One of the city’s most beautiful summer traditions is on its way, and you won’t want to miss this free viewing experience.
Manhattanhenge, the phenomenon when the sun sets along with Manhattan's grid, making it appear like the orange orb is sinking between the skyscrapers, occurs every summer. It's a special time when pedestrian traffic slows, and everyone's temporarily aware of their surroundings to observe the gorgeous natural occurrence.
For regular sunset viewing, NYC offers plenty of incredible spots, including rooftop bars as well as elevated NYC Parks like The High Line for admiring the perfectly pink-and-orange colored sky. However, for Manhattanhenge, there are specific streets (at very specific times) you should hit.
Here's when and where to observe Manhattanhenge.
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What is Manhattanhenge?
Manhattanhenge is an incredibly beautiful event that happens when the setting sun perfectly aligns with Manhattan’s east-west grid. It's nicknamed this way as a nod to Stonehenge, the prehistoric observatory located in Wiltshire, England. It's also nicknamed Manhattan's Solstice.
When is Manhattanhenge?
According to the experts at the American Museum of Natural History, there are four days to enjoy the experience. Two offer "full sun on the grid" meaning the full orb aligns with the horizon, while the other two show half the sun as it dips out of sight.
See "full sun on the grid" on Wednesday, May 29 at 8:12pm and Friday, July 12 at 8:20pm.
As for "half sun" options, you can see that on Tuesday, May 28 at 8:13pm and Saturday, July 13 at 8:21pm.
Note that inclement weather can affect the experience. One more note: You may see other dates floating around, but AMNH says these are the ones to use as other organizations may not have properly calcuated with Leap Day.
What are the best streets to see Manhattanhenge?
According to Neil deGrasse Tyson, the best cross streets are 14th, 23rd, 34th, 42nd, and 57th, as they’re wide blocks with interesting buildings for framing your photos. It is recommended to go east for the best views.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson notes, "The Empire State Building and the Chrysler Building render 34th Street and 42nd Street especially striking vistas."
Other prime locations include the Tudor City Overpass in Manhattan and Hunter's Point South Park in Long Island City, Queens.