Kat is a freelance writer, visual artist, and sometimes hockey coach in Los Angeles. Follow her on Instagram at @goyangpark.

Kat Park

Kat Park

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5 artists you need to check out at DesignerCon this weekend

5 artists you need to check out at DesignerCon this weekend

Where do the Etsy elite, Instagram famous and designer-slash-artist-slash-makers come to show off their hard work? DesignerCon, of course. As eclectic as Comic-Con but without the crush of tickets, lines, event halls and cosplayers, DesignerCon—or “DCon”—is a fan-facing meeting ground for today’s entrepreneurial artist. Originally founded in 2006 for the vinyl toy and collectibles market, DCon has grown into an inclusive artist and maker-centered event. Here, you can meet freshly graduated art students who passionately print their own pins and books on weekends, alongside well-travelled makers who have made boothing at cons and taking commissions their regular 9 to 5. And while DCon is consistently backboned by top tier collectibles and well-established toy outfits, the recent influx of illustrators to DCon has attracted legendary pop artists like Paul Frank to create large-scale, kid-friendly booths alongside the scrappy young artists. With the holidays around the corner, it’s worth checking out some of the unique things at DesignerCon; here are some of our personal favorite artists and labels: Big Bud Press is designed and made in Los Angeles, so support your local designers and check out their rainbow-centric apparel and accessories. They’ve got some really offbeat and crazy pieces like purple jumpsuits and brightly patterned pants, as well as some quieter pieces that still offer a little kick. tfw u catch @taikawaititi wearing your clothes 😫 Looking maaaaad good