Fundació Mona
You have to travel a little way out of the city, to the town of Riudellots de la Selva, about 5km away, to get to the Fundació Mona. This not-for-profit organisation (which isn't very well-known in the Girona area, but is gradually raising its profile) operates as a rehabilitation centre for abused chimpanzees and macaques. The animals come from different backgrounds, having worked in circuses or on television, been used as models for advertising campaigns, or even kept as pets; the foundation provides a new home for them and the chance to live in a family environment with their peers that's in a natural setting. Let's not beat around the bush, what these primates have experienced is mistreatment, and you also shouldn't imagine that what we're suggesting is a trip to the zoo. This is an initiation experience for both kids and adults, with the aim of raising awareness through hands-on activities, such as workshops, exhibitions and guided tours, about the problems these species are facing, including the risk of extinction, illegal trafficking and abuse.