Emmy’s Spaghetti Shack
Emmy’s is Italian romance with a sense of humor. From the cute, hand-colored menus to the mish-mashed décor that combines animal print, faux taxidermy, and a clothesline laden with laundry all of it is mercifully lit by the soft glow of Christmas bulbs. Yes, with it’s back-to-basics menu, this joint is a place for lovers who want to bask in the kitsch and don’t feel like taking themselves too seriously. As the name suggests, pasta and meatballs (served family-style and preferably eaten in the style of Lady and the Tramp is the main dish, along with classic Caesar salads and garlic bread. But if you crave something else, they also have some unexpected dishes, like a cheese-stuffed, roasted Portobello mushroom appetizer, prawn Habanero risotto or zoodles (noodles made out of zucchini).