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Hong Kong has plenty of locations that come with gorgeous views, whether it's a fancy restaurant that overlooks Victoria Harbour or a scenic sunset spot during the golden hours. Our city also has plenty of hiking trails that reveal a stunning backdrop, and Tai Lam Chung Reservoir certainly fits the bill. More commonly known as Thousand Island Lake, this reservoir has a picturesque view and the hike is fairly easy to complete. Follow our step-by-step guide below for details on how to tackle this trail.
Distance: Between 10 to 15kmDuration: 3 to 4 hoursDifficulty: 2 out of 5Recommended: Looking for more hiking spots to hit up? Browse through our top picks of the best hiking trails around Hong Kong!
香港遊樂場是石屎森林中的一片綠野,構思獨特的休憩遊樂設施更可說是一代人的集體童年回憶。由1900年代起初的「四園一樓」愉園、樟園、名園、利園和太白樓,到60年代香港首個「雕塑遊樂場」── 美國藝術家 Paul Selinger 設計的石籬遊樂場,都為香港添上生氣,香港遊樂場的設計跟隨時代更迭而變化。沉寂一段時間後,近年新興的親子公園再次為大家帶來刺激好玩的免費親子好去處,大人細路都啱玩,這些熱門香港遊樂場打卡點邀請你駐足停留,欣賞香港遺下的美。
Hong Kong's territory comprises over 250 islands, but Cheung Chau stands out due to its famous bun festival. During this festival, residents scramble up tall totems to get lucky buns that are believed to bring luck and food in the coming year. Aside from this festival, The isle is also well-known for its scenic cycling routes, food scene, and a growing number of trendy cafes and shops. So hop on a ferry armed with this guide and discover all the best things to do and eat in Cheung Chau.
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What's Cheung Chau known for?
Aside from its famous bun festival, Cheung Chau is a popular day trip destination where visitors can take a leisurely stroll and relax by the waterfront, head into the great outdoors and hit up a hiking trail, or eat their way through the island’s local delicacies.
Why do we love it?
Thanks to a growing population of younger people moving into the island, Cheung Chau’s food scene has been transformed, adding more trendy eateries. However, it remains laid back and hasn’t lost its charm. The island is relatively accessible and only an hour from Hong Kong Island.
How do I get to Cheung Chau?
Ferries are the only mode of transport that can get you onto the island. Central Pier No. 5 has a ferry service that travels daily to and from the island. The standard ferry takes approximately an hour to reach Cheung Chau, but for an additional cost, you can opt for the fast ferry, which only takes between 35 to
The negative impacts that us humans make on the world cannot be overstated. Every single day, Hong Kong disposes an overwhelming volume of waste in our landfills, with plastic items making up a large percentage. To tackle this salient issue on sustainability, Hong Kong’s lawmakers passed a law to ban single-use plastic items last October – a significant step forward into a more environmentally friendly future. This new plan will kick in soon on April 22, so here’s what you need to know about the new single-use plastic ban and what it entails.
RECOMMENDED: Hong Kong is also implementing a waste-charging scheme – here’s what you need to know.
日本殿堂級歌姬宇多田光香港演唱會終於宣布門票詳情!各位 J-pop 迷看看我們總結2024宇多田光香港演唱會日期、門票發售日期及連結、票價詳情,欣賞宇多田光經典及新作品《Science Fiction》吧。
宇多田光演唱會香港演唱會日期定於8月17日(星期六)及8月18日(星期日),每晚8時在亞洲國際博覽館 Arena 舉行。
出道25年,宇多田光有不少經典歌曲,稱霸樂壇的〈First Love〉及〈初戀〉憑 Netflix 日劇《初戀》再度爆紅,其他歌曲〈Automatic〉、〈Flavor Of Life〉、〈Can You Keep A Secret?〉、〈Come Back To Me〉及〈One Last Kiss〉都是灸手可熱的歌曲。2024年全新專輯《Science Fiction》 4月10日發行,也相隔六年在日本國內舉行演唱會。
繼續看:香港最矚目酒壇盛事第六屆 Time Out Bar Awards 酒吧大獎2024年五月舉行,火速購票並投選「Time Out 讀者之選」人氣獎項潑水音樂節 Waterbomb 香港懶人包亞洲音樂節 One Love Asia Festival 首度襲港
想知道更多香港好去處最新情報?立即追蹤我們的 YouTube、Facebook 及 Instagram,或按這裏登記,便可以電郵獲取我們最新的定期通訊
《小丑2》預告片正式出爐!當年《小丑》票房氣勢如虹,主演男主角的 Joaquin Phoenix 更因此勇奪奧斯卡影帝殊榮,電影續集《小丑:雙瘋》(Joker: Folie à Deux)一直廣受影迷關注。《小丑:雙瘋》今日釋出最新預告片,影帝回歸與巨星 Lady Gaga 及一眾演員上演音樂劇新戲。立即搶先看《小丑2》香港上映日期、劇情、電影歌曲,大家可以期待《小丑2》Lady Gaga 及 Joaquin Phoenix 擦出的新火花!
今次《小丑2》由歌星 Lady Gaga 飾演「小丑女」Harley Quinn,整個電影佈局和背景音樂,像有一幕「Joker」Arthur Fleck 被色彩繽紛的雨傘圍繞,極富音樂劇的色彩,似乎落實了之前電影走音樂劇路線的傳言。
早前香港公布《Joker: Folie à Deux》的官方譯名為《小丑:雙瘋》,而「雙瘋」與廣東話「傷風」、「雙峰」同音,譯名引起全城熱論。其實電影原名「Folie à Deux」是「二聯性精神病」的法文,形容精神病患者將妄想的信念傳開。《小丑》片尾描述主角 Arthur Fleck 殺害節目主持人後被關進精神病院,續集預告片則以此為開端。小丑在精神病院遇到醫生 Harleen Frances Quinzel(Lady Gaga 飾),在葛咸城發展出一段離經叛道的愛情故事。
Photograph: Warner Bros.
隨着預告片釋出,《小丑2》劇照陸續公佈。電影導演 Todd Phillips 早前發布多張劇照,大家入戲院睇戲前,可先看《小丑2》劇照過過口癮。
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A post shared by Todd Phillips (@toddphillips)
除了 Joaquin Phoenix 及 Lady Gaga 外,其他《小丑2》演員陣容包括 Zazie Beetz、Brendan Gleeson、Steve Coogan 及 Catherine Keener,繼嬻由《小丑1》Todd Phillips 執導。《小丑2》電影歌曲多達15首,包括多首經典曲目如1953年《The Band Wagon》〈That's Entertainment〉,而《小丑2》預告片已經率先披露1965年名曲〈What the World Needs Now Is Love〉。影迷一定要期待年度大片來臨!
想知道香港最新最精彩活動?立即追蹤我們的 YouTube、Facebook 及 Instagram,或按這裏登記,便可以電郵獲取我們最新的定期通訊
最近一次的 IU 香港演唱會已經是2018年,事隔六年,IU 今年終於重回香港,必定令樂迷萬分期待。各位粉絲搶先看 IU 香港演唱會2024攻略,留意 IU 門票發售及優先購票日期,現場欣賞多首經典 IU 歌曲。
2024 IU 香港演唱會日期及地點是?
「2024 IU H.E.R. World Tour Concert」 IU 香港演唱會日期為5月25及5月26日,分別在晚上七時及六時開始,兩天 IU 演唱會時間不同,大家買飛時記得看清楚當日的 IU 演唱會時間,以免錯過入場時間!一連兩天的 IU 香港演唱會地點則為亞洲國際博覽館 Arena,大家可以先看看 IU 演唱會座位表,選定自己的買飛目標。
IU 門票票價多少?如何購買 IU 香港演唱會2024?(附演唱會座位表)
大會終於公開期待已久的 IU 門票演唱會票價詳情。IU 演唱會票價選擇有$680、$980、$1,480及$1,680,所有 IU 演唱會門票設有坐位。至於 IU 門票發售日期,大家可以先在 IU 優先購票發售日期4月10日上午10時,在 IU 優先購票日期在 搶頭輪飛,而正式 IU 演唱會門票發售日期則是4月15日上午10時起,屆時將會在 Cityline 公開發售。
Photograph: Courtesy AsiaWorld Arena
IU 2024演唱會世界巡迴地點是?
IU 2024演唱會地點遍佈全球18個地方舉行,二月以首爾為首站,並在香港、新加坡、馬尼拉、柏林、雅加達、吉隆坡、曼谷、台北、倫敦、美國及日本等地舉行。
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重溫必聽 IU 歌曲
事隔六年後終於等到「國民妹妹」來港演出,除了 IU 最新專輯《The Winning》歌曲外,必聽人氣 IU 歌曲還有〈Strawberry Moon〉、〈Hold My Hand〉、〈Eight〉、〈Unlucky〉及〈Lullaby〉。背熟經典 IU 歌曲,到時就可以輕鬆應援,盡情投入 IU 演唱會2024之中。
看過 IU 演唱會座位表等資料後,選定自己心水的 IU 香港演唱會日期及 IU 演唱會票價,一同迎接韓流巨星的來臨!
teamLab 香港2024指南
On March 20, the International Day of Happiness, the United Nations (UN) unveiled the World Happiness Report for 2024. This comprehensive report compiles data from 143 countries and regions, offering a global ranking of happiness based on the life satisfaction of surveyed individuals.
While Finland remains at its top position for the seventh consecutive year, Hong Kong's ranking has continued to slip over the past three years, dropping from 77th in 2021 to 86th this year.
The 2024 report also provided insights into happiness rankings based on age. Among individuals under the age of 30, Hong Kong has a meagre ranking of 97th in terms of happiness. Those aged 30 to 44 fare slightly better, ranking at 89th, while individuals aged 45 to 59, as well as those aged 60 and above, achieved a higher ranking of 72nd and 74th, respectively.
As for neighbouring regions, Singapore came in at 30th, sitting right in front of Taiwan at 31st. Japan (51st), South Korea (52nd), and Thailand (58th) have all dropped but remain higher in happiness rankings than Hong Kong.
Top 20 happiest countries and regions in the world:
1. Finland 2. Denmark 3. Iceland 4. Sweden 5. Israel 6. Netherlands 7. Norway 8. Luxembourg 9. Switzerland 10. Australia 11. New Zealand 12. Costa Rica 13. Kuwait 14. Austria 15. Canada 16. Belgium 17. Ireland 18. Czech Republic 19. Lithuania 20. United Kingdom
The United Nations' World Happiness Report has been published since 2012. Using data from the Gallup research company