Ed Condran

Ed Condran

Articles (3)

Nikki Glaser talks about sex and late-night-TV boys’ club

Nikki Glaser talks about sex and late-night-TV boys’ club

Nikki Glaser goes there. During my chat with the 32-year-old stand-up turned late-night TV host, she’s game to touch on anything. Porn? Sure. Parents’ sexual proclivities? Absolutely. Bill Cosby? Why not? That’s not all that surprising: On her unpredictable sex-focused talk show on Comedy Central, Not Safe with Nikki Glaser, the former New Yorker and current Angeleno talks dirty with comedy stalwarts like Jim Jefferies and Maria Bamford and revels in exploring our bedroom habits. (Just watch the segment on pegging during the episode titled “I Broke My Dick.”) Like she is as a host, Glaser’s rhythm onstage—she has a string of comedy shows in NYC this week—is blunt, a bit dangerous and, most importantly, really damn funny—a tone she honed for years on the road before earning spots on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and Conan. It’s no wonder that, given her delivery and subject matter, people are comparing her to Amy Schumer. (The two, incidentally, are travel buddies, she tells me. And there’s proof—a photo of the two comedians killing it on a boat with Jennifer Lawrence. So not jealous at all…) Who’s your dream guest for Not Safe?Sarah Silverman. She’s the reason I do comedy. Her DNC speech was my favorite thing I ever heard. Sitting down with her and laughing would be incredible. But my dream guest who would never do the show is Jennifer Aniston. I would just love to know about her sex life. Can you imagine what her sex life is like? Um, amazing? Is anything off-limits on the
Josh Gondelman on his unique career transition

Josh Gondelman on his unique career transition

Have you heard the one about the former preschool teacher turned comic? That’s not a setup for a really cheesy joke—that’s the life of soft-spoken, former-Bostonian Josh Gondelman, who is now one of the funniest New Yorkers. Besides performing his standup at some of the city’s best comedy clubs, Gondelman writes for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and pens the popular Twitter account Modern Seinfeld. Make sure to catch Gondelman at the Knitting Factory on Sunday, June 12—it’s going to be one of the best comedy shows in NYC this month. Why’s a guy like you writing an update on Seinfeld? I love the show. The feedback has been great. But it’s such a testament to how strong the characters are that it still works in the present day. I wonder what Elaine Benes would think about Snapchat. Has there been any feedback from the Seinfeld camp?Jason Alexander tweeted about it; Jerry Seinfeld and Larry David were asked about it, and their reactions were like, “Huh?” To inconvenience Larry David for a minute is a pretty cool thing. You’ve scored a plum gig working with John Oliver. How tough was the adjustment from life as a freewheeling comic to life in a cubicle?It was an adjustment. I went back to those old Dilbert cartoons to learn how to work in an office. It’s as amazing as you [would] think here. You’ve experienced desk life as a preschool teacher, which is perhaps the most unlikely job for a comic.Maybe it is, but it made sense for me. My mom worked as an education director. She
Tracy Morgan on his journey back to life

Tracy Morgan on his journey back to life

After surviving a horrific car crash on the New Jersey Turnpike in 2014, Tracy Morgan, fresh off a comedy tour, takes the stage at Carolines this week. The star of 30 Rock, one of the best comedy TV shows of all time, tells us why he’s been crying, where he is in his recovery and what it’s like on “the other side.” What was it like to nearly check out?It was unbelievable. You have no idea what it was like, and you’re lucky. I went to the other side and came back. It was unreal. You have to come see me live for all of the details. I can’t tell you that now, but you will find out as long as you come out. You can bank on the most amazing story you’ll ever hear. How has it changed you?It’s changed me a lot. I have a different perspective after going through that. I’ve been crying. The reason I cry now is that the world lacks love. Love is the strongest thing in the universe. When I came out of that coma, I knew what my duty was. I need to make people happy. Seven years ago, you invited me to the opening game at the new Yankee Stadium. You had four extra tickets and you said, “We’re going to scalp them and take the money and go to a strip club.”I remember that. We were kickin’ it! I’m guessing that we’re not going to go to the strip club after any Yankees game now. I have my wife and daughter to think about. You’ve matured offstage, but you’re still about the funny onstage.Absolutely! It’s my outlet. I’m not going to be up there being serious. I’m about making people laugh. I want

News (1)



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