Here’s how to tour the murals that fill the Mission with color
The Mission is the heart of the mural movement in San Francisco. Murals express culture, help a community share its history and values, and add vibrant colors to otherwise drab walls and alleyways.
Sometimes they’re so breathtaking you must stop and contemplate for a while—like the five-story one adorning the Women’s Building on 18th Street, full of magic and power, with an equally gorgeous array on the Lapidge Street façade—while others provide smaller surprises, like those found on a car repair shop’s walls or tucked into alleyways.
We’ve picked out some of our favorites below, but if you’re looking for event more, we’d suggest SF Mural Arts, which maintains pages devoted to each neighborhood in the city; the Mission’s lists a whopping 504 murals (by contrast, the next most muralized neighborhood is SoMa, with only 139 murals). It also identifies whether a mural is still available, since oftentimes they are painted over or lost to time and weather—and archives those that are not longer viewable. Another wonderful source is Precita Eyes Muralists, which organizes walking tours and classes.
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