Bilge Ebiri

Bilge Ebiri

Articles (2)

The 100 best movies of all time

The 100 best movies of all time

Great movies matter. Movies have the capacity to sharpen our understanding of the world. They take us places we’d otherwise never go, and introduce us to people we’d otherwise never meet. Or they reflect our own lives back at us, and help us understand ourselves a little better. They simply allow us to place reality on pause for a few hours, which, in this day and age, should not be discounted. Thankfully, there are signs that movies still do matter, even for a generation that’s grown up watching them mostly through the television, like Letterboxd, or the growing popularity of repertory cinemas. And that is ultimately what compels us to list the greatest films of all-time. It’s not to assert our own canon, or spark quibbles about snubs and arbitrary rankings. It’s because new film fans are still being born every day, and need a place to start. So consider this a road map. Looking for something specific? Here are our favourite movies by genre: 🤣 The best comedy movies of all-time😱 The best horror movies of all-time😍 The best romcoms of all-time😬 The best thriller movies of all-time👽 The best sci-fi movies of all-time💣 The best action movies of all-time✍ The best animated movies of all-time🦄 The best fantasy movies of all-time💏 The best romantic movies of all-time🪖 The best war films of all-time How we chose our 100 best movies of all time Admittedly, the process is not an exact science. Mostly, it involves a bunch of arguing, whittling and deal-making amongst Time Out
The 100 best movies of all time

The 100 best movies of all time

Everyone has their favorites – that’s why any debate over what makes the best movies of all time can take hours (or, in our cases, a lifetime). Can there ever be one list to rule them all? A canon, as critics like to call it, updated with today’s game changers, that would glance upon all tastes, all genres, all countries, all eras, balancing impact with importance, brains with heart? The challenge was daunting. We just couldn't resist. Our list includes some of the most recognized action, feminist and foreign films. Please let us know how wrong we got it. Written by Abbey Bender, Dave Calhoun, Phil de Semlyen, Bilge Ebiri, Ian Freer, Stephen Garrett, Tomris Laffly, Joshua Rothkopf and Anna Smith RECOMMENDED:– The best movies on Netflix right now– The 100 best comedy movies– The best romantic movies of all time– The 101 best action movies ever made– The best documentaries on Netflix