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Single in Chicago? Break out that champagne and celebrate. Chicago may not be universally recognized for its singles scene, but according to Time Out’s 2018 City Life Index—a thorough survey of readers in Time Out cities around the globe—we’re rated the best city in the United States for going on the most dates, getting lucky and even finding love.
Here are a few reasons why it’s truly rather fantastic to be searching for your soulmate—or be content with being solo—here in the Second City.
1. You’re not alone. Surveys suggest that upwards of 60 percent of Chicago adults between the ages of 18 and 44 are single, regardless of gender. So no more of the “OMG-I’m-the-only-single-person-left” crap, because most of us are, too.
2. Sex in our city is pretty great. According to our numbers, 41 percent of Chicago women are even cool with sex on the first date, if it seems right (compared to only 37 percent of men). I mean, you gotta stay warm, right? There are also plenty of places around town that give away free condoms.
3. We’re smart: Almost half (48 percent) of the of 25-to-34-year-olds in Chicago have a bachelor’s degree (New Yorkers dip below us at 46 percent), and there’s a ton more working on a degree. There are more than 20 colleges in Chicago, and more in the suburbs. Future lawyers, doctors, writers, artists and the like are earning their credentials here. Go take a class and meet a few.
4. You can actually afford to live alone. If you’re single, you’re not obligated to liv
Did you swipe right on Tinder this weekend with your newest future love? Did you give your number to the hot guy by the lemons at Mariano’s? Or finally build up the courage to ask out your college crush after taking an Ambien? (This may or may not have happened to me.) Well, get prepared for your date this weekend by reading the following rules and tips for securing a second date in Chicago. Avoid these first-date faux pas and you'll be fine.
Get on the calendar: People in Chicago are busy. There is nothing worse than the non-committal, “Let’s hang this weekend.” Dude, I need a date, place, and time. A text like: “Hey! Not to bother you—I know you’re busy, but let me know if you’re free this weekend. I seem to be popular this weekend, but you’re first in line. Ha ha” Really means: “Umm you said you’d call me to do something this weekend and it’s Thursday and I have yet to hear from you. WTF? I do have other friends who are asking me to do all sorts of things and I can’t wait for you to get your shit together and call me. Thanks.” I have other things going on and if you want to get on my calendar, you better do it now. I promise you, marriages start with a locked-in date, place and time.
Do not insist he or she comes to your neighborhood: You live in Rogers Park and he’s in Pilsen? Meet in Lakeview. Halfway is appropriate. Find a place that is easily accessible for both of you to get to, ideally involving no more than one CTA transfer. A majority of Chicagoans do not have a ca