Beril Naz Hassan is a journalist based in London. Over the years, she has covered everything from travel and lifestyle to news and food for titles including the Evening Standard and Metro, as well as working on editorial content for Meta. If you’re getting a ‘Do I know her from somewhere?’ vibe, it might be because you spotted her commentating on BBC channels or hosting her Sky show.

Beril Naz Hassan

Beril Naz Hassan

Writer, Time Out Travel

Articles (9)

London’s best Turkish restaurants

London’s best Turkish restaurants

The first Turkish settlers in the UK arrived in the 16th century, after Queen Elizabeth I built an allyship with the Ottoman Empire. Since then, London has embraced Turkish cuisine with open arms. From elegant restaurants and Michelin-recommended eateries to humbler grill spots, the essence of Türkiye’s culinary heritage thrives in the capital. Our favourites stand out thanks to their thoughtful sourcing of fresh ingredients, dedication to constructing dishes from scratch, and commitment to what sits at the very heart of Turkish culture: generous hospitality. The history of modern-day Türkiye is a captivating saga that has witnessed the rise and fall of many civilisations, including the Byzantines, Seljuks, and Ottomans. Given the centuries of culinary exchange it witnessed, it’s no surprise that Turkish cuisine mirrors the nation’s diverse heritage. As a foodie who has spent half of her life in Türkiye and the other in London, here are the very best Turkish restaurants in the capital, ranging from Green Lanes heroes and Soho gems to east London powerhouses. RECOMMENDED: The 50 Best Restaurants in London.  Beril Naz Hassan is a British journalist with Turkish and Cypriot heritage. After living in Türkiye for over a decade, Beril returned to London, where she writes about food, travel and lifestyle.
Los 21 destinos más infravalorados de Europa para viajar en 2025

Los 21 destinos más infravalorados de Europa para viajar en 2025

Ya has visitado los clásicos: las capitales, los lugares virales de TikTok, las ciudades con su propio programa de Netflix… Y no nos malinterpretéis, nos encantan los clásicos, pero hay un inconveniente en estos destinos de viaje grandes, bulliciosos y dignos de una lista. Si alguna vez has guardado una hora de cola para una pastelería, te has gastado el presupuesto del día en un café o has reservado un museo con tres meses de antelación, lo sabrás tan bien como nosotros: son las aglomeraciones. Lo cierto es que los autóctonos tampoco están contentos. Este verano se han producido una serie de manifestaciones contra el turismo en los principales puntos de interés europeos, al llegar a un punto crítico después de años de masificación turística; Ámsterdam se ha puesto dura con los nuevos hoteles y Venecia está preparada para duplicar su tasa turística en el 2025 (como Barcelona, ​​que también podría hacerlo). De modo que nunca ha habido un mejor momento para pensar fuera de la caja a la hora de planificar los viajes, sobre todo cuando hay tantos sitios olvidados increíbles. Desde escapadas urbanas llenas de cultura hasta parques nacionales desconocidos, estos destinos tienen todo lo que deseáis para vuestras próximas vacaciones, con la ventaja adicional de que habrá mucha menos gente yendo a los mismos lugares. Si viajáis con un presupuesto limitado, buscáis tranquilidad o simplemente estáis desesperados por probar un lugar nuevo, estos son los lugares más infravalorados para vi
Les 21 destinacions més infravalorades d’Europa per viatjar el 2025

Les 21 destinacions més infravalorades d’Europa per viatjar el 2025

Ja has visitat els clàssics: les capitals, els llocs virals de TikTok, les ciutats amb el seu propi programa de Netflix… I no ens malinterpreteu, ens encanten els clàssics, però hi ha un inconvenient en aquestes destinacions de viatge grans, bullicioses i dignes d'una llista. Si alguna vegada has fet una hora de cua per a una pastisseria, t'has gastat el pressupost del dia en un cafè o has hagut de reservar un museu amb tres mesos d'antelació, ho sabràs tan bé com nosaltres: són les aglomeracions. El cas és que els autòctons tampoc estan contents. Aquest estiu s'han produït una sèrie de manifestacions contra el turisme als principals punts d'interès europeus, ja que es va arribar a un punt crític després d'anys de massificació turística; Amsterdam s'ha posat dura amb els nous hotels i Venècia està preparada per duplicar la seva taxa turística el 2025 (com Barcelona, que també podria fer-ho). De manera que mai hi ha hagut un millor moment per pensar fora de la capsa a l'hora de planificar els viatges, sobretot quan hi ha tants llocs oblidats increïbles. Des d'escapades urbanes plenes de cultura fins a parcs nacionals desconeguts, aquestes destinacions tenen tot el que desitgeu de les vostres pròximes vacances, amb l'avantatge addicional que hi haurà molta menys gent anant als mateixos llocs. Si viatgeu amb un pressupost limitat, busqueu tranquil·litat o simplement esteu desesperats per provar un lloc nou, aquests són els indrets més infravalorats per visitar a Europa en aquest
The 21 most underrated travel destinations in Europe for 2025

The 21 most underrated travel destinations in Europe for 2025

You’ve done the classics: the capital cities, the TikTok viral spots, the cities with their own Netflix show. And don’t get us wrong, we love the classics for a reason. But there’s a downside to these big, bustling, bucket-list-worthy travel destinations. If you’ve ever queued an hour for a pastry, spent your day’s budget on a coffee or had to book a museum three months in advance, you’ll know it as well as us: it’s the crowds. The thing is, locals aren’t happy about it either. This summer saw a series of anti-tourism demonstrations in European hotspots, as locals reached breaking point with years of overtourism; Amsterdam is cracking down on new hotels, Venice is set to double its tourist tax in 2025. So there’s never been a better time to think outside the box for your travels – especially when so many incredible European spots are getting overlooked. And we’re not gatekeepers here at Time Out. From culture-packed city breaks to under-the-radar national parks, these destinations have got everything you want from your next holiday, with the added bonus of far fewer people jostling to see the same attractions. So if you’re travelling on a budget, searching for quiet or just desperate to try somewhere new, these are the most underrated places to visit in Europe right now, handpicked by Time Out's network of well-travelled writers. RECOMMENDED:🏰 The best city breaks in Europe📍 The most beautiful places in Europe⛷️ The best ski holidays in Europe🏘️ The coolest neighbourhoods
11 of the best alternative Mediterranean beach breaks for 2023

11 of the best alternative Mediterranean beach breaks for 2023

Does anything conjure up an image of beach bliss quite like the Med? Surrounded by 22 countries and bordered by three continents, the Mediterranean Sea boasts miles and miles of coastline – not to mention hundreds of islands. And while there are certain seaside spots where you’ll need to fight for space on the sand (we’re looking at you, Barceloneta), there are plenty of other secluded stretches of coastline across the Med. Our selection of alternative beach spots, chosen by Mediterranean-based travel writers, takes you beyond Europe to North Africa and the Middle East. From wild, flamingo-frequented beaches in Spain to a culture-packed port city in France, this is where to find the Mediterranean’s best alternative (and affordable) beach breaks. There’s plenty of room to lay out your towel here. Grace Beard is Time Out’s deputy travel editor, based in London. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines and check out our latest travel guides written by local experts. RECOMMENDED:🗺 Europe’s most underrated destinations🌆 The best European city breaks🚫 The travel destinations that want tourists to stay away
The best places to visit in Türkiye

The best places to visit in Türkiye

As the bridge between Asia and Europe, Türkiye is one of the most exciting corners of the world to explore. I was lucky enough to live there for over a decade, and I left no stone unturned, which has allowed me to discover the cities and hidden gems in this beautiful country.  Not only is Türkiye home to countless modern and ancient cultures, full of breathtaking natural havens and unique places to visit, it’s also a foodie’s wildest dream. With pristine beaches, snowy mountains, spa cities, historical wonders and more on offer, Türkiye is ready to welcome you with open arms. From Istanbul to Bodrum, here are its best places to visit – and my insider tips to get the most out of them.  RECOMMENDED:🕌 The essential guide to Istanbul🌎 The most beautiful places in the world⛰️ The best places to travel in 2023 Beril Naz Hassan is a travel writer from Türkiye, who lived in the country for much of her life. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines. 
Les 14 destinacions més infravalorades d'Europa

Les 14 destinacions més infravalorades d'Europa

No cal dir que Europa està plena de llocs increïbles. Però molts d'aquests llocs són també bastant obvis. Venècia, Amsterdam, la costa Amalfitana... sí, són impressionants. Però el problema és que tothom vol anar-hi, i moltes de les capitals del continent, hubs culturals i paisatges bonics estan plens de turistes i amb preus desorbitats. Algunes d'aquestes destinacions fins i tot han començat a dir que volen que els turistes no hi vagin. Però per cada lloc que està atapeït de visitants, n'hi ha d'altres que passen injustament desapercebuts: llocs on pots passar-te hores sense veure un altre turista, o almenys alternatius a les tradicionals destinacions de vacances. De manera que això és el que suggerim: aquest estiu, eviteu trencar-vos el coll intentant veure la Mona Lisa. Estalvieu-vos les cues del Vaticà i viatgeu a algunes de les destinacions menys conegudes del continent. Des dels Balcans fins als països bàltics, des de l'Atlàntic Nord fins a la costa Adriàtica, hem reunit escriptors de viatges i experts locals per tal de descobrir les ciutats infravalorades d'Europa, les illes, regions, platges, pobles, llacs i tot el que hi ha al mig.  NO T'HO PERDIS: Les 10 millors destinacions per viatjar el 2023
Los 14 destinos más infravalorados de Europa

Los 14 destinos más infravalorados de Europa

No hace falta decir que Europa está llena de sitios increíbles. Pero muchos de estos sitios son también bastante obvios. Venecia, Ámsterdam, la costa amalfitana... sí, son impresionantes. Pero el problema es que todo el mundo quiere ir, lo que significa que muchas de las capitales europeas, hubs culturales y bonitos paisajes están llenos de turistas y con precios desorbitados. Algunos de estos destinos incluso han empezado a decir que quieren que los turistas no vayan. Pero para cada sitio abarrotado de visitantes, hay otros que pasan injustamente desapercibidos: lugares donde puedes pasarte horas sin ver a otro turista, o al menos alternativos a los tradicionales destinos de vacaciones. Así que esto es lo que sugerimos: este verano, evitaos romperos el cuello intentando ver la Mona Lisa. Ahorraos las colas del Vaticano, y viajad a algunos destinos menos conocidos del continente. Desde los Balcanes hasta el Báltico, desde el Atlántico hasta la costa Adriática, hemos reunido a escritores de viajes y expertos locales para descubrir las ciudades infravaloradas de Europa, las islas, regiones, playas, pueblos, lagos y todo de por medio. NO TE LO PIERDAS: Los 10 mejores destinos para viajar el 2023
La próxima barrera en el turismo: ¿globos espaciales?

La próxima barrera en el turismo: ¿globos espaciales?

Vivimos en una época en la que limitarse a viajar en nuestro propio planeta se está volviendo algo... aburrido. Desde la exploración de la Agencia Espacial Europea a las lunas heladas de Júpiter y la misión de la NASA y SpaceX para visitar Marte, parece que los viajes espaciales podrían estar al alcance de la mano por primera vez en la historia. Zephalto piensa que sí. La compañía espacial francesa planea enviar viajeros a la estratosfera en globos espaciales para 2025. Volando a más de 24 km sobre la Tierra, los viajes de seis horas costarán alrededor de 2,311,315 pesos mexicanos por persona y estarán acompañados de comida y vino con estrellas Michelin. El enlace de preventa ya está disponible en el sitio web de Zephalto. El nombre de la empresa es un guiño a este próximo proyecto. Zephalto deriva de Zephyr, la personificación del viento del oeste en la mitología griega, y Alto, que hace referencia a “elevar”. Hablando de sus planes, el fundador de Zephalto, Vincent Farret d'Asties, le dijo a Bloomberg: "Estoy encantado de haber construido el puente entre mi sueño de viajar al espacio y la realidad". Aquellos que comparten mi deseo de viajar en armonía con los elementos y el viento, finalmente podrán hacerlo a bordo de Céleste”. También, mencionó que después de años de trabajar en el enfoque, el diseño y las soluciones técnicas, el concepto ahora es palpable. Pero, esta no es la única empresa espacial que quiere utilizar globos para llevar a los turistas al cielo. World View

Listings and reviews (3)

Köfteci Metin

Köfteci Metin

Köfteci Metin, which translates to ‘meatball-maker Metin’ as a nod to the owner’s storied reputation, specialises in some of the finest Turkish meatballs you will ever eat. If you’re the kind of person who gets overwhelmed by massive menus, then this might be the perfect place for you. The only mains are plain köfte and köfte with kaşar cheese. The sides are where you get to make proceedings more personal. Piyaz, made from white beans, onions and parsley, is a must when you’re having köfte in Turkey. If you have space for it, the çoban salad with tomatoes, parsley, cucumber, and onion, and the chef’s cacık also go amazingly with the juicy meatballs.
Salt and Plum

Salt and Plum

This quaint and inviting restaurant specialising in contemporary Turkish food with Aegean influences is just a short stroll from Hammersmith station. Here, the service is top-notch, the dishes are fresh and delicious, and the prices are incredibly budget-friendly. The open kitchen is presided over by hardworking head chef Yiğit, who cooks up hummus with pastırma (cured Turkish beef), lamb güveç kapama (lamb and veggies baked in a dough-sealed clay pot), and halloumi cheese with cherry tomatoes. Their weekend breakfast offering, complete with Turkish cheeses, jams, pastries, and egg dishes, is also a heart-conqueror.  


Dükkan isn’t your traditional Turkish restaurant. Based in Hoxton, it’s only open certain days of the month, throwing its doors open for supper clubs and pop-up dinner experiences headed up by esteemed Turkish chefs. Aside from some outliers, you can expect Dükkan to hold events every Friday and Saturday. Monthly supper club Adadayız – which translates to ‘we’re on the island’ – explores the cosmopolitan heritage of Istanbul and the Princes’ Islands that surround it. It gives guests a delicious, curated menu, and themed soundtrack. Breaking Traditions, on the other hand, is a bi-monthly affair that celebrates the fusion of Turkish and European culture by serving Turkish dishes with continental twists.

News (67)

This is when Bali’s tourist tax will come into effect

This is when Bali’s tourist tax will come into effect

In recent years, Bali has become the place to be. Whether you're on your personal Eat, Pray, Love journey, or you simply want a breathtakingly beautiful holiday, the Island of Gods is sure to conquer your heart. But, at what cost?  As millions of travellers roam around the island that is home to a delicate ecosystem, and take advantage of how affordable life in Bali is, the government is keen to 'protect the environment and culture' of the island, according to the Independent.  The country’s tourism and creative economy minister Sandiago Uno revealed that they were considering introducing a tourist tax in April, saying they wanted to shift Bali away from being a low-end holiday destination to a quality tourism hub.  It has since been announced that as of February 14 2024, every person entering the island will have to pay a $10 (£7.70, €8.90, IDR 150,000) fee. It applies to adults and children but not Indonesian tourists, and is a one-time transaction which can be paid electronically upon arrival.  The fee’s launch date is earlier than expected, and the plan for how the funds will be spent in the long term will be released after the 2024 election, according to 7News. The island's governor, I Wayan Koster, says 'We will use it for the environment [and] culture, and we will build better quality infrastructure so travelling to Bali will be more comfortable and safe.' The news follows a slew of recent restrictions on tourism in Bali, including a ban on tourists renting motorbikes 


パリを訪れるメインの目的が、アートスポット巡りだという人は多いだろう。パリには見逃せない美術館がたくさん集まっていて、史上最も有名な絵画の一つ「モナ・リザ」もある。 しかし、あと数年でそうしたパリのアートシーンに「穴」が空く。ヨーロッパ最大の現代美術コレクションを有する「ポンピドゥー・センター」が、2025年夏からの改修工事のため一時的に閉館する予定なのだ。 改修にかけられる予算は、2億6,200万ユーロ(約390億5,202万円)。フランス政府関係者は改修の理由を、1970年代に建設された建物が受けた大きなダメージに対処するためであると話している。さらに、有名なモダニズム彫刻家の創作の場を再現した「ブランクーシのアトリエ」を本館の中心部に移し、図書館の改修も行いたいとの意向も示されている。 この改修工事は当初、2023年に開始され、2027年のポンピドゥー・センター創立50周年に間に合うように完了する予定だった。しかし、残念ながら予定通りにはいかず、工事の開始が2年ほど遅れることになった。 ポンピドゥー・センターは、「ニューヨーク近代美術館(MoMA)」に匹敵する膨大なコレクションを持つ。一時閉館する前にパリを訪れる予定があるなら、ぜひ立ち寄るのがいいだろう。 またパリといえば、2024年夏には「パリオリンピック・パラリンピック」の開催が、同年12月には有名な「ノートルダム寺院」のリニューアルオープンも控えている。 関連記事 『This Paris landmark will be closing for five years(原文)』 『パリのルーヴル美術館が来館者数を1日3万人に制限』 『ジャコメッティの作品を集めた新しい美術館がパリに誕生』 『パリのノートルダム大聖堂が2024年12月から一般公開再開へ』 『パリ発の美容ブランド「ビュリー」が国内初のカフェ併設店を神戸に開業』 『東京、5月から6月に行くべきアート展』 東京の最新情報をタイムアウト東京のメールマガジンでチェックしよう。登録はこちら  
Revealed: this is officially the best road trip in the world

Revealed: this is officially the best road trip in the world

The wind in your hair, your favourite playlist blaring through the speakers and a scenic view... is there anything more liberating and peaceful than a road trip?  If making like Jack Kerouac and heading out on a four-wheeled adventure sounds ideal to you, then you'll want to keep on reading. has studied the world’s most iconic highway destinations and created a list of the best road trips across the globe. To create the ranking, they looked at each destination’s average temperature in summer, rainfall per year, sunlight hours, light pollution and national parks. They also considered how many days it takes to drive the length of the road. They concluded that the best road trip in the world was (drumroll please)... the Savannah Way! Stretching between Queensland and Western Australia, this scenic road has a whopping 15 national parks en route, a daily cost of £39 to rent a car, and an average summer temperature of 25.4C. You could easily spend a month making your way along the 3700-kilometre drive. Second on the list was the Grand Circle in the southwest of the US, offering travellers views of valleys, canyons, and ten national parks. The 1500-kilometre journey is expected to take between two to three weeks.  In third place was arguably the world’s most famous road trip, Route 66, which stretches from Chicago to Santa Monica in the US. Though the original Route 66 was decertified in 1985, many people still make the iconic journey from Illinois to the West. Here ar
The best baguette in Paris has been crowned

The best baguette in Paris has been crowned

Paris might be hosting the Olympics next year, but an even more important competition just took place: the 30th annual ‘Grand Prix de la Baguette de tradition française de la Ville de Paris’ (in other words, the Baguette Grand Prix).  The yearly competition, an ode to the traditional French baguette, has been held since 1994 and sees Parisians go head-to-head in a battle to prove that their baguette is the very best in the city. To even have their loaves considered, bakers must meet some rather exacting standards. Contenders are allowed to each submit two baguettes that weigh between 250 to 300 grams, measure between 55 and 70 centimetres, and contain 18 grams of salt per kilogram of flour. Judges – which include professionals as well as a randomly-selected jury of Parisians – then blind-taste their work, paying attention to categories including cooking, appearance, texture, smell, and taste. After fierce competition, the winning baguette this year was created by Sri Lankan baker Tharshan Selvarajah from the Au levain des Pyrénées boulangerie in Paris’s 20th arrondissement. The 37-year-old, who moved to France from Sri Lanka about a decade ago, had previously placed in the top five in the 2018 competition. Now, he has taken home the €4,000 prize and a year-long contract to be the French president’s official baguette supplier at the Élysée Palace.  How’s that for being a breadwinner? Did you read about the Paris landmark that will be closing for five years? Stay in the loop
These are the world’s best passports to have in 2023

These are the world’s best passports to have in 2023

Which country's passport you carry determines the tone of your entire travel day. While some passports let you use e-gates, walk right through to baggage reclaim without stopping at border control, and offer you protection while abroad, others can require you to go through painfully long visa procedures before every trip and leave you feeling on edge about the tens of questions the border officers will ask. As the economy fluctuates and political allyships get restructured, the strength of a nation’s passport changes, too. The UK passport, for instance, has lost a lot of its international power in the aftermath of Brexit.  To find out which passports offer their holders the most privilege, Nomad Capitalist has studied 199 countries’ visa-free travel opportunities, taxes for citizens, dual citizenship possibilities, personal freedom, and perception. Their findings revealed that, despite ranking 35th last year, the United Arab Emirates passport has become the best passport to have in 2023. Its huge jump up the rankings is due to the recent changes the country has made to allow foreigners to apply for dual citizenship, plus its ‘business-friendly’ climate, its liberating tax system, and the travel freedoms it affords.  These are the world’s 10 best passports in 2023, according to Nomad Capitalist: United Arab Emirates Luxembourg Switzerland Ireland Portugal Germany Czech Republic New Zealand Sweden Finland Did you read about how traditional passports might be replaced by human
This Paris landmark will be closing for five years

This Paris landmark will be closing for five years

Many people visit Paris with the sole purpose of museum-hopping. We can’t blame them: the city is home to many unmissable museums, not to mention one of the most famous paintings to ever exist (we’re talking about you, Mona). But from 2025, there will be a hole in the city’s museum landscape, as Paris is preparing to say a temporary farewell to contemporary art museum the Centre Pompidou.  The museum, home to the largest modern art collection in Europe, will stop accepting visitors so that it can undergo a $283.6 million renovation. French officials have shared that this is to address the significant damage the building has suffered since being built in the 1970s. The museum also wants to move its atelier Brancusi, the former studio of the famous modernist sculptor, to the heart of the main building, and refurbish its library. Originally, the renovations were meant to take off in 2023 and complete in time for the beloved institution’s 50th anniversary in 2027. Sadly, schedules didn’t work out as planned, and the closure will happen in the summer of 2025 instead. If you’re planning to be in Paris before then, make sure you schedule a stop to check out the museum’s vast collection – rivalled only in scope by New York’s MoMA – before the Centre Pompidou shuts its doors for half a decade.  If you do miss out on visiting the Centre Pompidou, there’s plenty to do in Paris during your next visit. You could stop by the Paris Olympics next summer, for instance. Or, you could plan your
You’ll soon be able to fly from the UK to Australia in less than two hours

You’ll soon be able to fly from the UK to Australia in less than two hours

Currently, travelling between the UK and Australia requires careful consideration and lots of planning ahead given its near-24-hour length (including a stopover in the middle). Many think the flight there and back will only be worth the hassle if they manage to spare weeks aside for the trip, which is a hard-to-come-by privilege. Qantas recently revealed that it will launch direct flights between London and Sydney in 2025, cutting the journey length to 20 hours. But let's be honest, that’s still not a walk in the park. Thankfully, we might only have to put up with it for another decade before suborbital flights revolutionise our transportation.  An ambitious plan to fly travellers across the world via space would see the flight time between the UK and Australia drop to a mere two hours. The flights would enter space for a period of time before descending back into the Earth’s orbit – slashing a good 20 hours of flying time in the process. To make the vision a reality, aviation experts at the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) are hard at work, studying how passengers would cope with suborbital long-haul trips. According to The Times, the CAA has found that most people are able to cope with the G-forces of a suborbital space flight. They concluded that some could experience ‘physiological responses’ but added that these would ‘likely be benign for most passengers’. Suborbital flights are currently available in a limited capacity. For instance, Virgin Galactic offers customers t
「50 Top Pizza」がヨーロッパのベストピッツェリアを発表

「50 Top Pizza」がヨーロッパのベストピッツェリアを発表

円形の生地、ジューシーなトマトソース、溶けたチーズ、そして1つ、2つの厳選されたトッピングから成るピッツァは、もはや形ある「幸福」といえるだろう。しかし残念なことに、イタリア以外の国では、おいしくないものもたくさんある。 旅先での店選びに失敗しないためには、エキスパートに頼るのが一番。ピッツァの場合は、ナポリ発のピッツェリア専門ガイド「50 Top Pizza」がいいだろう。2023年5月上旬に彼らが発表したヨーロッパのベストピッツェリアランキングを見てみよう。 1位に輝いたのは、スペイン・バルセロナのグラシア地区にある「Sartoria Panatieri」。ローストチェリートマトソース、モッツァレラチーズ、バジルオランデーズソースを使ったピッツァが評価された。 2位はデンマーク・コペンハーゲンの「Bæst」だ。シェフのクリスチアン・プリージは、ナポリスタイルからからインスピレーションを得ながらも、サワードウベースの生地やオーガニック食材のトッピングを使い、独自のアレンジを加えたピッツァを提供している。 3位は、ロンドンのトラファルガー広場からすぐのところにある「50 Kalò」。チロ・サルヴォが率いるこの店は、昨年の同ランキングでも3位に入った。 4位は、グルメなピザと豊富なワインを提供するオーストリア・ウィーンの「Via Toledo Enopizzeria」がランクイン。5位はドイツ・フュルトの「Pizza Zulu」。同店のメニューの考案者であるガスパーレ・スキティエリは、ドイツにおけるナポリピッツァの第一人者として知られる。 50 Top Pizzaは、世界の主要都市のベストピッツェリアランキングも発表している。ピッツァの発祥の地の最新ランキングは、7月に発表される予定だ。 関連記事 『Revealed: these are Europe’s 50 best pizzerias right now(原文)』 『「世界のベストピザ100」が発表、東京のピッツェリア4店舗がランクイン』 『ナポリ発のピッツェリア専門ガイドが「アメリカのベストピザ50」を発表』 『2022年の「アジアのトップピザ50」に東京のピッツェリア11店舗がランクイン』 『伊政府「イタリア料理」をユネスコ無形文化遺産に推薦』 『東京、オープンエアで食べる店23選』 東京の最新情報をタイムアウト東京のメールマガジンでチェックしよう。登録はこちら  
Alert: There is now a dedicated airline for pets

Alert: There is now a dedicated airline for pets

Travelling is great and all, but it can be heartbreaking to part with your furry friends. Many pet owners are forced to choose between leaving their beloved companions behind or placing them in the plane’s cargo section all alone. Plus, there are endless rules about pet sizes, breeds, and carriers to consider. But now, a new era is dawning for passengers flying with pets. Private airline company K9 Jets has started offering pet-friendly flights between New York and Paris, Lisbon, and London. Their mission is to provide an on-demand pay-per-seat private jet for you and your furry friend. You have two choices: you can buy a separate seat for your pet or your pet can sit on the floor with no additional charges.  Although the company offers fixed prices for its seats and passengers are only expected to pay for the seats they buy, a private jet comes with its expenses. A seat on a K9 Jets flight will cost you about $9,000, which includes your seat, taxes, snacks, and refreshments. It’s pretty steep, but who can put a price on peace of mind, eh? You and your furry companion will walk straight onto the plane without any queues, cages or cargo sections. And at least you know exactly who you’ll be sitting next to for the next few hours. Did you read about how taking sleeper trains was found to be cheaper than flying? Stay in the loop: sign up to our free Time Out Travel newsletter for the latest travel news and the best stuff happening across the world.
It’s official: taking a sleeper train could be cheaper than flying

It’s official: taking a sleeper train could be cheaper than flying

There are many reasons why travelling by sleeper trains is more attractive than a plane journey. The onboarding process is more straightforward, the baggage limits are more realistic, the atmosphere feels cosier, you get to have a restful snooze being lulled to sleep by the train’s motions, and your body doesn't end up suffering from hours of cabin pressure. Oh, and you never need to go near an airport transfer shuttle bus ever again. But don’t just take it from us: Which? Travel has now found that as well as being more environmentally friendly, sleeper trains are also more affordable than hopping on a jet. They studied the cost of air travel versus train travel for five sleeper train routes, with a variety of group sizes. Two were in the UK – the Night Riviera from London to Cornwall, and the Caledonian Sleeper from London to the Highlands of Scotland. The remaining three routes were in Europe: Paris to Vienna, Brussels to Vienna and London to Berlin. Their findings showed that, while flights may initially seem a lot cheaper, they become more expensive when you add in the cost of baggage and an extra night’s accommodation. If a family of four chose trains over planes, they could save around £100. For a bigger family, the savings would jump to over £250. Talking about the findings, Which? Travel editor Rory Boland said: ‘Many of us want to reduce our carbon footprint by swapping the plane for the train, but price remains a barrier. While new sleeper train routes have launched


2023年4月中旬に人気映画監督であるウェス・アンダーソンに敬意を表する、新しいTikTokトレンドが盛り上がりを見せた。アンダーソンといえば強調されたパステルカラー、左右対称の画角、カメラを直接見つめる登場人物など、独特の映画美学で知られている。 そのトレンドとは普段の生活を「ウェス・アンダーソン風」に撮影するというもの。世界中のTikTokkersたちが人生のシンプルな喜びをロマンチックに表現して共有し続けた結果、「#WesAnderson」が付いた投稿の再生回数はTikTokだけで5億5470万回まで跳ね上がったのだ。 こうした天文学的数字をたたき出す人気にもかかわらず、アンダーソンが2015年にミラノでカフェをデザインしたことを知らない人は多いかもしれない。 プラダ財団の建物にある「バー・ルーチェ(Bar Luce)」は、1950〜60年代にタイムスリップしたようなインテリアのカラフルなコーヒーハウス。アンダーソンは自分のデザインアプローチについて、こう説明している。 「本当に小さい頃は建築家になりたかったのです。本物の建築家になりきるために与えられたこのチャンスは、子どもの頃のファンタジーが実現したようなもの。ここは映画のセットとしてもかなり使えると思いますが、映画の脚本を書くには絶好の場所でしょう。私は自分自身がノンフィクションな午後を過ごしたいと思うようなバーを作ろうとしたのです」 もしあなたが、SNS投稿のために、ウェス・アンダーソンをテーマにした完璧な背景が欲しいと思ったら、行くべき場所はミラノかもしれない。 関連記事 『There’s a whole Wes Anderson-designed bar in Milan(原文)』 『ウェス・アンダーソンすぎる風景展 あなたのまわりは旅のヒントにあふれている』 『ウェス・アンダーソンのようなシンガポールとは?』 『ウェス・アンダーソンがデザインした列車がイギリスで運行』 『インタビュー:ウェス・アンダーソン』 『ミラノは「都市の森」をどう築こうとしているのか』 東京の最新情報をタイムアウト東京のメールマガジンでチェックしよう。登録はこちら  


ドイツ自然写真協会(GDT)が開催している写真賞「GDT Nature Photographer of the Year 2023」の受賞者が決定。ドイツ・ヴッパータールの写真家、ジルケ・ホッチェ(Silke Hüttche)の「Scenes of a Marriage」(ある結婚の風景:作品名の訳は編集部によるもの。以下同様)が優秀賞に輝いた。 この作品を撮影した経緯について、ホッチェは次のように語っている。 Photograph: Silke Hüttche   「私はどこにいても、常に鳥を探す習慣があります。この電柱も前を通るたびに、鳥がいないか必ず見上げていました。2021年9月の少し退屈な日、ふと目をやると(電柱のアームの)片方の端にトンビ が止まっていて、まもなく2羽目が反対側に来たのです。彼らはペアなのか、それともライバルなのかと考えるとワクワクしてきて、動きのある写真を撮ろうと、私はカメラを取り出して待つことにしました」 「当初、二羽の間に何らかのやりとりが生まれることを期待したのですが、互いに『何も言うことはない』という態度を取っているかのごとく、反対方向を見続けたまま……。結局、私はこの完璧なシンメトリーの情景に魅了されたのです。幸運にも2羽とも、私が望む写真が撮れるまで、長い間じっとしていてくれていました」 このほか、応募のあった7000点のうち8作品が「鳥類」「哺乳類」「そのほかの動物」「植物」「菌類」「景観」などの各部門賞や審査員賞を受賞した。高評価作品を受けた作品のいくつかを以下に紹介する。 Christian Höfs「Grey Partridge」(ヨーロッパヤマウズラ) 鳥類部門 1位 Photograph: Christian Höfs   Daniela Graf「Colour in the Dark」(暗闇の中の色) そのほかの動物部門 2位 Photograph: Daniela Graf Britta Strack「Mystical Glacier」(神秘的な氷河) 景観部門 1位  Photograph: Britta Strack Florian Smith「Living Together」(ともに生きる) アーバンネイチャー部門 4位 Photograph: Florian Smith Dominik Janoschka「Beyond」(かなたに) ネイチャーズスタジオ部門 8位 Photograph: Dominik Janoschka Antje Kreienbrink「Water Lily Painting」(スイレンの絵) 植物・菌類部門 1位 Photograph: Antje Kreienbrink Jens Cullmann「Observer」(観察者) 哺乳類部門 1位 Photograph: Jens Cullmann Daniel Böttcher「Birchwood」(シラカバの木) ネイチャーズスタジオ部門 5位 Photoograph: Daniel Boettcher 関連記事 『These spectacular shots triumphed at the Nature Photographer of the Year Awards 2023(原文)』 『写真の祭典「KYOTOGRAPHIE 京都国際写真祭」が開催中』 『「美食写真」を選ぶ写真賞、ケバブ売りをとらえた作品が最優秀』 『笑える野生動物写真賞、最優秀作品はどれに?