Articles (7)

Cherry blossoms in South Korea: best places to visit in 2025

Cherry blossoms in South Korea: best places to visit in 2025

Cherry blossom season in South Korea is back, and it’s just as magical as ever. Every year, the blooms kick off in late March, starting down in Jeju Island and then making their way up to southern cities like Busan and Daegu. By April, Seoul gets its turn, and finally, the blossoms hit Gangwon Province and Incheon. When the season hits, the whole country is practically painted in shades of pink and white, turning everything into a dreamy, romantic wonderland. If you’re planning a trip for 2025, make time to visit these top cherry blossom spots in and around Seoul. RECOMMENDED: 🎒 5 top cities in China for a quick weekend trip☕️ Best cafes and coffee shops in Macau👗 6 vintage shops you need to visit in Macau




聖水洞位於首爾東部,過去是個小型工商業區,如今已成為韓國最具創意、充滿文化魅力的地區之一。無論是由舊工廠改造的食店,還是融合傳統與現代設計的特色商店,還有適合打卡拍照的藝術及文化空間,都各具型格,同時又展現出濃厚的文青氣息,也吸引到大小品牌陸續進駐。除了購物,聖水洞的大街小巷中,可找到琳琅滿目的餐廳和咖啡店,絕對值得花上一整天行程,來感受不一樣的首爾!計劃2025年來韓國旅遊的話,記得 book mark 這篇最近的聖水洞必買必玩攻略。想感受首爾最貼地的風光?看看首爾十大必去傳統市場。


必去首爾 cafe 推介2025 :瀑布咖啡店/大熱冬甩 cafe /首間 Starbucks 酒吧

必去首爾 cafe 推介2025 :瀑布咖啡店/大熱冬甩 cafe /首間 Starbucks 酒吧

說首爾是咖啡愛好者的天堂,絕無誇張。吸引遊客的除了 k-culture,還有數不盡的打卡咖啡店,每一家都散發着獨特的氛圍。無論你喜歡的是少女路線還是簡約主義,韓屋風還是工業風,必定能找到適合自己口味的咖啡店。今次介紹的幾家特色首爾咖啡店,全是韓國本地人推薦,網上極具人氣的2024-25年必去之選。如果近期有計劃去首爾,就記得收藏起來,享受屬於自己的咖啡時光!
6 most stunning places to see fall foliage in Seoul 2024

6 most stunning places to see fall foliage in Seoul 2024

As Korea bids adieu to the longest heatwave on record, autumn is knocking on the door with temperatures dropping and the vibrant hues of fall foliage painting the landscape. For those seeking a trip filled with autumnal colours of reds and yellows, Jirisan, Naejangsan, and Hallasan on Jeju Island are absolute must-visits. But if hiking isn't your jam, a leisurely stroll through the city or its suburbs will also unveil breathtaking scenes that look like they belong on your computer screensaver. Here are some of Seoul's most popular leaf-viewing spots, highly recommended even by locals. Photograph: Courtesy KTO/Weatheri Inc.


四季分明的韓國,剛剛度過了史上最長的酷熱夏季。中秋過後,氣溫迅速轉涼,紅葉季也悄然而至!韓國觀光公社發佈了2024年的紅葉預測,9月29日從雪嶽山開始,預計10月底到11月初會迎來最壯麗的楓葉盛景。想欣賞層次豐富的紅葉,智異山、內藏山和濟州島的漢拏山自然是首選。不過,並非每個人都精力充沛能夠攀山涉水,其實只需在首爾市區或近郊隨意散步,也能感受到滿城紅葉點綴的絕美秋景。我們特別推薦幾個首爾最受歡迎的紅葉打卡地點,甚至連當地人都強力推薦呢! Photograph: 韓國觀光公社