Leyla Rose is a freelance travel and food writer who has written for newspapers and magazines, including The GuardianThe Times, The i Paper, Lonely Planet, Wanderlust Magazine, DestinAsian Magazine, Time Out, and more.

She was born and raised in Lombok, Indonesia, but moved to the UK for university, where she completed a BA in Journalism and an MA in Public Relations and Strategic Communications. She is currently based in Indonesia, where she travels around Asia, covering stories from Indonesia and further afield. Find more of her work on her website.

Leyla Rose

Leyla Rose

Contributor, Indonesia

Articles (4)

The best islands to visit in Indonesia

The best islands to visit in Indonesia

Choosing somewhere to visit in Indonesia can be overwhelming. Are you looking for a beach holiday or a city break? Would you prefer to disconnect from the world and spend time in the countryside or deep in the rainforest? It’s tough to pick when there’s so much variety and choice, but what makes Indonesia so overwhelming is also its greatest gift – you can find just about anything you want here. From the wild beauty of Sumba to the lively cities of Java, each island has something special to offer.  RECOMMENDED: The best places to visit in Indonesia and The best things to do in Bali

The best places to visit in Indonesia

The best places to visit in Indonesia

If it’s variety you’re looking for, you simply can’t go wrong with Indonesia. With over 17,000 islands strewn across the equator, this country has everything from virgin beaches and dense rainforest to ancient archaeological sites and endangered wildlife. In fact, we’ll go so far as to say that if there were a competition for the ‘most diverse country’, Indonesia would win every time. So, whether you want to see the most well-known sights or are willing to go on a wild, off-the-beaten-track adventure, this country has exactly what you’re looking for. Narrowing the list down wasn’t easy, but we’ve done the hard work for you and put together our top picks. RECOMMENDED: The best things to do in Bali and The best things to do in Jakarta

The 24 most underrated travel destinations in the world

The 24 most underrated travel destinations in the world

‘Overtourism’. It’s more than a buzzword – in the world’s most popular destinations, it’s a problem that affects almost every aspect of local life, from the environment to the cost of renting, transport and eating out. And when a place is overwhelmed by people, it’s not only locals’ quality of life that suffers; the quality of your holiday does, too.  But, with baby steps, it looks like things could be changing. Destinations like Italy and Japan are coming up with ways to redistribute tourism from densely crowded hotspots to lesser-visited regions. Among travellers, overtourism has given rise to the ‘destination dupes’ trend, where overrun holiday destinations are swapped out for less crowded, less expensive, but just-as-good alternatives.  On our newly updated list of the world’s most underrated travel destinations, you won’t find your Bangkoks or your Balis, your Amalfis or your Amsterdams. What you will find is a Yosemite dupe, Morocco’s overlooked neighbour, a place where penguins outnumber people, and plenty more travel inspo where that came from.Chosen by our network of expert editors and globetrotting travel writers, these overlooked spots offer great (or quiet) alternatives to the classics. And in many cases, they’re places that actually really want visitors. In other words, travelling to any of these 24 criminally overlooked destinations is a win-win situation. See you out there? RECOMMENDED: 🏰 The most underrated travel destinations in Europe🚞 12 ways to be a bett

Les 14 destinacions més infravalorades del món

Les 14 destinacions més infravalorades del món

Voleu fer del 2023 l'any per viatjar a un lloc diferent? AquĂ­ tenim alguns suggeriments bastant espectaculars. Hem demanat a la nostra xarxa de periodistes i editors de viatges que responguin quin Ă©s el destĂ­ turĂ­stic mĂ©s ignorat del mĂłn. La llista contĂ© des de petites illes i pobles de costa fins a enormes llacs i grans paisatges, i constitueix una gran inspiraciĂł per viatjar.QuĂš Ă©s, exactament, allĂČ que fa que un destĂ­ estigui infravalorat? Estem parlant de llocs que no apareixen sovint a les llistes de viatges? Llocs que no reben la seva part justa de turisme? Llocs que sĂłn joies ocultes fora de les rutes turĂ­stiques i que ofereixen excel·lents alternatives (o tambĂ© tranquil·les) a llocs populars de la mateixa regiĂł? Les destinacions d'aquesta llista pertanyen com a mĂ­nim a una d'aquestes categories. Des del veĂ­ ignorat de Bali fins a una Ă rea verge de bellesa natural a ZimbĂ bue, aquests sĂłn els llocs mĂ©s infravalorats del mĂłn per viatjar aquest any. NO T'HO PERDIS: Les 10 millors destinacions per viatjar el 2023