Alexa Tucker

Alexa Tucker

Articles (5)

The 16 best views in Barcelona

The 16 best views in Barcelona

There's never a shortage of things to do in Barcelona, whether you're into museums, beaches or historical sites. One of the best things to lay your eyes on though, is, well, all of it. And luckily for you, Barcelona has viewpoints for days.  Be it bars, restaurants or famous monuments, there are plenty of spots all over the city to take in everything from above (and allow for some pretty incredible photos). Whether you're an architecture buff, an outdoorsy type or you just fancy a backdrop with your cocktail, here are the best lookout spots for an unforgettable view of Barcelona. RECOMMENDED:🍹 The best rooftop bars in Barcelona🌳 The best parks in Barcelona🦐 The best tapas bars in Barcelona🏨 The best hotels in Barcelona🚍 The best bus tours in Barcelona Alexa Tucker and Rita Roig are writers at Time Out Barcelona. At Time Out, all of our travel guides are written by local writers who know their cities inside out. For more about how we curate, see our editorial guidelines.
Las mejores vistas de Barcelona

Las mejores vistas de Barcelona

Barcelona es preciosa de punta a punta. ¿Quién lo puede negar? Tenemos un gran litoral, parques y jardines donde te puedes perder, iglesias donde refugiarse del ajetreo de la ciudad, una actividad que nunca para. Pero si os preguntamos desde dónde se puede disfrutar de las mejores vistas, ¿dónde nos llevaríais? Esta es nuestra selección. Encontraréis bares, museos y lugares claves en la montaña. ¡Disfrutad! NO TE LO PIERDAS: 50 lugares de Cataluña que debes conocer
Les millors vistes de Barcelona

Les millors vistes de Barcelona

Barcelona és preciosa de punta a punta. Qui ho pot negar? Tenim un gran litoral, parcs i jardins on et pots perdre, esglésies on refugiar-se de l'enrenou de la ciutat, una activitat que mai para. Però si us preguntem des d'on es poden gaudir les millors vistes, on ens portaríeu? Aquesta és la nostra tria. Hi trobareu bars, museus i llocs claus a la muntanya. Gaudiu-ne! NO T'HO PERDIS: 50 llocs de Barcelona que has de veure
Catalan food dictionary

Catalan food dictionary

Deciding what to order at a restaurant in Barcelona is challenging enough as it is, but the language barrier you’ll often come across at authentic restaurants only makes the choice more difficult. From various fish dishes, to tapas-style finger foods and desserts, Catalan cuisine is delicious but very complex if you don’t exactly know what you’re ordering. This handy food dictionary will help guide your classic Catalan cuisine choices (so you’re not too caught off guard when your food arrives). Just as important, though, is how to ask for your coffee: so we’ve also included a mini guide to what you’ll get when you order five Barcelona café mainstays.  RECOMMENDED: Full guide to the best restaurants in Barcelona
Barcelona cycling guide

Barcelona cycling guide

There's never a shortage of things to see in Barcelona, but for visitors, there's often a shortage of time. Cycling around to take in the city's sights is an incredibly efficient, fun and healthy way to enjoy everything Barcelona has to offer, from the sea to the monuments to the vibrant streets that make this the energetic place it is. Taking a spin around a city as bustling as Barcelona can be intimidating, but beginners, have no fear – most of the stretches on these routes are equipped with a designated bike lane. So grab a friend, hop on a bike, and get pedalling.