, as well as schools and universities returning. Is it all the HGV drivers’ fault? Is it Brexit’s? Is it Boris’s? Frankly, no one really understands what the hell is going on right now in the UK’s take on ‘Mad Max’, but we do know one thing: the numbers will make great viewi