Anthony is a stand-up comedian, improviser, actor and personal trainer living in Chicago. Originally from New Jersey and one of eight children, Anthony began his lifelong pursuit of comedy doing imitations of family members at the dinner table. He can be seen performing stand-up and improv in various venues throughout the city. 

Anthony Bonazzo

Anthony Bonazzo

News (4)

7 painfully annoying things Chicagoans do on the road

7 painfully annoying things Chicagoans do on the road

While the Midwest is known for being a friendly and welcoming region, drivers in Chicago can be downright jerks. That good, old-fashioned Midwestern friendliness doesn't translate to the road, which helps explain why Wisconsinites refer to Illinois drivers as FIBs (Fucking Illinois Bastards). Driving in Chicago can be an incredibly obnoxious experience, especially when other motorists have no regard for anyone else on the road. Here are seven annoying things Chicagoans need to stop doing.  Failing to wave. When someone lets you into a lane, it's common courtesy to give a grateful wave. You'll rarely see this in Chicago. Sure, it's not the worst thing in the world, but it's nice to be acknowledged for courteous lane usage.  Not inching up when making a turn. Why are people afraid to approach an intersection? We are taught to slowly pull up to an intersection and make a turn when safe. If you stay all the way back at the light, you're keeping everyone who's behind you from turning. It can be maddening when you get stuck at a light not because the traffic is bad, but because a driver doesn't know this basic rule of the road. It’s not about being an aggressive driver, it's about being a good driver. Driving slow in the fast lane. If you're driving slow in the fast lane and someone is riding your tail, then get out of the damn lane. The fast lane is designed for people who want to (wait for it) drive fast, not for people who want to take a casual Sunday cruise.  Speeding up when s
8 worst ways to flake out on your friends in Chicago

8 worst ways to flake out on your friends in Chicago

Chicago is a wonderful city with a vibrant social life. There's an array of things to do on any given night, from tons of cool beer bars to countless summer festivals. But Chicago is also like a big college campus, so flaking out on your friends is not the coolest thing you can do. You are likely to run into them somewhere around town, so you're better off trying not to be a flake. We all have that friend who's always looking for the next best option. They get in touch late (or not at all) and are super high-maintenance. Before I moved to Chicago everyone told me what a great city it was, but one person I talked to said she couldn’t stand it because it was filled with people always looking for “the next big thing.” One thing's for sure, as Chicagoans we need to be less crappy to our friends. Here are eight terrible ways to flake out on your friends. If you are guilty of any of them, you should stop. 1. The "I only go out in my neighborhood" friend: Chicago is comprised of neighborhoods. If you never leave your neighborhood, you are not only missing out, you are a selfish friend. 2. The weather blamer: It started raining, it’s too cold, too windy or too hot. These apply to every single day of the year in Chicago. If you think these are legitimate excuses, you are too high-maintenance of a friend. 3. The "there are no cabs" friend: Maybe Uber is at surge pricing, or maybe this friend just blames the CTA for everything. These people create drama rather than just saying they don’
5 great spots for a run that aren't the Lakefront Trail

5 great spots for a run that aren't the Lakefront Trail

Spring is well underway in Chicago, which means it's finally time to shed some of that winter weight you packed on during the polar vortex. Running outside is a great, free exercise option, but the Lakefront Trail is usually way too packed and filled with obnoxious people. With that in mind, here are five alternative spots that make for a way more enjoyable run. North Branch Trail: Named for the North Branch of the Chicago River, the trail is a great respite from the noise of the city. It is located within a forest preserve and boasts an array of scenery and wildlife, including deer who have no fear of human contact. The trail starts at the intersection of Caldwell and Devon on the city's Northwest Side, and runs approximately 17 miles all the way up to the Skokie Lagoons. It is also a connection point to access the Chicago Botanic Garden, Caldwell Woods and the Greenbay Trail. Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary: Located in Uptown, the bird sanctuary is filled with winding paths in a quiet preserve and houses more than 300 species of birds, some of which are among the rarest in the state. It's a great escape from the bustle, and has some killer views of the skyline. The sanctuary is adjacent to Montrose Beach and Montrose Harbor.  Yukich Fields: A hidden gem just south of the city in Evergreen Park at Kedzie and 87th, Yukich Fields offers not only great scenery, but also has various running tracks, exercise stations, ponds and fountains with some colorful (and not so shy) wildlife
The 10 girls you'll meet on Tinder

The 10 girls you'll meet on Tinder

Navigating the strange, vexing world of Tinder can be a difficult task for a man. While guys don't have to deal with the level of harassment or douchebaggery that women experience on the app, there is still a psychological gauntlet that comes with swiping right. Here are the 10 types of women you're going to encounter on the app. RECOMMENDED: The 10 guys you'll meet on Tinder 1. The Girl with Commitment Issues You will talk about getting a drink, but you never actually do. She is either “crazy busy," has been “traveling a lot for work” or “hasn’t been on in a while” even though her status says she’s been active in the past day. You have good conversations and talk about meeting, but it never happens. She’s so tied up that even the thought of a drink proposed electronically gives her the willies. 2. The Girl Not Looking for a Hookup  She will post on her profile that she is not looking for a hook up, but when you actually meet she's looking for exactly that. You get a drink, you meet and then she’s moving things back to your place. As if! I am a gentleman! Sometimes these girls actually mean it and are looking for the man of their dreams—on Tinder.   3. The Height-obsessed Girl Your conversation immediately goes from “Hi” to “How tall are you?” And she isn’t shy about blocking you if she doesn’t like your answer mid-conversation. She might follow with “Sorry, I love to wear heels,” to which I usually counter with, “How much do you weigh?” It’s usually met with good humor.   4.