Passeig Arqueològic
Girona residents like to explain stories and a walk along Passeig Arqueològic (or Passeig de la Reina Joana) can be enthralling. Never in such a small space, in terms of length, have so many legends been generated, halfway between reality and fiction: themes include the ghost of the Jewish woman Torana, the holes in the wall produced during the Peninsular War, the mountain of Montjuïc from where the French bombarded the city, the Gironella Tower, the Jardí de la Francesa and, best of all, the stone witch on the Cathedral. Terror, love, adventures, divine punishment... you've got all the necessary ingredients for a great time. Swot up a little in advance, hone your storytelling skills, pack sandwiches for all and blankets, and your family can spend a great morning or afternoon explaining thrilling stories. The grass and benches will help make your task much easier.