Family portrait
If you think that famed restaurateur Danny Meyer considers his renowned eateries—including Union Square Cafe, Gramercy Tavern and the rapidly expanding Shake Shack chain—his babies, you’re wrong. The legendary chef and entrepreneur has even greater loves at home: four children (Hallie, Charles, Gretchen and Peyton) and wife, Audrey, a singer and actress. The family resides in Gramercy Park, near most of Danny’s restaurants.
How do you two manage your daily routine?AM Teamwork. It’s lucky that we live in the neighborhood where Danny has his business and three out of the four children go to school. So in the mornings, we share in the responsibility of dropping them off else do we manage?DM The truth of the matter is that Audrey takes on at least 90 percent of anything that has specifically to do with getting the kids here and there, to this doctor or that piano lesson. AM And then I fill Danny in on where he needs to be—and when!
So what’s dinnertime like at your house?AM Our sitter and I prepare the food. Danny’s the great weekend guy on the grill, or he’ll do the Sunday family pasta night. DM Generally what happens is that Audrey sits with the kids during an early dinner and then, if I’m lucky, Audrey and I have dinner together around 9:30. AM Well, I used to wait for Danny before eating, but more and more I’m not doing that. I’m eating with the kids earlier. Actually eating versus just sitting and talking. So sometimes I eat twice!
What’s your stance on fast food?