Marianne Eloise

Marianne Eloise

Articles (1)

The 16 best things to do in Leicester

The 16 best things to do in Leicester

What is the first thing you think about when Leicester comes up in conversation? You might think of crisps, although thinking about crisps is more of a default feature for many of us. You may even think back to the heady days of 2016 and that improbable Premier League win. No matter your first thought, the reality is Leicester will surprise you. Once the second-richest city in Europe and as close to the heart of England as you will find, Leicester is a charming city packed with gorgeous walks, thriving arts, and more history than you can shake the proverbial stick at. The food and drink are pretty fantastic, too, and we’re not just talking about crisps. These are the best things to do in lovely Leicester. RECOMMENDED: 🎭The best things to do in Birmingham🏛️ The best things to do in Nottingham👀 The best things to do in the UK At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.