Puebla, Sinfonía Inaudible (by Juan Manuel Barreda Ruiz)
by Juan Manuel Barreda Ruiz

Jeudis du Doc

Viseur Festival presents a selection of brilliant contemporary Mexican documentaries, every last Thursday of the month


Like documentaries? Then this festival is for you - even if it does have a rather niche premise. Every last Thursday of the month at Cinéma Action Christine, Viseur film festival puts on a screening of a contemporary Mexican documentary for seven months of the year. The first two films exemplified the range of subject matter and talent coming out of Mexico - 'Puebla, Sinfonía Inaudible' and 'Mi amiga Bety' dealt with, respectively, the heritage, traditions and rhythm of society in Mexico's bustling city Puebla, and the differing fates of two childhood friends. A selective programme of films that are in turn moving, entertaining, funny and hard-hitting. It hasn't even finished yet, and already we're looking forward to next year.

See the festival's website here

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