Why they’re single:
Austin: He’s been working on his personal development, so relationships have been on the back burner.
Ruthanne: She hasn’t met someone who has the same amount of interest in her as she does in them.
Ideal date:
Austin: Going to a speakeasy and grabbing dumplings
Ruthanne: Getting pizza and then hitting up a West Village bar
First impression
Austin: “I was about 20 minutes late when I got there. My first impression was that she was very warm and fantastic. She seemed really understanding that I was running late.”
Ruthanne: “I thought he was very handsome and good-looking, and he smelled really great. He was somewhat new to the city, and he seemed really excited about being in New York.”
Austin: “I would say there was chemistry. I think we had a ton in common. We were both really passionate about travel, and that was something we were able to connect on.”
Ruthanne: “I thought there was romantic chemistry! We talked about our hobbies and travel and where we’ve lived before. I think we were definitely on the same page about a lot.”
Awkward Moment
Austin: “The most awkward thing was that I was late. She did her best to make me feel not awkward, but I just felt really bad about it. But there wasn’t really anything other than that.”
Ruthanne: “I don’t think there was an awkward moment. I think he’ll probably say that his being late was awkward, but I don’t think that was awkward at all. It was a great night.”
Austin: “After we ate, we went outside and sat by the water for an hour, just talking. I got her number, and we plan on hanging out later this week. She was amazing.”
Ruthanne: “We talked about hanging out again. We were definitely both interested in going on a second date. There was a hug and a kiss goodbye at the end of the night.”
Austin: ♥♥♥♥♥ “It was fantastic. We really enjoyed each other’s company, and we had a lot in common. It was a conversation and a situation that we’d like to continue.”
Ruthanne: ♥♥♥♥♥ “It was a unique experience and an amazing blind date. Austin is an absolute catch. My expectations were really low, and this definitely exceeded them.”
Our daters went to Time Out Market New York (55 Water St, 917-810-4855)
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