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There are many confusing aspects of navigating New York. Walking through a revolving door, however, should not be one of them. Yet it seems like every day, people who have never encountered such a contraption in their lives pour into this city. Generally, these visitors take the form of a tourist couple, overloaded with luggage, jamming into the same revolving door, surrounded by various bags pushed up against the glass.
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If you’re unlucky enough to enter the opening directly behind one of these shuffling offenders, be prepared to move forward at a pace similar to a stalled 6 train during rush hour. And god forbid you lightly push on the glass divider in an attempt to make up for lost time. You may shove too hard, feel a kick, and then the vacuum-packed dynamic duo in front of you looks back like you just stabbed them in the back. Then, all of a sudden, the dividers grind to a halt, and you’re trapped in a surprise aquarium of bad decisions, wasted efforts and mutual disgust.
Please, everyone: Revolving doors are built for one person and, possibly, a rolling bag. This is not a new concept. Maybe it would help if we established some sort of training area at JFK and LaGuardia. Everyone is always welcome in NYC, just please, we’re begging you, figure out how to walk through the door first.
"Estamos cómodos", dice Nick Young —Henry Golding, muy confiado en su debut cinematográfico—, un guapo profesor universitario educado en Oxford, cuando su novia, Rachel —Constance Wu— le pregunta sobre su pasado. Él esta despreocupado y cuando lleva a Rachel a Singapur para conocer a su familia, resulta que son dueños de todo el país, pero de alguna manera se las arregla para sentirse incluida: Locamente millonarios es un pase VIP a las mejores fiestas de la ciudad.
Bajo su brillo y glamour, la película tiene una configuración familiar: la historia de dos amantes de diferentes estatus sociales que están dispuestos a desafiar la tradición por su propia felicidad. Pero este relato siempre atractivo —los dos protagonistas aportan una sinceridad real en el corazón de la película— está impregnada de un sentido moderno de dinero y reinvención personal.
Locamente millonarios también tiene un lado más afilado. Para Rachel, el viaje al viejo césped de Nick para la boda de su mejor amigo se convierte en una pesadilla psicológica. Una fiesta de pone de manifiesto la mezquindad de una ex. Peor aún es el momento de enfrentar a nuestra heroína contra la matriarca del clan Young, Eleanor —Michelle Yeoh, formidable—, quien sin rodeos le dice que simplemente no es lo suficientemente buena para su hijo.
Esta es la primera película de Hollywood con un elenco asiático desde El club de la buena estrella (Wayne Wang,1993) hace 25 años, y eso es muy significativo. Basado en el bestseller de 2013 de
‘We’re comfortable,’ says Nick Young (Henry Golding, mega-confident in his movie debut). A handsome Oxford-educated college professor, he’s been asked about his background by his girlfriend, Rachel (Constance Wu), in this endlessly entertaining romcom. He’s nonchalant but he can afford to be. When he flies Rachel to Singapore to meet the family, it turns out they pretty much own the place. Cue unfeasible extravagance that somehow manages to feel inclusive: ‘Crazy Rich Asians’ is a VIP pass to the coolest parties in town.
Beneath its glitz and glamour, the film has a familiar set-up: the story of two lovers from different walks of life who are willing to challenge tradition for their own happiness. But this always-engaging tale – the two leads bring real sincerity at the heart of the movie – is infused with a modern sense of money and personal reinvention. The gaudy flow of wealth is one of its many comic facets, never endorsed so much as offered up as passing eye candy.
It has an edgier side too. For Rachel, the trip to Nick’s old turf for his best friend’s wedding becomes a psychological nightmare. A hen party brings out the pettiness in an ex. Even worse is a moment of confrontation between our heroine and the Young clan’s matriarch, Eleanor (Michelle Yeoh, formidable), who bluntly tells her she just isn’t good enough for her son.
This is the first Hollywood movie with an all-Asian cast since ‘The Joy Luck Club’ 25 years ago, and that feels significant. Based on Kevin Kwan’
Pocos artefactos atrapado el público infantil con tanta garra como lo hizo 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' en los años 90, la era en que la acción real ganaba la partida a la animación. Tras conquistar la televisión, después de que se fabricaran una pila de muñecos articulados, esta mitología forma parte de las vidas de una generación de niños que ahora, convertidos en adultos, deben prepararse para el renacimiento de la franquicia.Ambientada en los inframundos de un suburbio imaginario de California, la historia recupera las peripecias de un grupo de adolescentes vestidos de chicle que han sido elegidos para defender el planeta de la malvada Rita Repulsa. La película sabe jugar sus cartas, apela a la nostalgia de la acción, al tiempo que el guión maniobra hacia la psicología del equipo: la idea es demostrar que, como todo el mundo, los héroes de esta aventura también son imperfectos, y aún así el futuro del mundo se encuentra en sus manos. Lo mejor de todo es la subversiva implicación de un actor como Bryan Cranston (Walter White en 'Breaking Bad') en el papel de mentor de la banda, de cerebro de la operación.
Pocs artefactes atrapat el públic infantil amb tanta grapa com ho va fer 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers' als anys 90, l’era en què l’acció real guanyava la partida a l’animació. Després de conquerir la televisió, després que se’n fabriquessin una pila de ninots articulats, aquesta mitologia forma part de les vides d’una generació de nens que ara, convertits en adults, s’han de preparar per al renaixement de la franquícia. Ambientada en els inframons d'un suburbi imaginari de Califòrnia, la història recupera les peripècies d'un grup d'adolescents vestits de xiclet que han estat escollits per defensar el planeta de la malvada Rita Repulsa. La pel·lícula sap jugar les seves cartes, apel·la a la nostàlgia de l’acció, i alhora el guió maniobra cap a la psicologia d’equip: la idea és demostrar que, com tothom, els herois d’aquesta aventura també són imperfectes, i tot i això el futur del món es troba a les seves mans. El millor de tot és la subversiva implicació d'un actor com Bryan Cranston (Walter White a 'Breaking Bad') en el paper de mentor de la banda, de cervell de l’operació.
“It’s morphin’ time!” fans will yell, as waves of light explode, color-coded armor creeps onto bodies, and tears of recognition are wiped away. Rarely has a franchise dominated childhoods as thoroughly as the ’90s-era live-action 'Mighty Morphin Power Rangers', devoured on TV and cemented with action figures and toys. Today’s grown-up kids aren’t ready for the reboot, but they should be: The movie knows to make playground fun out of the material.
Set against the suburban backdrop of California’s fictional Angel Grove, the story (for those not in the know) follows a rag-tag team of teens chosen to defend Earth from evil Rita Repulsa. What this 'Power Rangers' does—unlike the show—is explore the complexities of our core team: They’re imperfect but perfect enough to be selfless and save the world. Despite spending the majority of its running time with lead heroes Kimberly (Naomi Scott) and Jason (Dacre Montgomery), the main player of the group is autistic Billy (Me and Earl and the Dying Girl’s RJ Cyler), whose enthusiasm and charm are contagious.
Kudos to the movie’s subversive streak for using a great talent like Bryan Cranston to basically play a gigantic head (Power Ranger mentor Zordon). Bill Hader does justice by robot Alpha 5’s iconic squeals while Elizabeth Banks delivers an exaggerated yet powerful villain that should have hit the airwaves 25 years ago: she makes it look like a blast, while devouring gold (don’t ask—it’s part of her plan). Here, Rita takes a little time
Dear New Yorkers old and new: We have something important to talk about, and it’s a city epidemic known as sidewalk hogging. All of you folks should make an appointment with your primary-care physician as soon as possible to see if you’ve caught this highly contagious bug.
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There is no greater horror than the moment I see a family of seven, stretched across the sidewalk, walking (more like shuffling) slowly to “soak in the city” while taking pictures and getting closer by the second. I don’t have long to decide my battle plan: Do I huff and puff and power walk around them into the street and risk being potential roadkill? Or do I suck it up and fall in line behind them for what will seem like the next half hour (10 seconds) and regret my entire existence? No matter what I do, I’m going to come off as a stereotypical rude New Yorker, and more importantly, I’m too cute to endure this much stress. Also let it be known that if you make a comment about how "rude" I am because I’m out here performing a Mission Impossible–worthy stunt to avoid crashing with your clan, you’re going to catch these hands. (Okay, fine, I’m lying—I’m just going to tweet about it later.)
Open space on NYC sidewalks, like in real estate, is scarce, so here’s what you need to do: Keep. To. The. Right.
Also, please, for the love of everything, do not abruptly stop. I don’t care if you dropped your food, if you’re yelling at your partner, or if you want to pet someone’s dog