Dave Siegel is a comedian and contributing writer at CNN. You can follow him @StandUpDave and get info for his live performances at DaveSiegel.com.

Dave Siegel

Dave Siegel

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The 2016 presidential candidates as 'Simpsons' characters

The 2016 presidential candidates as 'Simpsons' characters

Remember that episode of The Simpsons where Bill Clinton shows up playing the saxophone? Or the one where George H.W. Bush moves in next door to Homer? It’s not so hard to see the presidents of the United States as cartoon characters, and, it turns out, it’s not so hard to imagine the 2016 candidates like that either. Think about it—this cast of characters includes a braggadocious reality TV star, a doctor who has ruined the “OH - You must be a brain surgeon” insult (because now that person really might be a brain surgeon) and a Brooklyn Jew asking for votes in Iowa, where most voters’ knowledge of Judaism begins and ends with Michele Bachmann mispronouncing “Chutzpah.” But instead of changing the pigmentation of Trump, Carson, Bernie and the rest, we scanned our expansive Simpsons memories to find their most dopplegangy 2D renderings who, in some cases, seem more animated than the candidates themselves (are you listening Jeb?).  Donald Trump & Mr. Burns A cartoon super-villain megalomaniac tycoon...and then there’s Mr. Burns. If C. Montgomery Burns was fatter, taller and his skin was exactly the same color, he’d be a dead ringer for the Donald. Really, the only difference between these super rich men is “yuge” vs. ”excellent,” and honestly, how much of a difference is that? Who said it, Mr. Trump or Mr. Burns? “By building a casino, I could tighten my stranglehold on this dismal town.” Rick Santorum & Ned Flanders Hokily Dokily! If not just for the right wing hella Christ