Guy Parsons is Time Out's former London Social Media Editor.

Guy Parsons

Guy Parsons

Articles (67)

Time Out London magazine

Time Out London magazine

Time Out is now read by more Londoners than any other free weekly magazine, helping everyone make the most of the city. Want to get your hands on a copy? Check out the details of where to find your issue below.  Do you have a favourite section? Does every issue really capture what makes London great? Is there something you feel is missing from the magazine? Tell us what we’re doing right, what we’re getting wrong and how we can make the magazine even better. Spend just a couple of minutes filling out our 2022 readers’ survey, below.  By submitting your details, you'll automatically be entered into the draw for a chance to win a meal for 2 to Hawksmoor. Terms and conditions apply. Competition ends Feb 20, 2022. 
Quiz: which Hollywood films are these Bollywood movies inspired by?

Quiz: which Hollywood films are these Bollywood movies inspired by?

As you’ll know from our list of the best Bollywood movies, there are tons of exciting and original films from India. But just as many Hollywood classics are adaptations of foreign films, so Western cinema has found itself reinterpreted for a South Asian audience. Can you tell which film is based on which? RECOMMENDED: The 100 best Bollywood movies // $(document).ready(function(){ $('input:radio').change(function(){ var $this = $(this); $this.closest('.qanda').find('div.selectedstatus').removeClass('selectedstatus'); $this.closest('.answer').addClass('selectedstatus'); }); }); // 1) This is ‘Kaante’, but which film is it based on? Ocean's Eleven Reservoir Dogs Office Space 2) Which film inspired ‘Ghajini?’ American History X The Wrestler Memento 3) ‘Hari Puttar’ is a take on which family hit? Harry Potter Home Alone Boyhood 4) Here's ‘Heyy Babyy’ – what film is it reminiscent of? Three Men And A Baby Honey I Shrunk The Kids Kindergarten Cop 5) Which movie loaned some plot to ‘Koi... Mil Gaya’? Avatar The Last Airbender ET 6) ‘Salaam-e-Ishq’ is a Bollywood take on which film? Four Weddings and a Funeral New Year's Eve Love Actually 7) ‘God Tussi Great Ho’ bears a similarity to which American comedy? Blues Brothers Bruce Almighty Dogma 8) Which cross-dressing caper does ‘Chachi 420’ borrow some plot points from? Mrs Doubtfire Big Momma's House Tootsie 9) ‘Mohabbatein’ has a little of which school-days drama about it?
The 100 best teen movies – how many have you seen?

The 100 best teen movies – how many have you seen?

Our teenage years may be full of moments we'd rather forget, but these are the hundred classic teenage movies we'll always remember. Click away to find out how many you've seen, and check out our full exploration of the 100 best teen movies after you're done.
25 fabulous photos of Londoners by Max Gor

25 fabulous photos of Londoners by Max Gor

Max Gor has been a Londoner for the past 15 years, but it was only a couple of years ago that he discovered his passion for street photography. A software developer by day, in his spare time you can find him on the streets of the city, capturing scenes of the diverse communities that live here. (Follow Max on Instagram or Flickr.) See some of our favourite photos – and some advice from Max – below.
The 50 best '90s movies – how many have you seen?

The 50 best '90s movies – how many have you seen?

The '90s had it all: surprising indie hits, blockbusters pioneering new kinds of CGI, a new wave of British cinema and innovative foreign films. See how many of the decade's greatest movies you've enjoyed below. The list in full: the 50 best films of the 1990s
Win a seriously splendid Fortnum & Mason hamper

Win a seriously splendid Fortnum & Mason hamper

There ain't no rest for the wicker. Inside this humongous hamper, you'll find – among other things – savoury treats like smoked salmon, venison salami, cheeses and preserves; marzipan fruits, biscuits, figs and marmalade; and dry gin, vintage champagne and fine wine. Here's how to get one! Now in their fifth year, the annual Fortnum & Mason Food and Drink Awards celebrate the very best writers, publishers, programmers, image-makers and personalities working in food and drink today. An independent panel of expert judges, chaired by Ewan Venters, CEO of Fortnum & Mason, selects the winners from work published or broadcast during 2016. Last year’s winners include Giles Coren for his work in The Times, Felicity Cloake for her work in G2, The Guardian and Olia Hercules for her debut food book, Mamushka: Recipes From Ukraine & Beyond. One of the most coveted awards of the evening is voted for by you. The public crowned Nigella Lawson TV Personality of the Year in 2016. So, who really inspires you to appreciate good food and get cooking? Nominate your choice below, and one lucky winner will receive the Fortnum & Mason hamper worth £550, while two runners can tuck into the £250 version. To win, pick your favourite from the list below. <a href="" data-mce-href="">Fill out my Wufoo form!</a>


タイムアウト都市ランキングでは、世界で最も素晴らしい都市を調査するため、2016年10月に世界18都市の2万人に81の質問を実施した。この記事では、上位に輝いた都市とそれ以外の都市の違いを見て行こう。 1.エキサイティング 素晴しい都市は賑やかである。 トップ5の都市、シカゴ、メルボルン、リスボン、ニューヨーク、マドリッドは、「元気とインスピレーションを与えてくれる都市」でもトップに入る。一方、18位のクアラルンプールは、インスピレーションの順位が最下位であった。 可能性を感じられるような場所であれば、シティライフにつきもののストレスや負担に対して寛容になれるのだろう。また、ニューヨークで暮らすのを「楽だ」と答えたのは10人に1人以下の割合で、全体のランキングで4位に位置している。 そして、よい都市は常に進化を続けていると言える。そのなかでサンパウロの順位は7位、パリは15位に留まった。両都市の文化的水準の順位は大差ないのだが、いつも何か新しいことができると答えた人の割合がサンパウロでは70%、パリでは44%という結果が出ている。 2.料理が美味しい 美味しい料理が素晴しい都市を作るのか、はたまた素晴しい都市がよいシェフを生み出すのか。答えがどうであれ、バーやレストランの順位は全体のランキングとほぼ完全に一致している。 ランキング1位のシカゴ、そして2位のメルボルンは、「素晴しいバー」と「素晴しいレストラン」ランキングでもトップだ。 3.探索が楽しい 都市中心部の周辺地域がバラエティー豊かで特色があるのも重要な要素のひとつ。良い場所に住むことができ、ダウンタウンに飽きたという人にも新しい発見のチャンスがあるからだろう。 4位のニューヨークと、1位のシカゴは町の各地を探索するのが好きな住人が多い町のトップに入った。12位のマイアミと14位のシンガポールは、楽しめるスポットが徒歩圏内にあまりないことから地元への関心や、ほかの土地への興味が薄い。 4.気持ちに余裕が持てる かつてシティライフは「しっかり働き、しっかり遊ぶ」ライフスタイルだと考えられていたが、今ではワークライフバランスを保つことがキーとなる。 労働時間の差はわずかであっても無視できない要素で、トップ6の都市はワースト6の都市と比べて労働時間が週3時間短かった。また、都市ごとの平均労働時間とワークライフバランスの満足度は関連がないということも分かっている。 残業があればそのマイナス効果は絶大で、終業時間が予測できなければ遊びの計画を立てるのは難しく、ドタキャンされるのは誰だって嫌なものだからだろう。17位のドバイでは45%の人が時間外労働をしていると回答。マドリレニアン(ランキング5位に入ったマドリッド出身者)は28%に留まっている。 5.フレンドリー 人口が多い場所で暮らしながらも一抹の寂しさを感じる。シティライフはこの点で一種のパラドックスを抱えている。だからこそ赤の他人が見せてくれる笑顔は大きな意味を持つのだろう。 他人に積極的に話しかけていく都市1位のシカゴは、人付き合いの少ない13位の東京と比べて順位が高い。さらに、友人が作りやすいランキングに入った上位4都市である、メキシコシティー(6位)、マドリッド(5位)、リスボン(3位)、そしてサンパウロ(7位)は総合ランキングでも上位に食い込んだ。 そのほか3つの要素 1.生活費の安さ 生活費が高い大都市もあるが、だからといってランクを落とすということはないようだ。ニューヨーク(4位)とマドリッド(5位)が生活費の安さではそ


タイムアウト都市インデックスでは、世界で最も楽しい都市を調査するため、2016年10月に世界18都市の2万人にインタビューを実施した。このアンケートの結果から、住んで最も楽しい都市や、都市ごとの違いについての多くの発見をしたので、その結果をここで発表しよう。 おしゃべり好きの町 通りすがりの人とも楽しく語る人が多いのはシカゴだ。今回、北米からは4都市が調査対象になり、そのすべてが話好きのトップ4にランクインしている。人付き合いが苦手ならば、話し好きではない都市トップ2のシンガポールかメキシコシティーがいいかもしれない。 食べ物にうるさい町 体重を気にしているのなら、ロサンゼルスを勧める。ロスの住人は健康に気を遣う人が多く、16%の人がカロリーの計算をしており、45%の人がダイエット中だ。 また、舌の肥えたグルメな人にはマイアミがおすすめ。料理が気に入らないときに突き返すという人の割合が28%と、他の都市に比べて抜きん出ている。 逆に、最も食べ物にうるさくない町はリスボン。カロリー計算をする人、ダイエット中の人、そして料理を突き返す人の割合が一番低いという結果が出ている。そして、同じヨーロッパにあるパリ、マドリッド、そしてバルセロナが、僅差でリスボンに続く。バルセロナといえば、昼食時の飲酒に最も寛容な都市で、昼食時に飲酒をする人の割合は69%に上っている。 そして、料理を味より目で楽しみたいという人は東京へ行こう。東京では48%の人が食べたものを日常的にSNS上でシェアしており、その割合は各都市でもトップ。一方、料理をシェフに突き返したことがあると答えた人の割合は4%に留まる。 甘い恋の町 リスボンでは38%の人が「町で出会いを求めるのは簡単だ」と答えている。他の都市でそう答えた人の割合は7%と率直に言って悲惨な状況であることを考えれば、これは驚くべきことだろう。 恋人を探している独身のアメリカ人に目を向けると、誰かとデートするのは「結構楽しい」と答えた人がわずか6%。さらにニューヨークでは4%と、ワースト1位の結果である。 このような風潮はシカゴには縁のない様子で、先月少なくとも1回デートに行った人の割合が一番高かった。 南に目を向けてメキシコシティーでは、デートを楽しんだ独身者の割合は48%という結果に。2人で一夜を過ごしたという割合も40%と、各都市平均の28%に比べて高くなっている。 飲んべえの町 今週パブに行ったという人が一番多かったのはパリ、二日酔いになった人が一番多かったのはロンドンだった。 しかし、そんなロンドンっ子は、二日酔いにも負けず朝にはきちんと起きている様子だ。一方、羽目を外して仕事に遅れる人が最も多かったのはクアラルンプールである。 そして、深夜のナイトライフに目を向けると、マドリッドでは他の都市に比べて2倍の人がクラブに行っている。また、日が昇るまで夜をとことん楽しみたいという人には東京がおすすめだろう。 熱い一夜を過ごす町 パリは恋人の街とは言うが、フランスに住む人は、他の都市に比べるとセックスの回数が1/3以上多いという結果が出ている。それでも週1.6回と、現実的な数字だ。さらに初デートでセックスをするという人の割合は64%だ。 少し視点を変えると、ここでもメキシコシティーの名前が出てくる。53%の人が先月新しい相手と寝たと答えているからだ。 さらに火遊びの度合いを強めていくと、一夜限りの関係を持った人が最も多いのはシドニー、さらにバルセロナでは、オフィスでの秘密の情事や同性愛関係を持った人が一番多いという


タイムアウトの都市ランキングでは、18都市2万人の読者に彼らの都市を以下の6つの特性で評価してもらった。 ・ダイナミズム(エキサイティングな人生を送っていると感じるか)・インスピレーション(満足感や住みやすさについて)・フード&ドリンク(高額の料金を支払わなくても美味しい食事ができるか)・コミュニティ(個性豊かな地域として人々に評価されているか)・社交性(誰に対しても友好的な環境か、人々を孤立させないか)・経済面(金銭的に問題なく暮らしていけるか) 最終的に各カテゴリーのスコアは一括され、ランキングの全体評価となる仕組みだ。ここでは、その結果を1位から18位までのランキング形式で紹介する。


2万人が参加したタイムアウトの都市ランキング。世界の最も楽しい都市となったのはシカゴだ。優等生都市のメルボルンを筆頭に、そのほかの都市を退けトップの座に至ったシカゴは、そこに住む人々に喜びを与えるとともに、常に彼らを熱狂させ続けている街のようだ(ちなみに、我々はシカゴ・カブスがワールドシリーズで勝つ前にこの調査を行っている)。シカゴがナンバーワンになった秘訣を以下に紹介する。 フード&ドリンク レストランやバーの分野で最高評価を得たシカゴ。回答者のうち88%がこの都市のレストランは素晴しいと答え、また73%はシカゴのバーについても同じ意見であった。Alineaのような最高級レストランだけのことでなく「どこに行っても美味しく食べられること間違いなし」と、ほかのどの都市よりも多くの人々が答えていた。 歩き回る甲斐のある都市 質の高い様々なものが地区のあちらこちらにちりばめられている街は、住むのにとても面白い場所ということだ。シカゴは「自宅から徒歩圏内に素敵な場所がある」で1位に、また「都市の異なる地域をぶらぶらするのが好き」という分野では2位となった。 経済面 インスピレーションで上位となったライバル都市が経済面のスコアで苦戦する一方、シカゴは財布にも優しい街であるようだ。シカゴでは「自分の望むライフスタイルで生活をすることが可能」と26%の人が答え、また「月末に手持ちの現金を残せる」の質問には25%の人が現金を残せると答えた。その割合は我々が調査したどの都市よりも多いものだった。 地域の平均給与に対する夜の外出にかかる費用は、シカゴが我々の調べた全都市中で最も安く、週の収入の4.5%であった。ちなみに、そのほかの都市は7%である。 また「安心できる収入」として、ニューヨークやロンドン、シンガポールといった都市の人々は平均賃金よりも20%高い金額を提示するのに対し、シカゴの人々が示した金額は平均賃金よりも10%低いものであった。 良い時代に任せておけ 魅力的なThings to doがふんだんにあり、また、それを楽しめるだけの金銭的余裕がある。シカゴの人々は毎日を楽しく過ごすのに文句なしの位置取りだ。 また、彼らは我々の選んだ「出かけたい都市」の上位4都市のなかに住んでいるうえに、ひと月に6.4回夜の街で遊んでいる。さらに、回答者の42%がその都市を存分に楽しんでいると強く感じているようだ。この点でも、やはりランキングの頂点として揺るぎない。 シカゴの秘密とは? このほか、一体何がシカゴに対する愛着を生み出しているのか。また、このネットでのアンケートに快く応じて熱心に前向きな回答を残すほど、何が彼らを良い心持ちにしているのであろうか。 我々はこのアンケートを通し、シカゴに住む回答者たちの63%が1週間のうちにほかの所から来た人と会話を交わしたということも発見した。これは、「1週間でほかの所から来た人と会話をした」と回答した人が40%だった寡黙なロンドナーに比べて遥かに多い。また、シカゴの人々の方が現在付き合っているパートナーや、付き合う見込みのある相手とより頻繁にデートに出かけているという結果も出た。 そのほか、東京では35%の人しか良いと回答しなかったワークライフバランスの幸福度についても、シカゴは最も評価が高い(58%が良いと回答)。また、彼らはほかのどの都市の人よりも頻繁にジムを利用しているようだ。最後に、シカゴの人々はどの都市よりも夜明けまで起きている回数が少ない。このことからシカゴは、適度に目を閉じておくことの価値を分かっている都
Descubre las mejores ciudades del mundo para...

Descubre las mejores ciudades del mundo para...

Al encuestar a 20,000 lectores de Time Out alrededor del mundo no sólo descubrimos las ciudades más divertidas para vivir, también encontramos datos jugosos en cuanto a la diferencia de cada metrópoli. Aquí los resultados en nuestra guía alternativa de las ciudades.
Chicago es la ciudad más divertida del mundo

Chicago es la ciudad más divertida del mundo

El Índice de ciudades de Time Out, en el que entrevistamos a 20,000 participantes para encontrar la ciudad más divertida alrededor del mundo, ¡tiene un ganador! Tras derrotar a 17 ciudades para llegar al primer lugar, Chicago parece llenar de regocijo a sus habitantes, incluso más que a los refinados de Melbourne. Y sí, hicimos la encuesta antes de que los Cubs ganaran la serie mundial.

Listings and reviews (1)

Peckham Liberal Club

Peckham Liberal Club

A bit of a hidden treasure, this 140-year old venue has real retro charm. Typically it's only open to members – joining costs £20 a year, and you'll somehow need to find two current members to endorse you. But you can also catch locally-organised gigs in the main hall - the Peckham Chamber Orchestra often perform there. It's also available to hire for non-members. (Photos courtesy EJ Richards of FilmFixer.)

News (119)

In this week’s Time Out magazine...

In this week’s Time Out magazine...

Get a lungful of this week’s Time Out! We’ve asked five nature writers to reveal London’s hidden wild side, from 8,000-year old woods to the Hackney nightjar. PLUS, we chat with some drag kings, find you some sweet craft courses, discover the naff places you love and get the inside scoop on being a croupier at a London casino. AND, we’ll tell you all about the Clerkenwell café that made our socks roll up and down, reveal the boozer that’s apparently #reinventingthelocal, chart the dizzying future of our city’s skyscraper boom and preview the best outdoor cinema programmes announced for the summer. There’s loads more but I’ve run out of time, so you’ll just have to read it. Deep breaths... You can also buy this week’s issue from Wednesday on your Apple or Android device, so you can swipe, pinch and scroll through at your leisure. 
14 unbearably hideous photos of wisteria in London

14 unbearably hideous photos of wisteria in London

A post shared by Meandering Macaron (@meanderingmacaron) on Apr 27, 2017 at 10:07am PDT It’s currently wisteria season in London, as foul purple flowers burst forth from sinister climbing vines and depraved Instagram addicts flock to document the disturbing ‘phenomenon.’ UGH: A post shared by Masha (@masha_theone) on Apr 27, 2017 at 5:44am PDT Many viewers may find the following scenes distressing: A post shared by Alex On The Road (@a_ontheroad) on Apr 27, 2017 at 12:44am PDT AVERT YOUR EYES, CHILDREN! A post shared by Efe (@justextraphotos) on Apr 27, 2017 at 6:22am PDT Has God forsaken us? For surely these vile building snakes were not part of His creation:  A post shared by Londoner (@clumsy_moon) on Apr 27, 2017 at 2:50am PDT An insult to the laws of nature: A post shared by Matilde Espírito Santo (@mylondonfairytales) on Apr 27, 2017 at 12:46am PDT Such frightening facades as these often cause passers-by to vomit in terror: A post shared by on Apr 13, 2017 at 11:59pm PDT Once seen, it cannot be un-seen, no matter how hard you try: A post shared by 🎀ⓔⓡⓢⓨ🎀 (@ersyersy) on Apr 27, 2017 at 12:16am PDT Several photos were removed from this article, and subsequently banned by the Government: A post shared by Charlotte (@tuppencehapenny) on Apr 25, 2
There was a VERY cute proposal at the Ritzy Cinema yesterday

There was a VERY cute proposal at the Ritzy Cinema yesterday

Hearts were warmed on Coldharbour Lane on Thursday, as a great big proposal was displayed for the world to see on the Ritzy Cinema’s readograph. ‘Made me smile on the way to work this morning!’ said Faith.‘Good on ya, Hannah!’ said Dee.‘I hope she says yes!’ said Treeceratops. But did she say YES? We found out! Our craftily romantic proposer, Hannah Shanks, 28, put in extensive preparations to set up the big surprise for her first girlfriend (awww) of eighteen months, Katy LeLion. ‘I’d known for at least six months that I wanted to propose on the Ritzy’s board,’ said Hannah. ‘We had our first kiss outside it, and we love looking out for the personalised messages on it as we pass it every day on the way back and forth from work. But I just couldn't wait any longer to marry her. She’s a pretty exceptionally brilliant human being.’ Conspiring with Katy’s colleague Claire to get her a day off, Hannah asked the Ritzy to put the sign up the night before so it she and Katy could spot the sign on the next morning’s commute. Here it is, ready to go... Cute Lesbians: coming to a cinema near you 🌈 A post shared by Mary (@maryhannahhig) on Apr 20, 2017 at 4:18am PDT And preparing for the potential of an early discovery, Hannah instituted a shared ‘morning phone detox’ habit the week before, so Katy wouldn’t spot any spoiler-rific messages from friends who’d spotted the sign early. SNEAK LEVEL: MAXIMUM. Aboard their usual bus the next morning, with Katy feeling
In pictures: Londoners had a massive pillow fight in Kennington Park

In pictures: Londoners had a massive pillow fight in Kennington Park

In case you didn’t know, April 1 is International Pillow Fight day, with people in cities from Budapest to Los Angeles getting together for some squishy-weaponed combat. Naturally, Londoners were spoiling for a feathery (OK, synthetic microfibre) fight, and photographer Alex Coman was on the scene to document the carnage. WHACK! KAPOW! THWACK!   BAM! KABLOOIE! SLAM! OOOF! HIYAAAAH!  THWAMP! SMASH. AH. EH. DONE. ROZZER-APPROVED.     Fancy a go? Stick April 1 2018 in your diary. Or for more big-kid stuff, jump in London’s glow-in-the-dark ball pool bar.
11 places you need to go if you’re slutty for cheese

11 places you need to go if you’re slutty for cheese

Cheese: your booty call, your fromage-with-benefits, your mozzarella fella. Cheese will always be there for you, treating you sensually, tenderly, caerphilly. You’re just a mixed-up good girl with one fatal weakness: a burning desire for the pressed curds of milk. And you don't give edam who knows it. 1) Raclette Brothers, various locations  These brothers melt the hell out of a wheel of cheese.Then use it to smother some lesser, non-cheese ingredients.They’re popping up in Bermondsey at the moment – check their Twitter for all the details. 2) Androuet, Spitalfields   A video posted by Jessica Khor (@jessicakhor) on Dec 17, 2016 at 8:17pm PST Fondue – the cheesiest thing of all. Question: is it legit to dip cheese in fondue? Asking for a friend. 3) St. Moritz, Soho   A photo posted by Sam Kelm (@samkelm) on Dec 4, 2016 at 11:44am PST With each morsel, as you consume the fondue, the fondue also consumes you, spiralling through the stars for ever, like that bit in ‘La La Land’. 4) Archie’s, Deptford   A photo posted by Archie's (@archiesbarldn) on Nov 21, 2016 at 8:56am PST This exotic dish is known as ‘queso fundido’.(That’s some sexy foreign words for ‘melted cheese’)Cheese is the international language. The language of love. 5) The Cheese Truck, various locations   A photo posted by The Cheese Truck (@thecheesetruck) on Jan 10, 2017 at 12:07am PST Will you just LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THIS SANDWICH. Sweet Lord, have mercy. (Also, they’re opening a pe
Tell us your favourite thing about living in London

Tell us your favourite thing about living in London

London: quite nice, really? We’re collecting Londoners’ favourite things about living in the city, big and small. Maybe it’s a particular place, time, vibe, person. It could be something everyone loves, or something that’s special just to you. In any case, tell us what and why in the box below. Favourite suggestions will be included in an upcoming issue of Time Out magazine! [Photo: Roselyne Calle Mirio]   Fill out my Wufoo form!    
London is among the loneliest cities in the world

London is among the loneliest cities in the world

Speaking to people on the tube? LOL, right? But just a minute there, taciturn types. Because it turns out our reserved ways have a predictable side-effect – in our survey of 18 global cities, London came out as the loneliest. According to our City Index survey, 55 percent of Londoners said it could feel lonely here sometimes, compared to just 10 percent of the friendly citizens of Lisbon. When it came to meeting new people, only 7 percent of Londoners strongly agreed the city was a good place to make new friends, and just 4 percent thought it was easy to find love here, putting us seventeenth out of the 18 cities for sociability. And we're 14 percent less likely than the average city to have made a new friend recently. So what is it that makes London such a tricky place to make new social connections? A few reasons emerge from our research. As you might have noticed, we tend to keep ourselves to ourselves, making us 25 percent less likely to chat with a stranger than the effusive people of Chicago. We're 24 percent less likely to have randomly bumped into a friend recently – maybe because the city is so sprawling – reducing those chance encounters that can create a cosy feeling of community. Compared to other cities, Londoners have been living here for six fewer years than the average in other cities, so lots of us haven't yet established a new network of friends – a recurring theme on discussion groups like Reddit's r/london.  Of the people who've lived in London for less
This is how many days there are until the evenings are properly light

This is how many days there are until the evenings are properly light

Do you feel the warm, moist breath of spring in the air? The unseemly caress of sunlight? That can only mean one thing: the impish Mister Spring is set to sashay his way back into our lives, stroking us all with his fecund Blossom Fingers. London's days are currently getting longer by almost four minutes every single day, which means relatively soon we'll be basking in more solar radiation than we know what to do with. Here are a few milestones to look forward to along the way – get that Factor 50 ready, gingers. [Photo: Kate Janoskova] March 12: sunset is finally at 6pm Juliana Lauletta" data-width-class="" /> © Juliana Lauletta In just twelve days, the sun will finally start setting after 6pm, offering the briefest chance for a non-miserable post-work outdoor pint. And it only gets better from here. March 18: twelve hours of daylight and climbing  Alexa Turnbull" data-width-class="" /> © Alexa Turnbull Eighteen days from today, the days will finally be longer than the nights. That's right, darkness: fuck you. March 20: the official Spring equinox Alex Chilli" data-credit="" data-width-class="" />   © Alex Chilli Twenty days from today. Big for druids, less big for everyone else, but it's officially, sort of, the start of spring. Adopt a lamb, pick a daffodil, make passionate love outdoors – whatever floats your boat. (Oooh, float a boat!) March 26: the clocks go forward!  Daniel Warner" data-width-class="" /> © Daniel Warner LESS THAN ONE MONTH FROM TODAY: yes, you'll sp
27 painful tweets that represent all hangovers

27 painful tweets that represent all hangovers

The search for solace: Currently so hungover that I'm watching a documentary on happiness to see if I can ever feel it again. — Alexander Smith (@alexsmith908) January 17, 2017   The inexplicable visions: I'm so hungover that I opened my eyes and was startled because I thought I saw Chris Rock standing in my room, but it was just a lamp. — I am fake news (@validness) January 15, 2017 The desperate plans:  Im so hungover that I actually considered rolling down the stairs to avoid walking. Fuck this. — Mandamonium (@Thugs_N_Kisses) January 6, 2017   So hungover that I considered sticking my head in a bucket of Spanish rice to soak up the alcohol like I'm some iPhone that got wet — Jake Bowman (@RealJakeBowman) January 2, 2017 Forgetting your phone has a brightness setting: So hungover that I'm wearing my sunglasses at night because I can't deal with the brightness on my phone 💀👍 — Chanel No. 3 (@dakotakayyy) December 30, 2016   Manually controlling your homeostatic functions: I'm so hungover that I'm controlling my heartbeat intentionally and that's the only reason it's still tickin — Budds (@Budds_) December 27, 2016   Crying at EVERYTHING:   I'm so hungover that I've just full on bawled at a video of some corgi puppies — meg (@chewbaccy_) December 24, 2016   I'm so hungover that I was reduced to tears by finding tomato soup at the back of my cuboard — michael. (@mikey9710) December 10, 2016   So hungover that I just cried at a Kanye tweet,
Watch: just an extremely, horribly bad job of using an escalator

Watch: just an extremely, horribly bad job of using an escalator

There are so many excruciating components to this 20-second video, watching one time simply won't be enough. Witness and video creator Joe Gilmore explains: 'After leaving our office Christmas party I found this awesome fella who had had one too many sherries and was trying to walk the wrong way down the escalator. After a bit of encouragement from everyone down below, he decided he'd take a faster, albeit more bumpy route to the bottom! Although it looks bad he was actually fine in the end, and we managed to get him home safely! Sure he had a nasty hangover in the morning though!' So there you have it – he was fine, so you're allowed to laugh. Or check out the top five annoying people on the escalator.
Get a year of access to the View from the Shard for £20.17 this Monday

Get a year of access to the View from the Shard for £20.17 this Monday

If you've got an attitude for altitude, good news – the View from the Shard have an amazing – but limited – deal this coming Monday, January 16. They'll be giving away 2,017 year-round passes to their 800ft viewing platform for the low, low price of £20.17 – that's actually a bit cheaper than the regular cost of a single ticket. Lamarr Golding" data-width-class="" /> © Lamarr Golding They're available to buy at the Shard itself starting from 7am, with queues expected, and the viewing gallery itself will also be open, giving visitors the rare opportunity to watch the sunrise from the seventy-second floor.  Peter Li" data-width-class="" /> © Peter Li It's an especially popular deal for photographers, who can use the pass to capture London in different seasons and weather conditions, try out new kit, and justify buying huge new lenses.  Tedz Duran" data-width-class="" /> © Tedz Duran You can also pick up a pass for a child (though you'll need to be the person that accompanies them each visit) so if your kid is going through a 'telescope phase' or similar, it could be a wise investment. The pass might also suit an up-and-coming villain who hasn't yet got their own sinister billionaire penthouse. Now you can spend as many evenings as you like waving your fist at the uncaring masses, declaring 'soon this will all be mine. MINE I tell you!' and cackling. Darrell Godliman" data-width-class="" /> © Darrell Godliman Peer hard enough and you might even spot your nemesis staring bac
This never-ending British pub crawl map is here to solve your drinking dilemmas

This never-ending British pub crawl map is here to solve your drinking dilemmas

"Let's go to the pub," they said."Which pub?" I said."ALL OF THE PUBS!" they said. The UK is home to 24,727 of 'em according to this map, which, zoomed out, is more than enough to crash your computer. With so many to choose from, it leaves the problem of where one ought to drink next. Fortunately, some kind Canadian mathematicians have worked out the shortest route to visit every pub in the UK. It's beautiful. Best of all, it's a circular route, so by continuing onwards from any local drinking hole, you'll eventually return to your starting point, 28,000 miles and – at the marathon-a-day pace of a beer-fuelled Eddie Izzard – just under three years later. (NOTE: you'll also be drinking at 23 pubs a day, every day, for the entire duration. Consult a medical professional before embarking on this adventure.) Consulting the mammoth text file, the route first arrives in London at the Abbey Arms, SE2...  ...finally finishing the capital's boozers, 2393 stops later (admittedly with a 934-pub detour into Buntingford, Little Hallingbury and other jewels of Hertfordshire) at the Greystoke, W5.  It's all explorable on this splendid interactive map:  We've found our office's Friday night local so we've got our marching orders... See you at the bar, yeah? For quality over quantity, try our list of London's 100 best bars and pubs.