Jasmine Vo

Jasmine Vo

News (1)

Things you should never say to an LA lady on a date

Things you should never say to an LA lady on a date

If you're looking to date an LA lady, there's a lot to consider: Which restaurant will whet her appetite? Which romantic escapade will win her heart? What is your exit strategy if you don't exactly hit it off? You also have to find the right words and conversation topics, which we'll leave up to you and the mystic powers of love, but here are five things that should absolutely never exit your mouth, or else you'll have to deal with a tongue-lashing. 1. "You are so LA..." My response: Yes, I live in this beautiful city called Los Angeles. I moved here for a reason—I love the culture and the city life mentality. I can't sit still and I don't have a 9 to 5 job. I make a living freelancing. That doesn't mean I'm broke or unstable, it means I am smart enough to figure out how to keep myself inspired. I like to go out and check out new restaurants, museums, exhibits and anything I can do to enrich myself. It doesn't mean I am a party girl. Just because I am image conscience doesn't mean I am fake—I'm real because I'm self-aware. Being aware of your environment comes from traveling the world. If you don't get that, that is not my problem. 2. "My ex did this..." I have a three-strike rule about this: if you mentioned her twice I will let it slide, but if you bring her up a third time I will have to put you in your place.  My response: I don't really give two shits about what she did. The past is the past. I get it, you loved her. You shared so many memories with her. However, she's y