Not if you spend all day holed up in your room obsessively analyzing the lyrics of Radiohead’s OK Computer it isn’t. Fortunately, the band’s fans can use this hypnotic backstage-at-the-tour documentary as an excuse to get social.
Never let anyone tell you that music is only about the music. At least since the 1980s, it’s been almost equally a visual medium – just ask REO Speedwagon, Yes or any of the other blandly anonymous rock groups that got put out to pasture once MTV came around. That’s what makes music documentaries such a fruitful subgenre of cinematic nonfiction: the mix of genius and absurdity that comes along with pop stardom makes musicians a natural subject for filmmakers.
With one of the music doc greats, Dig!, back in cinemas in 2025 via an extended new cut called Dig! XX, here are 25 prime examples of the genre. They run the gamut from biographies to concert films to tour diaries to more experimental explorations of sonic brilliance, but they all prove that musicians want to be seen nearly as much as heard.
🎥 The 66 best documentaries ever made.
🤘 10 unforgettable concert films to watch from home.