Chloe Braithwaite is a writer based in the south of France, who has written about Nice and the wider region for National Geographic, the BBC, Lonely Planet, the Independent and more. 

Chloe Braithwaite

Chloe Braithwaite

Contributing Writer, Nice

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Articles (5)

Los 12 mejores lugares para alojarse en la Riviera Francesa: ciudades y gemas ocultas

Los 12 mejores lugares para alojarse en la Riviera Francesa: ciudades y gemas ocultas

La Riviera Francesa podría ser la capital internacional de los viajes de lujo, pero no tienes que ser súper rico para disfrutar de un poco de diversión en el paraíso. Es fácil disfrutar del sol en una playa fantástica sin gastar ni un solo euro y hay una montaña de pueblos bonitos para presupuestos ajustados -solo hay que saber dónde ir-. Atreveos a recorrer las estrechas y, a veces, empinadas calles de Eze y maravillaos con las vistas panorámicas desde el pueblo en la ladera de la montaña. O combinad vuestros modelitos con los edificios emblemáticos del casco antiguo medieval de Menton. Incluso si es solo para un día, abrazad la vida de lujo y regresad a casa con suficientes recuerdos como para fantasear con ellos. ¿La mejor manera de hacerlo? Alquilar un coche y tachar cada uno de la lista en un viaje colosal por carretera. ¿Suena bien? La verdad es que sí. Aquí están los mejores lugares para visitar en la Riviera Francesa. ¿Cuál es el mejor momento para viajar? Al planificar vuestro viaje a la Riviera Francesa, apuntad a la primavera o finales del verano, y si podéis evitar las multitudes, septiembre es el mejor mes, también cuando se trata de buscar las mejores gangas para el hospedaje en el sur. RECOMENDADO:🏘 ¿Os apetece explorar los pueblos con más encanto del sur Francia?🏖 Descubrid qué visitar en Francia🗼 ¿Pasáis por la capital? No os perdáis las mejores cosas que hacer en Paris🏡 Perdeos entre los pueblos con más encanto de Francia🏰 Pasad la noche en un Airbnb d

The 14 best beaches in Nice

The 14 best beaches in Nice

Nice’s beaches are the French Riviera at its absolute best. And they’re not a one-trip pony either; on our list we’ve included options for all budgets, from nearby classics to hidden coves and réserves.  You’ll have heard of some of them, but for summer 2024 there’s a newcomer on our list – Bocca Mar, a fabulous little beach joined to a new restaurant from last year, picked by local writer Chloe Braithwaite. Generally speaking, you want to visit one of these gems between April and October when things are hot. Ready? Us too. Here are the best beaches in Nice.  RECOMMENDED:📍 The best things to do in Nice🍴 The best restaurants in Nice🛍️ The best shops in Nice🏘️ The best Airbnbs in Nice This guide was updated by Chloe Braithwaite, a writer based in the South of France and an expert in all things French Riviera. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more information, see our affiliate guidelines. 

The 10 best restaurants in Nice

The 10 best restaurants in Nice

Heading to Nice this summer? You’re in luck. Local writer Chloé Braithwaite has given our list of the best restaurants in Nice a serious revamp in time for the holiday season, and it’s never looked better.  On our list of the best restaurants in Nice, we’ve got a Michelin-starred restaurant in a (very) famous hotel, and a kitchen inside an old laundrette. We’ve got a Mediterranean gem with a brand-new wine bar. We’ve got everything from fine dining to French classics at friendly bistros. Ready to indulge? Here are the best restaurants in Nice right now.  RECOMMENDED: 📍 The best things to do in Nice🏖️ The best beaches in Nice🛍️ The best shops in Nice🏨 The best hotels in Nice🏘️ The best Airbnbs in Nice Reviews and original photos by Chloé Braithwaite, a writer based in the south of France. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. 

The 13 best things to do in Nice

The 13 best things to do in Nice

The shining glory of the French Riviera, Nice truly has it all. And don’t write it off for being bougie and full of beach clubs either: there’s plenty to do here for all budgets, you just have to know where to look.  Here you’ll find everything from pre-historic sites to medieval castles, craft beer bars and flower markets, many of them cheap if not free. Whatever your vibe, the possibilities in Nice are endless. Here are its best things to do this summer.  RECOMMENDED:🏖️ The best beaches in Nice🍴 The best restaurants in Nice🛍️ The best shops in Nice🏨 The best hotels in Nice🏘️ The best Airbnbs in Nice Reviews and original photos by Chloé Braithwaite, a writer based in the south of France. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. 

The 12 best places to stay on the French Riviera: cities and hidden gems

The 12 best places to stay on the French Riviera: cities and hidden gems

The French Riviera might be the international capital of luxury travel, but you don’t have to be super rich and wealthy to enjoy some fun in paradise. You can easily bask in the sun on a beautiful beach and not spend a single euro, and if you know the right spots, there are most certainly good towns for a budget. Brave the narrow, and sometimes steep, streets of Eze and marvel at the panoramic views from the mountainside village. Or coordinate your outfits with the bright and vibrant buildings in the medieval old town of Menton. Even if just for a day, embrace the life of luxury and leave with enough to fantasise about when you’re back at home. The best way to do it? Rent a car and tick each of them off on a colossal road trip. Sound good? We agree. Here are the best places to visit on the French Riviera.  When is the best time to visit? When planning your trip to the French Riviera, aim for spring or late summer, particularly September if you can avoid the crowds. RECOMMENDED:🏨 The best hotels in the South of France🇫🇷 The best places to visit in France🏘️ The best Airbnbs in Nice🏰 The prettiest villages in France This guide was last updated by Chloe Braithwaite, a writer based in Nice in the South of France. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. This guide includes affiliate links, which have no influence on our editorial content. For more informatio

Listings and reviews (1)

Le Chantecler

Le Chantecler

What’s the vibe? Old-school cool is the vibe you’ll find at Le Chantecler at The Negresco. The hotel was established in 1913, and immediately became a draw for the jet-setters of the day: artists, celebrities, politicians – even royalty. Today, Michelin-starred chef Virginie Basselot creates artful dishes with ingredients sourced close by, like vegetables from Nice’s hinterland, and cheeses from a cheesemonger just steps from the hotel. What are the prices like? High-end, but worth it. Basselot’s dishes are creative and exploding with flavour – and so pretty to look at! Expect €190 per person for a five course set menu, or €290 for an eight-course surprise menu, excluding drinks. There’s also an à la carte option with dishes ranging from €42 to €98.  What should I order? While the menu changes often, it almost always features oysters from Giol. The small-scale local producer raises an atypical oyster prized for their unique, subtly nutty taste. They have been the recipient of many awards, including the prestigious Medaille d’Or and Medaille Argent from the Agricole Général awards in Paris. If you love the shellfish, you’ll find them on sale in very few places on the riviera! What’s worth visiting nearby? The Hotel is right on the Promenade des Anglais, so it’s worth a walk along the sea. Grab a cocktail at a beach bar to watch the sunset, or if around lunch time, Musée Massena just next door showcases the history of Nice across its several floors. 📍 Discover more of the best