Peonies gets serious points for originality: a florist meets Château d’Eau coffee shop concept store. Sip on your organic matcha green tea, eat 100% vegetarian food and leave with a bouquet of flowers when you’re done. The place is beautiful and airy, complete with emerald tiles, designer lamps, terrazzo-style tables, an Ines Longevil painting and blush-coloured walls. Have your Instagram at the ready for their avocado toast, homemade granola (with fresh fruit) and gluten-free cake...
Paris' coffee scene is a-buzzing. And we're not just talking about the city-born roasteries like Brûlerie de Belleville, which you'll find at places like Lockwood, La Fontaine de Belleville, and Ten Belles.
But today, it's not even enough to have the best beans in town (although God knows it helps), some places are going the extra mile to be both concept store & coffee shop. So if you're not content with just a cappuccino, head to one of these hybrid coffee shops where you can do so much more; from fixing your bike, to buying a vintage print.