FIFE - Festival International du Film d'Environnement

Festival international du film d'environnement

The greenest festival on the film calendar runs across Ile-de-France, Feb 4-11


The government of the Ile-de-France region has pledged to reduce CO2 emissions by 75% before 2030 rolls around. While that ambitious target isn't going to be met without a whole lot of vélibbing, the region's newfound environmental conscience has already yielded some concrete results – not least a strong promotional drive for this, the 31st edition of the International Festival of Environmental Film. If the remit – to celebrate cinematic achievement while raising awareness of the ecological problems that face us – is hardly sexy, the programme is rather attractive: 100 films and 22 web docs from 30-odd countries, ranging from kids' screenings to a Special Focus on works from Spain and the Maghreb. And given that cinema is one of the four largest sectors for employment in Ile-de-France, the festival offers a vital reminder that economies don't have to be predicated on rampant industry. Oh and by the way, all screenings are free.

The festival takes place in various venues across Ile-de-France, centred on the Cinéma des Cinéastes. For the full programme (in French), click here.

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