Laura Maxwell

Laura Maxwell

Contributing writer

Articles (1)

The 50 best Christmas songs of all time

The 50 best Christmas songs of all time

Like ’em, hate ’em or blast ’em 24 hours a day as soon as September starts, there’s no getting away from Christmas songs. And we’re not just talking about the classics – Christmas songs are an exhaustive genre, from weird ’40s jingles to brand-new bangers (yes, Sabrina Carpenter’s got one). Whatever gets you feeling festive, you’ll find it on this list.  What is the number one Christmas song ever? We are so glad you asked. And you’ve probably guessed it. You’re probably not even mad about it in the slightest. But yes, it’s Mariah Carey’s fabulous festive track, All I Want For Christmas Is You. And hey, she’s pretty high up on our list too. It’s a classic, and she competes with Wham!’s Last Christmas and The Pogues’s Fairytale Of New York for the grand title every year. In our humble opinion, Pogues come out on top. But they’re both bangers.  RECOMMENDED:🎤 The best karaoke songs🕺 The best pop songs💧 The best sad songs🎅 The best places to go at Christmas

News (8)

London’s Bond Street is officially the world’s third-most expensive shopping destination

London’s Bond Street is officially the world’s third-most expensive shopping destination

It’s no secret that London is an expensive place to eat, drink, shop and, well, generally just live. And that’s the case for us normal folks, but it turns out that the capital is one of the planet’s spenniest cities for the ultra-rich, too (despite recent data showing that the capital is home to a stonking 227,000 millionaires).  A new report reckons that London’s New Bond Street is officially the world’s third-most expensive shopping destination. This accolade comes courtesy of real estate firm Cushman & Wakefield, which has published its Main Streets Across the World study for 2024.  This year C&W’s report dived into 138 locations around the globe, noting trends and changes in the retail sector and, crucially, revealing average rent levels. Across these prime shopping destinations, the study found that average headline rents now sit almost 6 percent higher than before the pandemic, and 57 percent of these streets have seen positive rental growth year-over-year. Rather than list the most expensive destinations based on the price of goods, Main Streets Across the World ranks streets based on how expensive they are for retailers to rent.  At the pinnacle of luxury shopping, Milan’s Via Montenapoleone tops the list as the most expensive retail street to rent globally, with rent costing a whopping $2,047 (£1,612) per square foot per year. Following closely behind was New York’s Fifth Avenue (between 49th and 60th streets) in second spot and with rent rates of $2,000 (£1,575) per
Quan surt l'Spotify Wrapped 2024? Això és tot el que necessites saber

Quan surt l'Spotify Wrapped 2024? Això és tot el que necessites saber

Amb l’encesa de llums de Nadal de dijous passat, 28 de novembre, els barcelonins i barcelonines ja vam donar la benvinguda oficial a les festes nadalenques. Amb l’arribada de l’època més màgica de l’any també s’apropa el moment en què haurem d’acomiadar-nos d’aquest 2024 i rebre amb els braços oberts el 2025. A més de fer la llista de propòsits per al nou any –que tots sabem que després deixem oblidada en un calaix–, també arriba el moment en què veurem quins han estat els nostres gustos musicals d’enguany i podrem compartir-los amb la gent del nostre entorn amb el tan esperat Spotify Wrapped.  Sí, és aquella època màgica de l'any en què ens reunim al voltant dels nostres dispositius per reflexionar sobre el nostre viatge musical: aquella cançó amb la qual ens vam obsessionar dues setmanes, els artistes que més ens han captivat i aquella cançó que no ens hem pogut treure del cap, però que probablement no escoltaríem mai en públic. És com un anuari musical, que mostra no només les cançons i els artistes que hem escoltat repetidament, sinó que revela molt sobre la nostra personalitat. En els darrers dies, les xarxes socials s’han omplert de mems d’usuaris impacients per rebre el seu Sportify Wrapped anual, i per resoldre dubtes, aquí teniu tot el que heu de saber sobre aquest informe musical. estoy deseando que las historias de instagram se vean así por el spotify wrapped 2024 — janni✨ (@JanniraGuirado) November 27, 2024 Quina data surt l’Spotify
¿Cuándo sale el Spotify Wrapped 2024? Esto es todo lo que necesitas saber

¿Cuándo sale el Spotify Wrapped 2024? Esto es todo lo que necesitas saber

Con el encendido de luces de Navidad del pasado jueves, 28 de noviembre, los barceloneses y barcelonesas ya dimos la bienvenida oficial a las fiestas navideñas. Con la llegada de la época más mágica del año también se acerca el momento en que deberemos despedirnos de este 2024 y recibir con los brazos abiertos en 2025. Además de hacer la lista de propósitos para al nuevo año –que todos sabemos que después dejaremos olvidada en un cajón–, también llega el momento en que veremos cuáles han sido nuestros gustos musicales este año y compartirlos con la gente de nuestro entorno con el tan esperado Spotify Wrapped. Sí, es aquella época mágica del año en la que nos reunimos en torno a nuestros dispositivos para reflexionar sobre nuestro viaje musical: esa canción con la que nos obsesionamos dos semanas, los artistas que más nos han cautivado y esa canción que no nos hemos podido sacar de la cabeza, pero que probablemente nunca escucharíamos en público. Es como un anuario musical, que muestra no solo las canciones y artistas que hemos escuchado repetidamente, sino que revela mucho sobre nuestra personalidad. En los últimos días, las redes sociales se han llenado de memes de usuarios impacientes por recibir su Sportify Wrapped anual, y para resolver dudas, aquí tenéis todo lo que debéis saber sobre este informe musical. estoy deseando que las historias de instagram se vean así por el spotify wrapped 2024 — janni✨ (@JanniraGuirado) November 27, 2024 ¿Qué
Is it too early for Christmas music?

Is it too early for Christmas music?

As the last leaves of autumn fall from their branches, a festive tug-of-war begins. While some burst into carols with the urgency of a caffeine-fuelled elf, others clutch their pumpkin spice lattes in horror. You know what we’re talking about: it’s nearly December. It’s Christmas time.  And one thing about nearing December? The Christmas songs are coming, whether you like it or not. So, whether you’re a festive fanatic or a humbug hiding under the couch, let’s get into the big question: when is it too early to indulge in the magic of Christmas music? Grab your eggnog, and let’s get into it.  When should you start listening to Christmas tunes? First up, let’s ask the Time Out staff team.  ‘As soon as Halloween is over, it’s Christmas in my heart,’ says Ella Doyle, Time Out’s Guides Editor. ‘November the 1st, November the 2nd, it’s on. It’s never too early for a Christmas banger.’  ‘The only acceptable day for a Christmas carol is December 25,’ argues UK Editor Joe Mackertich.  Finally, ‘A Christmas song can be enjoyed all year round,’ claims Staff Writer India Lawrence. ‘But only if it’s Mariah Carey.’   What are the stats? Let’s crunch some numbers. A recent survey of 2,000 festive aficionados found that 85 percent of us start cranking the Christmas tunes in early December, according to Consultancy UK. In fact, according to the Sun, over half of the under-30s bracket start the jingles as early as November - unlike 16 per cent of Boomers, and even less of the over-50s.  Oh, an
Is it too early for Christmas music?

Is it too early for Christmas music?

As the last leaves of autumn fall from their branches, a festive tug-of-war begins. While some burst into carols with the urgency of a caffeine-fuelled elf, others clutch their pumpkin spice lattes in horror. You know what we’re talking about: it’s nearly December. It’s Christmas time.  And one thing about nearing December? The Christmas songs are coming, whether you like it or not. So, whether you’re a festive fanatic or a humbug hiding under the couch, let’s get into the big question: when is it too early to indulge in the magic of Christmas music? Grab your eggnog, and let’s get into it.  When should you start listening to Christmas tunes? First up, let’s ask the Time Out staff team.  ‘As soon as Halloween is over, it’s Christmas in my heart,’ says Ella Doyle, Time Out’s Guides Editor. ‘November the 1st, November the 2nd, it’s on. It’s never too early for a Christmas banger.’  ‘The only acceptable day for a Christmas carol is December 25,’ argues UK Editor Joe Mackertich.  Finally, ‘A Christmas song can be enjoyed all year round,’ claims Staff Writer India Lawrence. ‘But only if it’s Mariah Carey.’   What are the stats? Let’s crunch some numbers. A recent survey of 2,000 festive aficionados found that 85 percent of us start cranking the Christmas tunes in early December, according to Consultancy UK. In fact, according to the Sun, over half of the under-30s bracket start the jingles as early as November - unlike 16 per cent of Boomers, and even less of the over-50s.  Oh, an
Quando é que sai o Spotify Wrapped 2024? Tudo o que precisa de saber

Quando é que sai o Spotify Wrapped 2024? Tudo o que precisa de saber

Enquanto muitos passam as últimas semanas do ano a antecipar a ceia de Natal, as festas de Ano Novo e o momento em que poderão, finalmente, ligar o out-of-office, aqueles de nós que gostam de pensar que têm um gosto musical bastante decente têm aguardado ansiosamente pelo maior evento do ano: o Spotify Wrapped.  Sim, é aquela altura mágica em que nos juntamos à volta dos nossos dispositivos para reflectir sobre a nossa viagem musical – revelando os nossos prazeres envergonhados, obsessões furtivas e aquela canção cativante que provavelmente nunca ouviríamos em público. É como um bilhete de identidade musical, que mostra não só as músicas e os artistas que ouvimos repetidamente, mas também revela muito sobre a nossa personalidade (passaste mesmo assim tanto tempo a ouvir aquela lista de reprodução “White Noise for Anxiety”?) Por isso, vamos tirar o pó dos auscultadores e preparar-nos para o ritual de passagem anual que nos une a todos da forma mais divertida e estranha possível. Aqui está tudo o que sabemos sobre quando é que o Spotify Wrapped vai ser lançado este ano. Em que data sai o Spotify Wrapped? Marquem nos vossos calendários e aqueçam as vossas histórias do Instagram, porque o Spotify Wrapped 2024 vai ser lançado no início de Dezembro. Embora o Spotify ainda não tenha confirmado a data exacta, nos anos anteriores a recapitulação anual foi lançada na primeira ou segunda semana do mês. Por isso, fique atento a uma notificação do Spotify nas próximas semanas! Quando é q
TfL is trialling CCTV cameras at bus shelters across London to improve women’s safety

TfL is trialling CCTV cameras at bus shelters across London to improve women’s safety

This week Transport for London is stepping up to tackle an important issue: keeping women and girls safe while using public transport. A new trial will see CCTV cameras installed at 20 bus shelters across London, with the aim of helping everyone feel more secure, especially when traveling alone at night.  The specially designed cameras are equipped to actively prevent and detect crime. The Metropolitan Police will have live access to the feeds, meaning they can act quickly if something goes wrong. This is all part of TfL’s larger mission to create a safe and welcoming transport network for everyone. Siwan Hayward, TfL’s Director of Security, Policing, and Enforcement, emphasised just how important this is: ‘We want women and girls to be safe and feel safe,’ she said. And she’s right! Research has shown that many women feel uneasy while waiting for buses, especially when it’s dark or quiet. With these cameras in place, TfL hopes to reduce those anxieties. The locations for TfL’s cameras have been chosen carefully. They’re going into busy areas and quieter spots where people have reported feeling unsafe.  On top of that, to mark White Ribbon Day (which aims to stop male violence against women and girls, and which was on November 25), TfL partnered with football clubs Tottenham Hotspur, Fulham and Crystal Palace to spread the message about male violence against women. The clubs’ players will be sharing messages about bystander interventions over the next couple of weeks, and you
When does Spotify Wrapped 2024 come out? Everything you need to know

When does Spotify Wrapped 2024 come out? Everything you need to know

While some of us have spent the last few weeks anticipating Christmas dinner, New Year’s Eve parties and finally setting our out-of-office, those of us who like to think we have pretty decent taste in music have been waiting eagerly for the year’s biggest bragging event: Spotify Wrapped.   Yes, it's that magical time of year when we gather ’round our devices to reflect on our musical journey – revealing our guilty pleasures, stealthy obsessions, and that one cringe-worthy catchy song we probably wouldn’t ever listen to in public. It’s like a musical yearbook, showcasing not just the songs and artists we had on repeat, but unveiling rather a lot about our personality (did you really spend that much time listening to that ‘White Noise for Anxiety’ playlist?)  So let's dust off those headphones, and prepare for the annual rite of passage that binds us all together in the most entertainingly awkward way possible. Here’s everything we know about when Spotify Wrapped will be dropping this year. What date does Spotify Wrapped come out? Mark your calendars and warm up your Instagram stories, because Spotify Wrapped 2024 is set to drop in early December. While Spotify has yet to confirm the exact date, previous years have seen the annual recap released in the first or second week of the month. So keep your eyes peeled for a notification from Spotify in the coming weeks! When does Spotify Wrapped stop tracking? If you’ve already started bingeing holiday music, don’t worry – Spotify usu