Laura Hall is an award-winning author, travel writer and journalist based in Copenhagen. She has contributed to Vogue Scandinavia, Kinfolk, Condé Nast Traveller, Sunday Times, Time Out, BBC Travel and The Guardian, and been consulted for VisitDenmark, VisitCopenhagen and Skandinavisk. 

Photograph: Arina Fedosiuk

Laura Hall

Laura Hall

Local expert, Scandinavia

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Articles (18)

The 19 best pizzas in the world

The 19 best pizzas in the world

Everyone knows what great pizza means to them. It could have a paper-thin, crispy base or one so doughy it’s comparable to a pillow; it could be an abundance of vegetables and cured meats or simply a great, classic margherita (for the purists). Some of us even crave a bit of pizza-induced controversy (fans of a white base or those who opt for a pineapple topping, we’re looking at you).  But no matter your preference, whether it’s socially acceptable or totally unhinged to everybody else, you’ll find your perfect pizza pie somewhere in the world, and somewhere on this list, too. That’s because we’ve asked our travel writers and international editorial staff about their absolute favourite spots for when they’re craving a pizza, from Cape Town to Lisbon, Buenos Aires to Miami. We hope you’re hungry – don your napkin and read on for the world’s very best pizzas.  RECOMMENDED:🥪The best sandwiches in the world🥩The best steaks in the world🍝The best cities in the world for food This list was edited by Liv Kelly, a writer for Time Out Travel. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.
The 50 best cities in the world in 2025

The 50 best cities in the world in 2025

People who don’t live in cities will tell you they’re busy, lonely and expensive places. But there’s a reason so many people choose to live in them: with world-class art and culture, unbeatable food and nightlife, buzzing neighbourhoods and a dizzying amount of stuff to do and see, there’s simply no better place to be.  Every year, we take the pulse of city living by quizzing thousands of locals across the planet about life in their hometowns. This year, more than 18,500 city-dwellers shared their insights on everything from food, nightlife and culture to affordability, happiness and the overall city vibe. When urban living can sometimes feel isolating and costly, this year we wanted to get a sense of what, exactly, makes a city feel like home. Sure, the nightlife is great, but is the city safe and walkable? Is good quality food and art available at a reasonable price? Is it easy to make friends, find love, and access nature?  Livability was a key factor in our ranking this year. But a great city to live in is, naturally, a great city to visit. So, along with the thousands of responses from locals around the world, we asked Time Out’s global network of city experts to vote on the places they think are particularly exciting right now. After crunching all that data, here we are: Time Out’s definitive ranking of the world’s best cities in 2025. Read on to see how your hometown fared… RECOMMENDED:🛍️ The coolest neighbourhoods in the world right now🌎 The best things to do in the
A weekend in Copenhagen: The ultimate itinerary

A weekend in Copenhagen: The ultimate itinerary

For design-lovers, fashion fiends and city breakers who like a side order of hygge with their sightseeing, Copenhagen makes a great location for a city break. Discover pavement cafés, art galleries, interior design and much more in this fun-loving city where small moments are celebrated, art and design are revered and work-life balance is (genuinely) prioritised.  Denmark’s capital is definitely on the bijou side, which is all the better for exploring by bike, just as the locals do. But spontaneous travellers, beware: one thing I've learned as a long-term resident is that booking ahead is customary here, so take note if you want to eat at a specific restaurant. From natural wine to super clubs, here is how to smash a weekend tour of Copenhagen. Find out more on where to stay in Copenhagen. RECOMMENDED:🍸 The best bars in Copenhagen🍽️ The best restaurants in Copenhagen📍 The best things to do in Copenhagen🛌 The best Airbnbs in Copenhagen Laura Hall is a writer based in Copenhagen. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines. 
Noctourism: why dark sky travel is huge in 2025 – and where to experience it

Noctourism: why dark sky travel is huge in 2025 – and where to experience it

This year’s travel trends are out of this world – and in the case of noctourism, we mean it literally. Travel firms including have reported a rise in searches and bookings for locations where travellers can adventure after dark, from celestial activities like star gazing and northern lights chasing (this year’s solar maximum will see a ‘once-in-a-decade’ northern lights display) to full moon parties and nighttime festivals.  Just ahead of the trend is journalist Stephanie Vermillion, author of the new National Geographic book 100 Nights of a Lifetime: The World’s Ultimate Adventures After Dark. Her book details all the adventures you can have after dark, from lantern festivals and sleeping under the stars to aurora-seeking and wildlife encounters. We asked her why she finds it so exciting. ‘Just being out in the dark, whether it’s a full-moon hike or a twilight safari, adds a layer of excitement, mystery, and adventure,’ she said. ‘And I think nature becomes even more enchanting at night, with sparkly fireflies, kaleidoscopic auroras, and the animal kingdom’s nocturnal soundtrack – the night provides such a visceral reminder of our world’s multisensory beauty.’ Here are some of the best ways to take your travels nocturnal this year.  RECOMMENDED:🌃 The world’s best places for stargazing🌠 The best places to see the Northern Lights this year Laura Hall is an award-winning author, travel writer and journalist based in Copenhagen. At Time Out, all of our travel guid
Les 50 meilleures villes du monde en 2025 selon Time Out

Les 50 meilleures villes du monde en 2025 selon Time Out

Trouver la ville la plus cool du monde chaque année, c’est notre passion chez Time Out ! En 2025, on a tout passé à la moulinette pour mieux comprendre ce qui rend une ville vraiment vivable. Est-ce qu’on peut marcher dans la rue sans flipper ? Est-ce que l’art et la bouffe sont accessibles sans braquer une banque ? Est-ce qu’on peut facilement se faire des potes, tomber amoureux, ou juste respirer un peu d’air frais ? Parce qu’une ville où il fait bon vivre, c’est aussi une ville où il fait bon voyager. En plus des votes de notre réseau d’experts, cette année, on a demandé à 18 500 citadins de nous filer leur avis sur leur chez-soi. Gastronomie, vie nocturne, culture, coût de la vie, baromètre du bonheur… On a tout mixé, trituré et recoupé, et voici le verdict : le top ultime des meilleures villes du monde en 2025, by Time Out (dont deux Françaises, Paris, 19e, et Marseille, 38e).
The 14 best city breaks in Europe for 2025

The 14 best city breaks in Europe for 2025

We live and breathe city life at Time Out, so to us, there’s no better way to spend a precious long weekend than by cramming in as much food, nightlife and culture as possible in one of Europe’s many great metropolises. This vast, diverse continent is home to hundreds of cities that tick all the boxes of the perfect break. You have the classics: Rome, Amsterdam, Paris. And then you have the second cities, the obscure cultural capitals, and those surprising little places that make for the ideal affordable city break.  But with so many options, where should you head in 2025? Well, we’ve narrowed it down for you: in our list of Europe’s best city breaks, everywhere from Ireland to Italy is covered. Why leave it at one? Take advantage of Europe’s amazing new train services and cram in a couple. RECOMMENDED: 📍 The absolute best things to do in Europe🗺 The most underrated travel destinations in Europe🛤 The ultimate Europe Interrailing itinerary
The 12 best restaurants in Copenhagen

The 12 best restaurants in Copenhagen

Pack stretchy pants and get ready for a foodie adventure: Copenhagen’s food scene is very exciting indeed, and I am here for it. From designer bakeries to the city’s Asian-Nordic and Italian-Danish crossover scenes, there’s always something going on. I can’t mention Copenhagen without mentioning Alchemist, the city’s two-starred eatery where food, theatre and the impossible all come together. Feel like eating a snowball? You can, alongside sea slugs, rotten apples and the perfect omelette (among the strange and beautiful things I’ve eaten in that crazy place myself). But it’s not all expensive restaurants with long waiting lists here – there’s just as much to find on the ground in local cafes. Here are the best restaurants in Copenhagen right now.  RECOMMENDED:📍 The best things to do in Copenhagen🏘️ Where to stay in Copenhagen🏛️ The best museums in Copenhagen🏠 The best Airbnbs in Copenhagen This guide was last updated by Laura Hall, a writer based in Copenhagen. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. 
The 20 best things to do in Copenhagen

The 20 best things to do in Copenhagen

I’ve lived in Copenhagen for the past seven years and I’m still finding new things to do. It’s a small city, one you can comfortably bike across in under half an hour, but within its winding cobbled streets and hip, developing areas, there’s always a new cocktail bar, coffee shop or flea market to discover.  Is three days in Copenhagen enough? Copenhagen isn’t a huge place, and you could certainly come and cover all the main hits in a long weekend, especially if you rent a bike. But the place of life is gentle here – if you stay a little longer (up to a week), you’ll uncover neighbourhood favourites, designer bakeries, communal dining events where you can eat with the locals, and more of the citys secrets. If you leave feeling that maybe the pace of your own life should be a bit slower too, then our job is done. Here are the best things to do in Copenhagen. –Laura Hall   RECOMMENDED:📍 How to spend a perfect weekend in Copenhagen🍴 The best restaurants in Copenhagen🍸 The best bars in Copenhagen🏘️ Where to stay in Copenhagen🛌 The best Airbnbs in Copenhagen Laura Hall is a writer based in Copenhagen. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines. 
Los 21 destinos más infravalorados de Europa para viajar en 2025

Los 21 destinos más infravalorados de Europa para viajar en 2025

Ya has visitado los clásicos: las capitales, los lugares virales de TikTok, las ciudades con su propio programa de Netflix… Y no nos malinterpretéis, nos encantan los clásicos, pero hay un inconveniente en estos destinos de viaje grandes, bulliciosos y dignos de una lista. Si alguna vez has guardado una hora de cola para una pastelería, te has gastado el presupuesto del día en un café o has reservado un museo con tres meses de antelación, lo sabrás tan bien como nosotros: son las aglomeraciones. Lo cierto es que los autóctonos tampoco están contentos. Este verano se han producido una serie de manifestaciones contra el turismo en los principales puntos de interés europeos, al llegar a un punto crítico después de años de masificación turística; Ámsterdam se ha puesto dura con los nuevos hoteles y Venecia está preparada para duplicar su tasa turística en el 2025 (como Barcelona, ​​que también podría hacerlo). De modo que nunca ha habido un mejor momento para pensar fuera de la caja a la hora de planificar los viajes, sobre todo cuando hay tantos sitios olvidados increíbles. Desde escapadas urbanas llenas de cultura hasta parques nacionales desconocidos, estos destinos tienen todo lo que deseáis para vuestras próximas vacaciones, con la ventaja adicional de que habrá mucha menos gente yendo a los mismos lugares. Si viajáis con un presupuesto limitado, buscáis tranquilidad o simplemente estáis desesperados por probar un lugar nuevo, estos son los lugares más infravalorados para vi
Les 21 destinacions més infravalorades d’Europa per viatjar el 2025

Les 21 destinacions més infravalorades d’Europa per viatjar el 2025

Ja has visitat els clàssics: les capitals, els llocs virals de TikTok, les ciutats amb el seu propi programa de Netflix… I no ens malinterpreteu, ens encanten els clàssics, però hi ha un inconvenient en aquestes destinacions de viatge grans, bullicioses i dignes d'una llista. Si alguna vegada has fet una hora de cua per a una pastisseria, t'has gastat el pressupost del dia en un cafè o has hagut de reservar un museu amb tres mesos d'antelació, ho sabràs tan bé com nosaltres: són les aglomeracions. El cas és que els autòctons tampoc estan contents. Aquest estiu s'han produït una sèrie de manifestacions contra el turisme als principals punts d'interès europeus, ja que es va arribar a un punt crític després d'anys de massificació turística; Amsterdam s'ha posat dura amb els nous hotels i Venècia està preparada per duplicar la seva taxa turística el 2025 (com Barcelona, que també podria fer-ho). De manera que mai hi ha hagut un millor moment per pensar fora de la capsa a l'hora de planificar els viatges, sobretot quan hi ha tants llocs oblidats increïbles. Des d'escapades urbanes plenes de cultura fins a parcs nacionals desconeguts, aquestes destinacions tenen tot el que desitgeu de les vostres pròximes vacances, amb l'avantatge addicional que hi haurà molta menys gent anant als mateixos llocs. Si viatgeu amb un pressupost limitat, busqueu tranquil·litat o simplement esteu desesperats per provar un lloc nou, aquests són els indrets més infravalorats per visitar a Europa en aquest
The 21 most underrated travel destinations in Europe for 2025

The 21 most underrated travel destinations in Europe for 2025

You’ve done the classics: the capital cities, the TikTok viral spots, the cities with their own Netflix show. And don’t get us wrong, we love the classics for a reason. But there’s a downside to these big, bustling, bucket-list-worthy travel destinations. If you’ve ever queued an hour for a pastry, spent your day’s budget on a coffee or had to book a museum three months in advance, you’ll know it as well as us: it’s the crowds. The thing is, locals aren’t happy about it either. This summer saw a series of anti-tourism demonstrations in European hotspots, as locals reached breaking point with years of overtourism; Amsterdam is cracking down on new hotels, Venice is set to double its tourist tax in 2025. So there’s never been a better time to think outside the box for your travels – especially when so many incredible European spots are getting overlooked. And we’re not gatekeepers here at Time Out. From culture-packed city breaks to under-the-radar national parks, these destinations have got everything you want from your next holiday, with the added bonus of far fewer people jostling to see the same attractions. So if you’re travelling on a budget, searching for quiet or just desperate to try somewhere new, these are the most underrated places to visit in Europe right now, handpicked by Time Out's network of well-travelled writers. RECOMMENDED:🏰 The best city breaks in Europe📍 The most beautiful places in Europe⛷️ The best ski holidays in Europe🏘️ The coolest neighbourhoods
The 18 most beautiful places in Europe, by travel writers who’ve seen them all

The 18 most beautiful places in Europe, by travel writers who’ve seen them all

Europe is not lacking in jaw-dropping beauty, but how do you choose its top spots? Its home to seven Wonders of the World, for one thing, as well as 34 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and even that doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of the incredible things you can find across the continent.  But even if we can’t list every single one, we can list our favourites. To put together this list, we asked our editorial staff team and travel writers based in Sweden, Greece and more for the most beautiful things they’d ever seen in Europe. The result? Stories of taking boats out on Germany’s hidden lakes, climbing up to vast sand dunes in France and afternoons spent strolling Art Nouveau streets in Latvia. From solitary islands to packed ski resorts, here are the most beautiful places in Europe, picked by us. RECOMMENDED:🌤️ The most beautiful places in the world🌃 The best city breaks in Europe🏖️ The best beaches in Europe🌊 The best places to ‘coolcation’ in Europe Ella Doyle is Time Out’s guides editor. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines. 

Listings and reviews (4)

Tivoli Gardens

Tivoli Gardens

What is it? Slap bang in the heart of Copenhagen, opposite its main station, these 25 rollercoasters, multiple snack stalls and fairground games are ready to put a smile on your face. In summer, touring acts (Rick Astley and Take That most recently) play intimate gigs on the lawns. Visiting is a classic Copenhagen experience. Is it worth visiting? Yes it is – and not just if you have kids! There is a wide variety of rides to suit all levels, and the gardens are beautiful (look out for peacocks!). It’s open in three seasons: Christmas (mid November to January), Summer (April to September) and Halloween (October to start November). How long will I spend there? Upwards of two hours. The theme park has an entry fee and rides cost extra. If you plan to stay all day, buy a wristband and you can try every ride; if you’ve only got half a day to spare, pay for rides individually.  Is it free on Tuesdays? Entry to the park costs 160 kr per adult and 80 kr for children aged 3-8. Those under 3 go free.  Where’s good to eat nearby? Tivoli is a known foodie destination. Check out some of the best local Danish eateries at Tivoli Food Hall, try the city’s award-winning burgers at Gasoline Grill or score food from Michelin-starred chefs in its pop-up Japanese Pagoda restaurant. 🍴 Discover more of the best restaurants in Copenhagen
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

What is it? Forty minutes from Copenhagen central station, The Louisiana is the city’s distinguished modern art gallery, a modernist building in beautiful sculpture gardens overlooking the sea. Beyond showing outrageously interesting contemporary art exhibitions, the gallery has a decent café, a design shop that will take all your money (you have been warned), and a kids wing where children can indulge their wildest Picasso fantasies.  Is it worth visiting? Take your time, aim to get there around 11am, enjoy a classic Danish lunch in the café and then stroll around the gallery for as long as you like (upwards of two hours, potentially up to four). On a sunny day, pack swimmers – there’s access to a small sandy beach too. How do I get from Copenhagen to the museum? Take the train from Copenhagen Central Station to Humlebæk (around 51 kr or £5.60) and follow the signs. The train is about 40 minutes and the whole journey will take maximum an hour. Driving takes 40 minutes too.  What should I see there? The gallery’s collection includes works by Henry Moore, David Hockney and Jean duBuffet, and a Yayao Kusama room called Gleaming Night of The Souls. Seasonal exhibitions could be anything from works by Scandinavian artists Pipilotti Rist and Mamma Andersen to globally acclaimed work by Nan Goldin or Pussy Riot. Is it free on Tuesdays? Sadly, no. The gallery is closed on Mondays, and open from 11 on all other days, with a late opening until 10pm Tuesday-Friday. There’s free entry
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

What is it? Forty minutes from Copenhagen central station, The Louisiana is the city’s distinguished modern art gallery, a modernist building in beautiful sculpture gardens overlooking the sea. Beyond showing outrageously interesting contemporary art exhibitions, the gallery has a decent café, a design shop that will take all your money (you have been warned), and a kids wing where children can indulge their wildest Picasso fantasies.  Is it worth visiting? Take your time, aim to get there around 11am, enjoy a classic Danish lunch in the café and then stroll around the gallery for as long as you like (upwards of two hours, potentially up to four). On a sunny day, pack swimmers – there’s access to a small sandy beach too. How do I get from Copenhagen to the museum? Take the train from Copenhagen Central Station to Humlebæk (around 51 kr or £5.60) and follow the signs. The train is about 40 minutes and the whole journey will take maximum an hour. Driving takes 40 minutes too.  What should I see there? The gallery’s collection includes works by Henry Moore, David Hockney and Jean duBuffet, and a Yayao Kusama room called Gleaming Night of The Souls. Seasonal exhibitions could be anything from works by Scandinavian artists Pipilotti Rist and Mamma Andersen to globally acclaimed work by Nan Goldin or Pussy Riot. Is it free on Tuesdays? Sadly, no. The gallery is closed on Mondays, and open from 11 on all other days, with a late opening until 10pm Tuesday-Friday. There’s free entry


What’s the vibe? Utterly dazzling; food as contemporary theatre. Head chef Rasmus Munk is making food to take to the edge of space in one of his many side projects, and you’ll be seeing stars at the end of the meal too. You’re greeted in a performance space by dancers and led into a cocktail lounge for the start of the meal, before being taken to your table in a domed room where immersive films play overhead. If you’re lucky, you’ll end up in a ball pit. It’s a wild ride. Strap in. What are the prices like? Among the most expensive in Europe. Excluding wine, the 50-course menu clocks in at around 5400 kr (£602) per person.  What should I order? The restaurant has a set menu of 50 courses, which they call ‘impressions’, including anything from farmed butterflies to caviar served in an oversized eyeball, sheeps brains served in a bowl that looks like a human head, and chicken feet in a battery hen style cage. Desserts include a banana ice cream that looks like Andy Warhol’s Velvet Underground album cover. You can’t choose: just go with it. What’s worth visiting nearby? The experience could last around five hours, and you’ll be so overstimulated by the end that you won’t want to visit anywhere else. Before, though, you could drop into Copenhagen Contemporary and its awesome James Turrell room. 📍 Discover more of the best things to do in Copenhagen

News (1)



朝のデンマーク・コペンハーゲン空港。出発案内板では9時25分発の便の行き先が「不明なシェンゲン圏内の都市」と表示されており、搭乗券には「架空の場所」と記されている。スーツケースに詰めた服の選択が間違っているかもしれないことなど、いくつかの懸念はあるが、この旅に対する興奮は抑えきれない……。 筆者が参加した、スカンジナビア航空(SAS)主催の「未知の目的地」旅行は、こうして始まった。この種では同社初の開催となったこのミステリートラベルでは、最終目的地が厳重に秘密にされており、搭乗する180人の乗客は行き先を全く知らない。事前情報は行き先の気温は20度で、水着を持参するべきということだけだった。 「昔は旅行が冒険でした」と語り始めたのは、SASの広報部長であるアレクサンドラ・カウクジ。「しかし現在では、それは商品化されてしまいました。では、どうすれば再び特別なものにできるのでしょうか?」 この4日間のミステリートラベルは、SASが自社のマイレージプログラム会員向けに企画。ポイントで参加が可能で、バイオ燃料への貢献も組み込み、ホテルの宿泊は追加料金で手配できるようにした。 すぐに人気を集めて、6000人からの応募があった。SASは実施前からミステリートラベルを特典オプションの一つとしていずれ追加することを検討していたが、初回の成功を受けて、今後は定期的に提供する予定だという。 ミステリートラベルとは何か ミステリートラベルとは旅行トレンドの一つで、ヨーロッパやほかの地域で広がりつつある。グループや個人旅行者が、行き先を知らないまま購入(または応募して当選)する航空券やパッケージ旅行のことをいう。 2024年初めにハンガリーの航空会社であるウィズエアーが、35人の顧客に未知の目的地への一生に一度の旅を提供。到着地はトルコのアンタルヤだった、という企画が話題になった。 このような旅をするために、必ずしも航空会社のスーパーファンである必要や、ラッキーな当選者になる必要もない。 例えば、ドイツのフランクフルトやミュンヘンからの出発が可能であれば、ルフトハンザドイツ航空が販売する「ルフトハンザ・サプライズ」により、好みの旅行タイプに応じたランダムなフライトを予約できる。 スペイン資本のオンライン旅行会社のOpodoはミステリーブレイクセクションで、未公開の場所への格安のフライトまたはフライト+ホテルオプションを扱う。高級旅行会社のBlack Tomatoも、勇敢な探検家たちに向けて「ゲット・ロスト」パッケージで未知の荒野へ向かうことを提案している。 また、イギリスからヨーロッパのどこかへの3~5日間のミステリーシティブレイクを240ポンド(約4万9,565円)から売り出している、ミステリートラベルに特化したsrprs.meというサービスもある。 サービスを拡大するJournee ロンドンを拠点に個人向けのミステリートラベル旅行を販売しているのが、Journee。顧客は、まずアンケートに答えて自分の好みを詳しく伝える。アウトドア派かどうかや、歴史的な名所、魅力的な村、美術館にどれくらい興味があるかなど、質問はさまざまだ。 自分の絶対に譲れない条件も伝えることができる。「セグウェイには絶対乗りたくない」「蒸留所のツアーが苦手」「体に接触するスパトリートメントは断固として拒否」といった条件のほか、行きたくない国全体を除外することもできる。 アンケートの結果に基づいて、顧客にとって未知の目的地が選ばれた後は、フライトとホテルの手配もしてくれ、観光の提案も受けられる。 「