Manel Guirado

Manel Guirado

Articles (2)

16 of the best vegetarian restaurants in Barcelona

16 of the best vegetarian restaurants in Barcelona

Looking for good vegetarian food in Barcelona is like looking for hay in a haystack (isn’t that the expression?) You might think that this coastal city is only good for seafood paella and ham-centric tapas, but we’re here to tell you that the veggie scene is on the rise. With vegan delicacies, modern vegetarian dishes and classic veggie tapas popping up on menus everywhere, it could feel overwhelming to narrow down your choices for a veggie-centric meal – here are our top picks in town.  RECOMMENDED: Full guide to the best restaurants in Barcelona
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The most romantic restaurants in Barcelona

When you're looking for a restaurant in Barcelona where you can do some serious wooing, look no further. Let us show you that the way to your special someone's heart is through his or her stomach, and a bit of mood lighting can't hurt either.RECOMMENDED: Barcelona restaurants with Michelin stars

Listings and reviews (12)

La Vitamínica d'Horta

La Vitamínica d'Horta

La Vitamínica is a place with personality. As soon as you come in, you get the feeling that this is not the sort of restaurant where they're preachy about vegetarianism, and you’d be right, seeing as part of the bar is devoted to serving sandwiches for omnivores. Meanwhile, in the dining room they serve a lunch menu that is entirely vegetarian, and well worth trying.


3 out of 5 stars
It’s hard to imagine what the locals must have thought when this place opened in the mid-1980s – an Indian-style vegetarian restaurant that didn’t serve alcohol! In addition to their fine selection of Indian vegetarian specialities, they also have pizzas and a salad buffet. There are vegan dishes as well. Be careful when you order, because the portions are very generous.


El seu nom ja deixa entreveure el caràcter desenfadat i una mica extravagant. Amb una arrogància irònica digna de Carlsberg, afirmen que les seves galetes són “exageradament bones”. A la botiga inicial, s’hi va sumar fa uns anys el Demasié Café, per tastar in situ les seves especialitats. I és que les galetes són exageradament bones, però és que els pastissos, xocolatines i bombons, també. Ara com ara, també són els campions indiscutbles del 'cinnamon roll' o rotlle de canyella. Aquesta especialita nórdica, popularíssima a Estats Units, ha entrat a Barcelona de la seva mà. I la veritat és que és molt difícil resistir-s'hi: son brioixos enrotllats de mantega pura i sucre, i us els serveixen calentets, amb cobertures i ingredients diversos: el clàssic és l'espolvorejat amb canyella, però delícies infernals com el d'Oreo, Nutella o almívar de llet us hi faran tornar una i altra vegada. Una mossegada i la dopamina es dispara a nivells insospitats.
Els Pescadors

Els Pescadors

5 out of 5 stars
There are some restaurants that, one way or another, always turn up on lists of recommended places to eat, whether you're searching online for where to get a good meal, or whether you're chatting to friends in the know. Els Pescadors is a good example of such a place: it's got a certain character and charm, and it's in a square with seaside architecture, and what's on the menu is a mix of traditional Catalan, seafood, and market cuisine – all tied up with a dose of modernity. There you go, we've just gone and recommended it again.
Shôko Lounge Club

Shôko Lounge Club

Sophisticated, with an exotic touch, all to the rhythm of comercial house music, hip hop, R&B and international hits. Ideal for taking special visitors or having fancy celebrations, but above all, to be seen and to meet some famous people. There you may have the first cocktail of the night on the terrace, have a fusion cuisine dinner or go there directly at night to dance to the beat of the DJ sound. The idea is do it all: first have a drink, then dinner and then dance and drink some more. Then just relax and start walking barefoot and go to the beach to enjoy the breeze and waves.


This self-service restaurant promotes fresh, healthy, tasty eating. They have a huge range of dishes available, and customers can choose from over 300 dishes, made while you wait. Located in an area where local people rub shoulders with office workers and tourists, it’s the best way to eat healthily, quickly and cheaply. Because fast food can also be vegetarian.


This place serves food to cover all tastes and preferences: lacto-ovo-vegetarian options, vegan meals, and even some dishes for non-vegetarians. There are no strong flavourings (i.e. vinegar, sugar, salt) and they serve low-alcohol drinks. Though the restaurant is in a big space, it’s usually full, as everyone can find something they like. In the back there’s a room where they hold yoga and tai-chi classes.
La Granja

La Granja

This venue is now closed. There aren't many vegetarian restaurants in uptown Barcelona. Located in Sant Gervasi, La Granja is a simple, cosy restaurant serving up buffet-style home cooking. They offer vegan options and make a point of using organic products whenever possible. You can have a quite a good meal here for €20. They also rent out the venue for parties and celebrations.
Vegetalia (Gòtic)

Vegetalia (Gòtic)

It all started as a business dedicated to producing natural, organic vegetarian food, and now it has two restaurants in the city. All the food comes from the earth, it’s grown by farmers and then sent to your plate. For €20 you can sample a whole range of tasty, imaginative dishes, some of them vegan. For dessert, choose from the different cakes displayed at the bar – they’re simply irresistible.


Aquí encontraréis una cocina que respeta todos los gustos: opciones ovolactovegetarianas, veganas y platos que puedan gustar a los no vegetarianos. Evitan productos potentes o en exceso (vinagres, azúcares, sal...) y ofrecen bebidas con bajo contenido alcohólico. A pesar de ser un local grande, suele estar lleno: todo el mundo encuentra algo que le gusta. En la parte trasera tienen una sala en la que organizan cursos de yoga y tai-txi-txuan.
La Granja

La Granja

Establecimiento cerradoNo abundan los restaurantes vegetarianos en la parte alta de la ciudad. La Granja, en Sant Gervasi, es un restaurante sencillo y acogedor donde preparan una cocina casera que el cliente elige en un bufet. Ofrece opciones para veganos y procuran trabajar siempre que pueden con productos ecológicos. Podréis comer por unos 20 euros. Otro dato interesante: alquilan el local para celebraciones.


Aquí s'opta per una cuina que respecta tots els gustos: opcions ovolactovegetarianes, veganes, i plats que puguin agradar als no vegetarians. Eviten productes potents o en excés (vinagres, sucres, sal...) i ofereixen begudes amb baix contingut alcohòlic. Tot i tenir un local gran, acostuma a estar ple: tothom hi troba quelcom que li agrada. Al darrere tenen una sala on organitzen cursos de ioga i tai-txi-txuan.