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Love is in the air, accompanying the whiff of manure from the fields over the river Avon. Breathe it in, Bristol. Fertiliser aside though, Bristol has sneaked into the top-ten most romantic locations in the UK in a recent poll, which makes 'Bristolian’ the language of luvver. But what's caused the surge in pheromones and sweeping romantic gestures that account for our newfound romance?
Bristol is a mysterious loverWhere shall we go on a date? To the secret bar? But which secret bar, for there are many in Bristol? Shall I meet thee upon a bridge shrouded in fog? Wait, where have your trousers gone? Mystery is alluring, and Bristol is more mysterious than ever.
A photo posted by Joseph Turp (@josephturp) on Feb 12, 2015 at 7:04am PST
Selfie sticksLove them or loathe them, selfie sticks are here to stay; just like vuvuzelas, Blackberrys and Flappy Bird. Selfie sticks have brought a little bit of love to Bristol, in part due to a dramatic increase in high-angle pictures near landmarks. Everyone huddles together, all sharing the love. Selfie sticks have also increased the number of people being unceremoniously hit round the back of the head with an aluminium shaft, but ‘aluminium shafting‘ doesn’t quite have the same ring to it.
We’ve upped the small-talk gameRelationships have to start somewhere and small talk is as good a place as any. And opportunities for small talk are at an all-time high in Bristol. In the queue for the bus, the train, the replacement bus service beca